Can someone please explain to me....



  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Because you aren't following my 3 cardinal rules:

    Praise them
    Sex them
    Feed them


    You are a very smart woman.
  • JohnnyNull
    JohnnyNull Posts: 294 Member
    It's 'cause women are perfect. Gives us slack.

    And I've been cranky since I was born. Please don't take that accomplishment away from me.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I'm 57 in a couple of months. I do all the cooking and I clean my own dishes as I cook. I do my own laundry. If I have an inkling of something that my wife wants, I go out and make it happen.

    Not all men are the same, just as not all women deserve to be generalized.

    ^^^ Real man. You should teach classes on the subject.:love:
  • sweetnshy
    sweetnshy Posts: 97
    how the h*ll do you get your husband to put dirty dishes on the counter?!?!? I would be one happy girl if he would at least take them to the counter! They sit on the coffee table or where ever he was eating...found a plate with syrup and half a waffle in the bathroom this am when I woke up!
  • mike_littlerock
    mike_littlerock Posts: 296 Member
    What the hell.. I might as well jump in front of this speeding train too. :)
    ...why men are so grouchy after 55?
    I agree with the earlier post regarding low testosterone. I think many men suffer from the effects of this but feel it makes them "less of a man" if they seek medical help, so they prefer to suffer and make others around them suffer with them.

    ...why dirty dishes are left on the counter instead of in the dishwasher?
    I do not know how to operate this piece of machinery, it scares me!
    OK, smart-*kitten* comment is out of the way, but my wife and I actually share kitchen duties. I do the vast majority of the cooking, as cooking has always been a passion of mine. she takes the cleaning side of that bargain and actually does a better job of keeping the kitchen always looking great. I have heard her friends groan when they hear of the cooking/cleaning arrangement, but it is one that works for us. I will also point out that if we have a dinner party that I am often on my feet cooking for 6 or more hours, and it takes her perhaps 30-45 minutes to clean up. On a "normal" day, I think the time spent on each of our duties is about even.

    ...why husbands wait to be asked to do something?
    I actually try to do things for my wife without being asked. I will run her a bath and pour her a glass of wine if I know she had a hard day, etc. I think most men do like doing things for people they love, and I am blessed to have an AMAZING wife. I can admit that she has asked me to do things and I might have forgotten, but she has forgotten things too, and we dont focus on negative things, or simple human mistakes.
    Footnote: Nobody really works well when they are being hounded/nagged repeatedly to do a task. the person might do it just to stop the nagging, but I bet they usually do a crappy job. lol. (i do feel that men and women can both be nags, not unique to one group or another)
  • Froggy1976
    Froggy1976 Posts: 472
    I think it has something to do with their dangly least that is what we attribute my goofy 3 year old son's odd behavior too...don't think it is much different for the taller ones either
    Dangly bits made me laugh. I will look for an opportunity to use this in the future!
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    ...why men are so grouchy after 55?
    ...why dirty dishes are left on the counter instead of in the dishwasher?
    ...why husbands wait to be asked to do something?

    I'm 57 in two weeks. Not grouchy. Don't wait to take care of something. Do the dishes. Unload the dishwasher.

    Sounds like a personal problem.