Turbo Fire Tone 30 class - resistance band weight please?

Hi all

Did the TF Tone 30 class this morning, but wanted to check - does anyone know what weight the resistance bands they use in the workout out are? I think they're green. Or maybe red. I have bands ranging from 10 - 50lbs resistance so want to make sure I am using roughly the right one!

Many thanks :smile:


  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    The Red bands that come with TurboFire (with the handles) are 30 lbs resistance. The green bands are medium resistance. Couldn't find a specific weight measurement.
  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    I don't use the one that I got with my program, not enough for me. I got a set of 3 resistance bands from Walmart and I use a blue one, I'm not sure about the weight but the resistance is the tightest.
    I think if your muscle are shaking and you feel them getting tighter when doing the workout then you know the resistance is enough. If not I would get a tighter band.
    I know i'm no help but just thought I would give my 2 cents.
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    That's interesting - I didn't get any resistance bands with the workout set - other than the green "lower body" band. Should I have gotten something else??

    Well I think I went with a medium weight so I'll continue to use that one I think :smile:
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    That's interesting - I didn't get any resistance bands with the workout set - other than the green "lower body" band. Should I have gotten something else??

    Well I think I went with a medium weight so I'll continue to use that one I think :smile:

    When I ordered from the Beachbody site, I received the green lower body band and the red resistance band with the program. I'm not sure if I happened to have caught a promotion or not....
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    That's interesting - I didn't get any resistance bands with the workout set - other than the green "lower body" band. Should I have gotten something else??

    Well I think I went with a medium weight so I'll continue to use that one I think :smile:

    When I ordered from the Beachbody site, I received the green lower body band and the red resistance band with the program. I'm not sure if I happened to have caught a promotion or not....

    I ordered from BB website and only got green band as well...there are some moves that I go ahead just use dumbbells for because the band is akward for me lol
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    Hmmm. Well I ordered from a UK site rather than Beach Body (I wanted to make sure I got DVDs that I could use in the UK), but I appear to have everything other than the resistance band - including the 5 bonus workouts. No big deal I guess, I just bought a set of 5 bands from Amazon for £19.99 which range from 10lbs to 50lbs resistance, so will see how I go with those. In the meantime I will be doing Turbo Fire and saving up for a set of adjustable dumbells, ready for when I work my way up to ChaLean Extreme :smile:

    Oh - that final ab set on the Tone 30 class - you probably really DO need bands for that one, they don't half work your abs!!!!! :laugh: