7 Days No Sweets Challenge: Week 1

I have such a sweet tooth and I've been eating terribly the last few days, so I am issuing a challenge to myself and anyone else who wants to join me: no sweets for a full week. I've gone through periods before when I haven't craved sweets, but it usually takes me about 4 or 5 days to detox off of sugar before the intense cravings go away. Once they do, though, I feel great!! So I am starting with one week to see if I can do it... then maybe a second week (or more!).

"No sweets" for me means no refined sugars in the first few ingredients listed-- I'm not going to say no sugar period because there are things I eat (like kashi go lean crunch) that have sugar in them, but I don't eat them primarily for the sweetness. I am a cookie addict, so for me, I mean no cookies, brownies, candy, etc. "No sweets" might mean something different for you, but it should be a challenge. So who's with me? :bigsmile:


  • scottandbriana
    scottandbriana Posts: 6 Member
    I just finished 15 days. It took me about 3 days to 'detox', that's exactly what it felt like too!!!! I dont crave anymore! It's totally worth it.
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    Let's do it!!!! It will be a great challenge for me since I work in a kitchen where we tend to sample a lot lol Good luck!!
  • me2plusu2002
    me2plusu2002 Posts: 6 Member
    Ok sounds good I lobe sugar so I will try not to put sugar on things I eat 4 7 days. Let's do it!
  • MissMe2morrow
    Awesome! Feels good to have company with this. Let's check back in with this thread every day and tell each other how it's going-- we can do this!!!
  • ChristieDF
    ChristieDF Posts: 178 Member
    I'm in. I have been trying to stop my coffee again and this will help me do that. Good luck to all.
  • MissMe2morrow
    Oh my gosh, ladies!! I did terribly!! I wonder if I'm pms-ing because I ate absolutely everything in sight today... and I'm ordering domino's for dinner. I'm sure I'm going to feel yucky but it's like a monster inside me that is demanding junk! I have 3 papers to write this weekend and I'm pretty sure it's going to be a high calorie few days. Please tell me one of you did better than me today!!!
  • ChristieDF
    ChristieDF Posts: 178 Member
    :flowerforyou: Okay well it's Saturday and I have had no sugar. Yes there's a cake here at work but, I have already told them NO NO NO I am not gonna do that. So, other than the sugar that is probably in my bread and stuff like that, that's all I have done. Been feeling pretty darn good to. Had 3 LITERS of WATER yesterday. I've never drank that much but, it was good for me to have that. Y'all have a great weekend!!!
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    I'm joining a day late but I'm going to do it! My goal is getting my sugars down and keeping them in count. I know that some sugar is okay but I crave it SO MUCH!

    I turned down a cupcake yesterday but then turned around and had a foo-foo drink at dinner last night, what was I thinking? I wasn't!

    Today is a new day and I can do this. I want the scale DOWN next week and this is the right kick in the butt!

  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    I caved and had 1 tiny 2 bite brownie at work today...but for me I consider that pretty awesome...considering where I work, and normally i would have had more lol
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    I think that today I did great. We were out all day as I had to teach a Make and Take and then we went out looking for new property to move to. We ate out and I think I did really good with the choices that I had before me. Also, when given the ability to eat Blue Bell Ice Cream, I didn't! WOO HOO! Small victory for me! :)

    Here is looking forward to another good day tomorrow.
  • MissMe2morrow
    Great job, ladies! As the OP, I feel like I've let you all down (and especially myself) for completely caving into my sugar cravings. :grumble:

    BUT, today is Sunday and so far, so good. :bigsmile:

    So, I will start with today and see how it goes. I resolve to be better! And for anyone who wants to join in the challenge, it's not too late! :smile:
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    Great job, ladies! As the OP, I feel like I've let you all down (and especially myself) for completely caving into my sugar cravings. :grumble:

    BUT, today is Sunday and so far, so good. :bigsmile:

    So, I will start with today and see how it goes. I resolve to be better! And for anyone who wants to join in the challenge, it's not too late! :smile:

    That is my resolve on ANY day where I have had a mistake. You can't beat yourself up for what you did but only pick yourself up and do better the next time. :flowerforyou:

    For me, I worked out hard this morning cleaning for 2 straight hours and therefore was "awarded" 741 extra calories and the excess that goes with it. I honestly can't fathom putting in that much more in my body. Granted my body is CRAVING sweets and I'm on day two of no excess. I was so happy with only going 1 over yesterday in my sugars and it made me know that I CAN DO THIS! :bigsmile:
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    I would love to join this challenge, I have been terrible with sweets lately and need to stay away from them. I will be starting tomorrow as I have already eaten some chocolate today (but I didn't see the post until after I ate them!!).
  • ChristieDF
    ChristieDF Posts: 178 Member
    Just get back on and try again!! We all fall down but what counts is getting back up and doing it for ourselves. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • ChristieDF
    ChristieDF Posts: 178 Member
    Okay it's Sunday and I can say I think this was cake weekend at our job. ANOTHER CAKE TODAY!!! It looked good and I went outside and ate instead of watching everyone else eat it. Keep up the good work everyone!!!
  • gypsy0911
    gypsy0911 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi guys, I am relatively new to using the online site, I was going thru my andriod before, I didn't realize this site was so involved. Anyways, I wanted to ask if anyone has huge set backs like weeks?????? I have been really bad for like 3 weeks, the good thing is I have not gained anything back but all I am eating is junk!!!!!! Everyday or every other day, it is I'll give in just this once, then before I know it, it is a couple of days later or the weekend is here and Im like oh I'll start tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I have a serious problem, and Im not trying to put it off on that either!! I am not the type to say oh, I couldn't do it because of this or that, I take full responsiblity for my actions. I just cant seem to pull it together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so fustrated and upset with myself. Can anyone give me some tips????

    And for the record I am in!!!! Sorry for the rant, I just needed to get it off my chest, really I am not crazy ;).
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    Oh my gosh I'm in! I LOOOVE sweets! I could eat a whole bag of dove dark chocolate!! I NEED to stop! It's getting ridiculous with me! I'm so in!!
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    Gypsy, I had two HUGE issues the past few days. My parents and I went out for the day, and they took me out to cracker barrel, my weakness! Then today was my husbands day off and we went to a local diner call The HiLife. Granted, I only eat about half of what they serve, but still! So much fat, sodium, ugh just bad food!!! But I went for a walk/run today with the dog, and I'm starting the no-sweet week this week so I'm not beating myself up over it!
  • gypsy0911
    gypsy0911 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks I appreicate it!!!! I just feel, I can't even really explain it!!! But I am not one to give up and I'll just get back on it!!!! I have to. Thanks again;)
  • Nykki71
    Nykki71 Posts: 72 Member
    :cry: I am so in on this I have a horrible sweet tooth so starting tomorrow no sweets for me. :cry: