Baby in a BOB?

00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
I just got a BOB jogging stroller for my birthday and the manual says not to run with your baby until they are 8 months. Has anyone used it earlier? What's the risk? I noticed the straps don't tighten enough to hold him in very well, but I thought that maybe if I strapped him in with a teddy bear he would be snug enough? I can't imagine there being much risk if I'm running in a park away from roads and on sidewalks that aren't very bumpy?

addendum: my son is 6 1/2 months old


  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    I never had a bob, and didnt actually get a jogging stroller until my son was almost 9 months old, so i dont know for sure, but how old is the baby? Maybe if the baby is strong enough to hold the head up well (I mean 3 months or so) and you are just jogging slowly....not trying to do a 10 minute mile, you will probably be ok. Otherwise, I would stick to a brisk walk.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I'm guessing its more to do with muscle control, particularly concerning the head and neck getting jolted around...8 months is the age where most can sit up without wobbling too much. I guess its up to you but if in doubt ask your health visitor. paediatrician on whether your baby is advanced enough to go for it
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    Ok, so I just looked at your profile. It looks like your baby is pretty close to 8 months anyway, right? You should be ok.
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    I dont really know much about these strollers, but i would guess its more about being jolted around at that age, muscle control etc, if you do use it early dont try to go too fast. also dont strap a child in with a teddy, its not only a suffocation risk, but if it slips out then the child is not secure. Check with a health visitor before you do try it.
  • stenochick
    stenochick Posts: 142 Member
    We have a BOB and LOVE it. We bought the stroller more for off-roading than for jogging so we waited the 8 month time period. If you're still concerned, just shoot your doc an email that you're planning to run just around the neighborhood or where ever you plan to go. Doubt he/she will have a prob.
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