are u flippin kidding???

i have a problem with the scale. everytime i walk by it, i have to step on it. as of last week i told myself i wouldnt do that anymore and that i would start weighing ONLY one time per week. well, today was weigh in and lemme say... NEVER AGAIN!!! i KILLED myself this week. ate great. no cheating. no junk. worked my *kitten* off every single day. started a challenge... and i GAINED a lb!!! how is that even possible!!! the very first thought that came to my head was junk! i thought well if imma gain weight i might as hell have a valid reason. and i started planning out every bad thing i was going to eat today. from pop, to pizza, to krispy kremes, to chocolate. but then i caught myself. and i reminded myself... my pants are looser. i FEEL better. and if i allow myself to do that, then i will be right back where i started and even more pissed off then i am right now. so, im going to continue. push those bad thoughts back out of my head, and focus on the task at hand. yea muscles weigh more then fat, but its so depressing to know that i worked so hard, yet the scale isnt moving. needless to say, im going back to everyday weighins!!!


  • starryeyedwonder
    I am the same way and the same thing happened to me this morning. Only I was up 2lbs! I thought NO WAY! I have been eating right, working out like a beast, there is no way I've gained, but then I thought, I can actually do push ups now and my endurance is up so I'm not going to worry about the scale right now. DO NOT GIVE UP!!! and I know it's easy to get discouraged but we have to keep moving on! GOOD LUCK!
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    LOL!!! Sorry about the giggle, but it is only because you reminded me of my husband. He will weigh 2 or 3 times a day.....he makes me laugh. But, as a woman we should not do this! If I just miss a couple of hours of sleep my scale will go up! I have changed mine, with great effort to only once or twice a mnoht and no more!! Good luck to you and do not get discouraged because it will turn back around and then it will be down a pound!! Best wishes!
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    are you watching your sodium?
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    You made a great decision to weigh in once weekly. The weeks where the day I weigh in gives me bad results I just drink double my water for two days and get back on the scale. It always comes right off! Our bodeis retain water so very easily. Sodium, low water intake, girly time, and extra working out can all contribute. You KNOW you lost this week based on your actions. So hang in there sweetie!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I hide my scale all week so I can't just walk by it. I measure my neck, shoulders, chest, biceps, forearm, waist hips, thighs and calves each week. I find that on weeks that the scale doesn't move in my favor, the measurements do. You can get a tape measure (the ones used for sewing - they are flexible) for around $1 at Target, Meijer, Sewing stores, etc. That may help you too.
  • egaldaco
    egaldaco Posts: 8
    I weigh everyday. Use it as the carrot before the donkey kinda a thing! Challenge yourself with how good you feel and how cool it is that your clothes fit better! You're a competitor...keep up the good work. Peace...
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Keep up the work hun. Eventually you will see the results of your hard work. You CAN do this!!!
  • Sigra
    Sigra Posts: 374 Member
    I'm feeling the same thing right now. I went from 196 to 192 within the first week, and now I'm back up to 194 and won't budge downwards :|
  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    I think your body sometimes has to stall and get used to the new lighter you before it is ready let go of more. The scale if fickle and chances are you will be an even greater move down next time.
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    Although I agree that weighing yourself everyday isn't usually the best idea, I have recently started weighing myself every other day. The reason being is that when I first started, I weighed myself after a week and found that I had lost 2 lbs. Super! Then I weighed myself two days later and I had lost 1 more lbs. I was hesitant to log it, as it wasn't my weigh in day. Then I thought, if I log it, it makes it real. Then I have to be committed to that number and not going over it. It's worked so far.

    Everyone figures out their own little tricks. So if weighing yourself everyday is your trick, then stick to it and don't let anyone else tell you that it's wrong. What works for one, doesn't necessarily work for another. You'll figure out what's best for you!

    Good look on your jouney!
  • Akaratel
    Akaratel Posts: 137 Member
    I would be checking measurements because I gained 1 1/2 pounds this week but lost 1" in my waist, hips, and bust. As well as 1/2" in my calf and 2" in my chest (under my bust) Just keep at it and measure yourself that once a week as well. Your body could be retaining water as everyone is saying or building muscle :) good luck
  • dmmsquared
    Weighing yourself every day won't really help and can make things more frustrating. Make sure you are weighing yourself at the same day/time each week, wearing the same clothes (or none), etc.. I find that first thing in the morning after I use the bathroom is the best time for me. Our weight fluctuates throughout the day as we eat/drink/use the bathroom.

    You might also want to start tracking your sodium in your food diary. Maybe you're retaining water. I was shocked at how much sodium I was eating when I first turned on sodium in my diary. Now that I'm cutting way down on packaged/processed/fast foods and really watching my sodium, I've noticed a difference.
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    Okay, I do the same the thing but I know that a woman's weight can flucuate up to 5 lbs a day! Don't get freaked out! Sometimes weeks go by and there is no actual weight loss but inches go away and you start to see the definintion. Again, do not panic and put down the Kripsy Kream and walk away! If you are going to weigh in everyday (and I do) just do it at the same time everyday but don't step on the scale everytime you walk by it. That is not healthy from a mental wellness standpoint. Don't drive yourself crazy!
  • McGuffinMD
    McGuffinMD Posts: 2 Member
    Wow. It's like you are me. Thanks for posting.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I had to put my scale out in our garage (back of our property and not attached to the house even) for months because I couldn't stay away from it, but it would really kick my motivation sometimes. It stayed out there for months before I finally kicked my "scale addiction".
    I often will weigh myself each morning but no longer take much stock in the number unless it is monday morning as that is the day of the week I chose to record it.

    When I started my journey I wrote on my office calendar on each Monday of the year how much I would weigh if I lost an average of 2 pounds per week. Mid year I was feeling dejected because i had gone for a number of weeks either not losing, or maybe dropping 1/2 pound. I pulled out this calendar on a lark just to see where I thought I "might" be by then . . . much to my surprise I was the EXACT weight that I had anticipated I would be!

    Some weeks you lose more, some less, some you gain . . . but if you keep your diligence in working toward a healthier you it will come . . . don't allow that d*** scale to rule your emotions and just keep doing what you are doing. Trust the process and give yourself the gift of patience!
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    Just cause you gained, doesn't mean that you aren't toning! Keep up the hard work and who cares what the scale says! Looking good is an added bonus too! A well toned person who weighs 150lbs will look a lot better than a person who just weighs 150lbs. Pay attention to the measurements! They will get you through! They do me, at least!
  • briang1224
    I weigh everyday and sometimes my weight can vary 5 lbs in one day because I drink mass amounts of water.
    I won't report my weigh ins on this site unless I weigh the same weight for 2-3 times in the morning.

    For women, you guys have it a little trickier because you guys have a certain time of the month where your body is going to retain water more than usual.

    The real way to track progress is not pay attention to the scale, but use calipers and take fat measurements on various parts of your body. I admittedly don't do this myself.

    The main thing is, we all want to look and feel great and the number on a scale doesn't have ANYTHING to do with how we look or feel. It's just a representation in our minds of a goal to hit in order to look and feel the way we want.
  • VialOfDreams
    Here are some tips for you. Don't be discouraged. 1lb is nothing!

    - Make sure that you weigh yourself at the same time each week wearing the same clothes (if any).
    - As someone said earlier, watch your sodium intake, as that will have you retain water, therefore you will weigh more.
    - The scale won't ever tell you whether what you see is muscle or fat. I recommend that you either have your body-fat percentage measured once a month, or you get your measurements every week or every other week. (Do both if you have the opportunity to do so.)
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Water weight changes from day to day. Thats why I don't weigh myself.