I need to know what to eat :/



  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    I actually cook it in low sodium chicken stock and add garlic and eat as a side with dinner, like rice or a potato.
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    I know how you feel! It's overwhelming at first to change your cooking, shopping and eating habits. And I hate lettuce. Just can't stand iceberg and the rest of them aren't much better.

    One thing that helped me was the book "Glorious One Pot Meals" - it's not crockpot cooking, but dutch oven cooking. If you've got a heavy, oven safe pot with lid you're all set. (If not you can get a good dutch oven at Walmart or a discount home store for a pretty low price.) All the recipes take less than an hour from prep to finish. Everything goes in one pot and the recipes are designed to be nutritionally balanced with plenty of veggies, whole grains and lean protein. I generally double her spice amounts, but otherwise the food is tasty, quick to make, and nobody thinks I'm serving them diet food. I've gotten some really positive responses from people who are dead set against anything that's labeled healthy eating.

    Another thing is to start buying low fat dairy products - skim milk, non-fat yogurt, etc. It cuts a lot of fat out of your diet and you won't miss the flavor. I actually prefer skim milk to the full fat milk I was raised on.

    Also, keep applesauce cups, cuties (those little tiny oranges), lean cheese, reduced fat ritz crackers, and cottage cheese available all the time for snacking. I don't generally buy foods labeled "lite" or diet because they either taste bad or they have replaced the fat with sugar, but the things I listed make great low cal snacks for when you really need an energy boost or just have a tiny craving that needs satisfying without blowing all your calories.