What do u people think of "cheat days"?



  • mandamama
    mandamama Posts: 250
    I don't have "cheat" anything. I feel like this is a new lifestyle I am creating for myself, and that lifestyle is not going to be void of icecream or a cookie or some chips here and there, I feel like If I am always eating healthy, the odd nasty snack or bad meal out, isn't going to effect me. I feel like, all is well in moderation, and its just a mater of wether or not "you" (figurative) have the will poer to stop at.. 24 chips, or just have a mini blizzard type thing. then again, I have just started this journey, so ask me again a couple months from now HAHA
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I have a free day once a week. Usually Friday but if we're doing something on a particular day like going to a party on Saturday that will be the day. I have a healthy breakfast, do a hard workout, and then don't worry about it for the rest of day. I don't call it cheating because implies something bad. I'm making a choice to relax, not worry about calories, and just have the things that I may have been thinking about.

    Works well for me... lost 249lbs and met my goal today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • missbrandyp
    missbrandyp Posts: 34 Member
    I can't do cheat days. I'll fall off track with even one. I will have some "cheat meals" when a special occasion comes up with my friends but I make up for it with what I eat the rest of the day and throwing in an extra workout in the day or week to counter balance. You can't be 100% good but I try to be as close to 90% as I can be!
  • JenCM
    JenCM Posts: 195
    I don't do "Cheat Days" or even use the word cheat when it comes to my eating - it implies to me that I've done something wrong and have failed a bit. I have meals occasionally where I allow myself a bit of a splurge...but I always make sure I have something healthy alongside whatever that splurge is (A Philly Cheesesteak sandwich, for instance is always paired with a big salad first so that I have my veggies and don't feel like eating a whole sandwich ;) ).
    Cheat days have fouled me up EVERY time I have tried to lose weight. I would work my tail off all week or for two weeks or however long, and then essentially binge eat a bunch of junk. And all that it caused was me to get set off on eating that stuff again - and I think part of it was the whole "forbidden" mindset of it - I was so strict with not eating it, that when I got it I felt like I had to eat enough to sustain that craving for it for months or whatever. It was stupid and it didn't work. Plus, cheat days usually started to turn into cheat weekends and then cheat weeks and then Huh? What's a salad and exercise? And where did this 15 lbs come from?

    My mindset now is simply - moderation and nothing is totally off limits. It makes it much easier for me personally to say no to foods II used to love to eat, if I know I CAN have them if I want. Because in the end the work it takes to work off three slices of pizza and some breadsticks, is not worth the 20 minutes of "pleasure" my tastebuds get from them and then the inevitable tummy ache later because my body isn't used to eating that anymore. And because of that, it's also easier for me to eat less of that yummy-but bad for you stuff. I think of the consequences and I remember that overindulging, is what got me where I am now.

    I think you should allow yourself little bits of what you enjoy because I personally don't think being healthy is about never enjoying food again or never having that splurge food you love...I think it's about not letting food be the biggest part of your life and what you enjoy and go to the most......

    JMO though...but this change of mind is what's finally helped me to go from losing 20-30 lbs and backsliding...to finally sticking with what I'm doing and now approaching 100 lbs lost. This is the only time I haven't thought about giving up and I've kept my momentum. And I believe a lot of that is change in attitude towards food.
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,342 Member
    Other than Thanksgiving or Christmas, I absolutely do not have planned cheat days. One bad day and it takes me the next 5-6 days to recover and start losing weight again. *SO* not worth it to me. Do I go over on my calories? Every now and then ... and when it happens, I try not to let it get to me too much because I know that I'm trending in the right direction.

