The key that made you lose weight

zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
Going on from the other tread about what made you make the changes and lose weight.

What is the major key thing that made you successful in losing weight?

Why is it different this time?

Why are you succeeding where you have failed time and time again.

I must say for me, i think it is having the support of my partner. We have been food buddies for years, and sabotaging each others efforts for years, and now, we're on it together, we're succeeding together, and we're motivating each other. It's turned into a cycle of positive actions and outcomes.

I've started the journey many times, and given up, failed and what not, but this time, it's different, i'm never going back!


  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Determination, motivation, and confidence.
  • williamhobbs
    MFP suggested 1770 calories a day. I wasn't losing. But, I wasn't as careful as I am know about intake.

    Here are my biggies that turned around:

    I quit drinking. Waste of calories, bad for health anyway.
    I bought a food scale. I measure everything.
    I am down to about 1200-1300 calories a day. I don't increase that no matter what exercise I do.

    So far, so good. The weight keeps slowly dropping off, which is key for me because it motivates me to stay on this path.

  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    I have been experiencing retina detachment proceedures and surgeries. I have no control over the vision problems. I decided I could put ;myself in control of other potential health problems. Plus I looked at my chart when the doctor left the office and saw the word obese. Fat seemed OK to me but OBESES! Also I am a complainer about the high cost of medical insurance and proceedures and yet I was obese which is a leading factor in health costs being so high.

    The thought of someone having to care give for me scares the bejesus out of me. I don't want to care give anyone and I hate the thought I might have needed it as an obese person.

    This time I joined TOPS (Take off pounds sensibly) and forced to weigh in every week. I am held accountable. I hate letting the group down with a gain. In 209 I weighed 209 and I weighed 169 this morning.
  • Anna19911
    Anna19911 Posts: 141
    Honestly, weight watchers. I never would have gotten this far with out it.
  • 323felicity
    For me, I think having a food diary has really made a difference. Now I'm much more mindful of the things I eat and I'd hate to have to justify eating something really terrible! Also, seeing everybody on here losing major weight is very motivating. If they can do it, I can do it!
  • SandyLee1961
    SandyLee1961 Posts: 133 Member
    When I had a doctor look me in the eye and tell me that a) I was looking at back surgery b) That I would be in a wheelchair within 5 years and c) that morphine would have to be prescribed for the back pain. Well, I'm stubborn - and right then and there I said, enough, the weight has to come off. At that doctors appointment I weighed 93 KG (that's over 200lbs) - I'm down now to 73.4 (as of today). I went to the doctor just last month - he's now quite happy with me and said I've probably extended the time before I will have to have the surgery - oh and no morphine :) Yes, I'll end up sooner than later with surgery, BUT I'm doing my best to make it later!

    I love this program, so glad I found it 2 days ago!
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    Tie for #1 reason - support of my husband who is on this journey with me. Tied with that are 2 beautiful little girls that encourage me daily to lose the weight - I had told them from day 1 - our reason is to be able to do more with them by summertime, last year we tired way too fast on them. I don't want to repeat that again this year - I want to run and play with my girls, they are 2 and 4 and I want to make this our lifetime commitment.

    In addition to lead by example. Still struggling to get the oldes to eat veggies - but she does eat raw carrots or salad and she loves fruit - We keep encouraging her to try new things, but I'm happy with accomodating her in the small ways - at least it's healthier eating. Don't get me wrong, we still let them have chicken nuggets, hot dogs and other stuff - in moderation.

    Another key - seeing my parents struggle daily with diabetes and knowing my sister and I have both been diagnosed with PCOS, both considered to be insulin resistant - neither of us have it bad enough to be on medication - and neither of us ever want to be - she is also on this journey with us, as well as her hubby. The more the merrier :smile:
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    not having a car!!..that way I could not go to drive thrus!! :laugh:
  • Lexie71
    Lexie71 Posts: 144 Member
    What finally helped me was I stopped dieting. I stopped counting calories. I stopped restricting what I could eat, and when I could eat. I let go of all the external rules and learned to trust my body to tell me when it needed food, what food it wanted, and how much. I stopped judging myself. I learned more coping skills to deal with life instead of eating when I needed to deal with an event or emotion. I found "Am I Hungry" which helped to teach me all of these common-sense skills that I had forgotten during the years of weight watchers, atkins, heart soup, and every other diet out there. Weight loss is so much easier and more pleasant. I now enjoy exercise. Food/eating, counting, weighing, is no longer the center of my life. I'm too busy living. :)