Has anyone done the Turbo Fire 5-day Inferno plan??

jeepmom22 Posts: 9
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
I am currently on Day 3 of the 5 - day plan. I was just wondering if anyone on MFP has completed it and if so did you strictly follow the diet plan? I love the workouts - I am burning at a minimum 850 calories in an hour!!


  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    I had thought about it for a little while.. but that is five days on quite a calorie deficit with a lot of working out, so I haven't done it. I am doing Turbo Fire month 1 right now though, and like it. :smile:
  • I just found out about this. I want to try it out! Let us know how it works for you!
  • savvystephy - yea i am somewhat worried about that - but i figured what the heck i would give it a go and see what happens. I really love Turbo Fire - as soon as I finish the Inferno I am going to start on week 1... If you want to be motivation buddies - you can friend me

    Nataliethin81 - I absolutely will - i am very excited to see how it turns out!! Looking good so far - about 3 pounds down, but I have no idea how many inches...
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Depending how long my stall is, I may have to try the inferno plan though.. just to shock my body a little. We shall see. :tongue:
  • Well the food on the plan is pretty good. I was not a big fan of day 2's dinner. My first time eating bok choy and I am not a fan...lol
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