I need to stop eating at night after getting home from running the kids to sports activities and having to get them ready for the next morning. I start eating snacks which leads to eating sometimes more calories then I ate for the day. I want to stop but some how I end up talking myself out of my plans.

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  • garymccord
    garymccord Posts: 16 Member
    Been there and fought that battle :)

    What sort of snack are you eating?

    I know this may sound obvious, but force yourself not to buy them - if they are not close to hand then you're less likely to pop out to the store regardless of cravings.
  • bike4now
    bike4now Posts: 52
    I eat late at night also. I feel I need to. In fact I just pounded down 500 cals. But its ok, because I plan for it and still come in under my daily goal.
  • blobby10
    blobby10 Posts: 357 Member
    My sabotage time is when I do the school run in the afternoons. For some reason as soon as I get home I want food! So I don't have it in the house - much healthier for the kids too as they snack on toast which I find easy to resist due to the unfortunate effect too much bread has on my stomach!!

    Try carrots, pepper, tomatoes etc or a cup of tea with half a spoon of sugar

    B x
  • LA191026
    LA191026 Posts: 8
    I agree, I do it too. Im a grazer and eat alot at night mainly.
    And, I also eat to suit my moods.
    I try not to buy the stuff...mainly sweets in my case and have a yoghurt or something.
  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308
    I hear you, my friend. After all that work I feel like I deserve a reward. I have been trying to tell myself that my reward is being kinder to myself. The "treat" I have found that I love best is mixing some strawberries with a vanilla yogurt and some milk in the blender. It is sweet and the yogurt gives it some protein too. Also air popped popcorn, then spray on that fake "Can't believe it's not butter" spray found in the dairy section. I am not a fan of fake things, but this does taste pretty close, sprinkle it with some salt and I am set. Good luck.
  • jtfive
    jtfive Posts: 7
    Most everyday I have the same issue. I struggle but when I do accomplish going to bed without eating junk after 7:30pm I feel 10 pounds lighter in the morning. I usually am successful when I pack a few snacks in the am, planning on eating those after 7:30pm. I have also stopped watching as much TV at night, that is a big part of the problem for me. I eat while I watch and I dont even realize how much until the whole bag of chips is gone. Find a good book and read instead I dont eat while I read it may help you too. Good luck you are on the right track I think we all are just cause we are talking about it and that is a great start.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    I hear you was good for months back at it this week. I think there are tricks that might help but its really just a matter of sticking to our plan of better healthier us. Catch yourself eatting and ask the hard ? do I want this extra food or do i want to be proud and happy with myself. Be kind to yourself either way and if you decide to eat make sure you truely enjoy it, sit down and taste it, other wise walk away drink, water or have fruit or 1/2 milk. Will power is needed here. best of luck
  • longtallted
    longtallted Posts: 34 Member
    Keep yourself busy - go out for a brisk 20 minute walk, call a friend for a chat, do some ironing, stay out of the kitchen, learn to juggle (seriously - absorbs your mind and your hands!).

    If you have to eat something, don't buy the evil snacks but have something in that won't do you any harm but is satisfying to chew on - celery, carrots, etc.

    Put your goals up where you can see them on the fridge door or the cookie tin.
  • cherylcole15
    This happens to me all through the day!
    My motivation mainly comes through photos. Not of what I don't want to look like but what I DO want to look like. Stick them on the fridge, on the cupboards, even on your phone. I find that helps. But sometimes you just can't help it, but that's OK too, as long as your are able to identify that and get right back on the wagon afterwards.
    It's also good to try and remember how good you feel when you've said NO!
    My final tip is to carry mints with you. I eat sugar free mints all the time. It keeps my mouth busy and also when I've had something minty I don't like to eat stuff straight after. It works for me! If you have the mint in your mouth and if someone offers you something to eat or you see something you like the look of it's easier to say NO!

    You can do it !
  • rakelros
    rakelros Posts: 67
    I used to eat at night.
    Pop corn is a big no no - especially later in the day. (way to many carbs).
    I usually try to eat carrots if I feel peckish in the night, but it usually does it to just drink a whole lot of water instead, My stomach fills up nicely, and even if I have to get up in the night to pee, I feel very proud of myself for not caving in.

    I used to eat snacks or candy every night in front of the tv, but after about a month of hard mind-training games, I finally stopped. Now I can´t even think about eating anything at night. If I feel hungry, I drink lots of water, and if the option is there, I go to bed early.
  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    I have so much trouble with this too! It's when I finally relax for the day, and snacking just sounds sooo good!

    My strategy lately has been to snack more throughout the day so I make sure I'm not starving by later evening.

    Then if I can't resist a snack, I try to have something gratifying, like fat-free hot chocolate or something. the warmth fills me up, chocolate satisfies cravings, and I don't feel like I'm giving in at all.