    It's too easy for me to go off the deep end with my eating if I let my guard down. I just get 'crazy eyes' for food and nothing is safe when that happens. :noway:
  • scottyy3323
    If having something that is unhealthy for you or not on the fat police(you know who you are) list of approved foods then I cheat everyday. I have some form of chocolate everyday. Usually my favorite Snickers!
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    This is my life I am not cheating if I go out to eat and order my favorite thing, I am not cheating if I decide that I want cookies or a piece of cake, I am not cheating if I go out drinking. It just isn't realistic to think that I will never do any of those things again. Yes, I do them less often than I used to and I do it in moderation. I try and figure it into my calorie goals, but if I go over I am ok with that too. If I know that I am going to be going out I try to get in some extra work out time so I don't go over or not by as much. Depriving yourself of things doesn't really work out very well.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I have a kind of cheat day on sundays. Where I may end up a couple hundred calories over my current goal amount.

    But normally instead of a cheat day, I'll rework my diet so I can fit whatever food i want into my daily macros.
    If I want a bowl of ice cream, it won't affect my fat loss, as long as I still hit my macros. (carbs/protein/fat)
  • bellamia88
    bellamia88 Posts: 149 Member
    I honestly don't have "cheat" days. I just try to incorperate whatever i'm craving with my meal and calorie limit for the day. For example I love sweets cookies and chocolate especially so what I normally do is if I know i'd like to have cookies tomorrow i'll plan my meals around it eat some healthy low cal meals throughout the day and also make sure to go to the gym so I can enjoy those two cookies. I also always make sure to leave at least 200 unfilled calorires before I go to bed just to make it under my limit. It's worked for me so far I treat myself quite often as well usually 4 times a week and i've still managed to lose 15 pounds usually it will be half a chocolate bar coming at 100-150 cals depending on the kind and when I go out for dinner the night before I will always check the nutritional info from the resturaunt of the meal i'd love to order so I can plan my day around it try to burn at least 500 cals and then eat a fairly big lunch to satisfy me until dinner and usually I will have 1000 cals leftover to eat my favourite resturaunt meal. For me it's all about managing your meals and numbers, no point depriving myself of the things I love as long as it's in moderation and if you're craving something today EAT IT because you will go overboard if you wait till the end of the month to do so.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,428 Member
    This is my life I am not cheating if I go out to eat and order my favorite thing, I am not cheating if I decide that I want cookies or a piece of cake, I am not cheating if I go out drinking. It just isn't realistic to think that I will never do any of those things again. Yes, I do them less often than I used to and I do it in moderation. I try and figure it into my calorie goals, but if I go over I am ok with that too. If I know that I am going to be going out I try to get in some extra work out time so I don't go over or not by as much. Depriving yourself of things doesn't really work out very well.

    This is my philosophy too. I'm sure there are folks who would look at my diet and be absolutely horrified at some of my choices but for the first time ever, I have lost weight, I'm keeping it off, I feel great and I'm happy. I told a friend of mine that this was both the hardest and easiest time I have ever had losing weight. It's hard because it can be a big pain in the rear to log every little bite (especially in the beginning when you are getting your food diary full of what you normally eat). But it's the easiest because I'm not deprived. I'm not spending every moment thinking "I want a bagel. I want a cookie. I want a ...(fill in the blank)" If I want something, I make certain it fits in my calorie goal for the day (and do occasionally go over) and I enjoy it. But-here's the key- I enjoy it in moderation. You have to find what works for you though. Some people can not eat certain things without going off the deepend and if that's you, then don't eat that thing!
  • jillbarnes
    I don't necessarily have cheat days but will indulge in a meal or a snack...but 90% of the time I stay within my calorie goal for the day.
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,342 Member
    This is my life I am not cheating if I go out to eat and order my favorite thing, I am not cheating if I decide that I want cookies or a piece of cake, I am not cheating if I go out drinking. It just isn't realistic to think that I will never do any of those things again. Yes, I do them less often than I used to and I do it in moderation. I try and figure it into my calorie goals, but if I go over I am ok with that too. If I know that I am going to be going out I try to get in some extra work out time so I don't go over or not by as much. Depriving yourself of things doesn't really work out very well.

    Well stated, I agree.