Hello :)

Hello. My name is Stephanie and a friend at school recommended this site for keeping food/exercise diary. I'm a high school math teacher and our school decided to have its own "Biggest Loser" contest for any facult interested. I know how to lose weight and exercise... this is just the motivation I needed to really get back on track. (I was once 310 lbs about 3 years ago, followed Fit for Life/Eating for Life plan by Bill Phillips and lost approx 75 lbs.) I've been super busy the past 2 years which has helped me put 15 of those lbs back on and kept my wonderfully supportive husband and I from being as regular to the gym as we were then, but we're baaaaack!! I plan to win our school contest -- hoping to make good food choices when out of town over Easter weekend.

The trackers here are wonderful and so easy to use.

Look forward to seeing y'all on the boards. Best wishes!!:smile:


  • ineednapkin
    ineednapkin Posts: 151
    Hello Stephanie!
    Good luck on your weight loss journey! I just started, and so far it's doing a good job of keeping me accountable :)
  • Jit7
    Jit7 Posts: 75
    Good luck!