Losing the last 10 lbs.

Should I still go by what mfp wants me to do? I'm 125 and I want to be 115. I admit I don't stick to the diet very well. I'm losing hope because I really haven't lost any weight since Christmas. Do you have any tips so I can get back on track? My diary is open, but like I said, I haven't really stuck to my diet and I haven't kept track very well, so there isn't much to work with.

I know I need to be doing cardio and strength training, but cardio is very hard for me. I can't run and I can only go to the gym in a couple hour blocks, and I get bored before long (usually an hour). I usually burn around 250 on cardio and then I do some strength training. I switched gyms recently and my new PT says I should have 6 meals/snacks between 300-400 cal each which comes out to way more than the 1200 calories mfp recommends. I've only been on this new diet for less than a week so I haven't weighed in yet to see if it works.

Help...I need some new guidelines to reach for...


  • sarabellum
    sarabellum Posts: 88 Member
    On the days that you do work out, MFP calculates those calories back into what you should be eating for the day.

    It sounds like you KNOW what you should be doing, but that you may need some support to help you stay motivated and accountable. If you really want to lose the weight you want, you'll just have to really make the effort to log what your eating. Try it seriously for 2 weeks and see how you do. Losing 10 lbs is HARD and you want to be able to do it healthfully and you want to be able to maintain it once you get there. That's my problem. I know that there are "quick" ways to lose weight...but once it's gone, I want to be able to KEEP IT OFF!!! :)

    As for cardio, you can definitely do other things if running isn't your thing! Have you tried spin class? Or even walking? Try to find something that you'll LIKE doing, so it feels less like a punishment!!! I love spin class, I love kickboxing and I love running (well, most of the time).

    I'm hopeful that you'll find something that works for you!!! I'm right there with you and feel free to add me as a friend and I'll try to help any way that I can!!!
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    You may need to switch your MFP settings to .5 pounds and then see what it recommends. I know it seems counterintuitive, but eating more than 1200 calories will jump start your metabolism to help you get through this plateau.

    P.S. I couldn't see your diary. Weird...
  • chach918
    chach918 Posts: 80 Member
    Since you hate cardio, try Zumba or something that you like to get heart rate up. I would not be eating the calories mfp says you can from exercising.I did and It helped me lose the last 10. Walking is great too. Each time you do make it a bit faster or longer. Your body will have to give a little more effort each time, which equates to fat burned. Good luck.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    1) Recommit to logging- in the last 10lbs it's especially important to know what you are eating and how much- that balance between too much and not enough is critical

    2) Be patient- 1lb a week may not be realistic for you. Try setting it a .5lbs and only weighing in ever other week.

    3) You don't have to workout like a fiend to lose this weight- Do cardio for 20-40 min. If you get bored run or elipicize (that's a word, right?) in intervals- 30s Walk, 2 min Jog, 30s Sprint or something similar- mix it up!

    4) 1200 calories is stupid. See above about lbs per week goal. Lower it, get more calories. Eat what you burn at the gym. Again, see above about getting enough food being critical right now. The goals MFP sets for you are NET goals, so let's even say MFP recomends you be at 1300- you go to they gym and burn 700 or 800- you should eat 2000-2100 total- which is in the range your PT set. PT is making general guidelines, MFP is making recommendations based on your activity for the day.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    On the days that you do work out, MFP calculates those calories back into what you should be eating for the day.

    It sounds like you KNOW what you should be doing, but that you may need some support to help you stay motivated and accountable. If you really want to lose the weight you want, you'll just have to really make the effort to log what your eating. Try it seriously for 2 weeks and see how you do. Losing 10 lbs is HARD and you want to be able to do it healthfully and you want to be able to maintain it once you get there. That's my problem. I know that there are "quick" ways to lose weight...but once it's gone, I want to be able to KEEP IT OFF!!! :)

    As for cardio, you can definitely do other things if running isn't your thing! Have you tried spin class? Or even walking? Try to find something that you'll LIKE doing, so it feels less like a punishment!!! I love spin class, I love kickboxing and I love running (well, most of the time).

    I'm hopeful that you'll find something that works for you!!! I'm right there with you and feel free to add me as a friend and I'll try to help any way that I can!!!

    Such great advice!! :happy:
  • DayAtATime
    I am right there with you. I have basically stalled out since Christmas. I have another 10 to lose and I seem to just maintain. However, if I was totally honest with myself, I do well Mon-Fri and probably give it all back over the weekend. When I was strict 7 days, not just 5 days, I was losing about 1 lb a week. I have been consistent with my exercise since I lost the first 10. I really think that this is hard work and you can't pick and choose which days you are going to stick to the plan. Anyway, that is my opinion. I feel as if I really need to want to lose the next 10 so that I will stay within the guidelines set up for my by MFP. Add me as a friend if you want.
  • barefootbeautiful
    Agreed. It sounds like you know most of what you should be doing. As far as the diet, I DO eat 6 times a day, sometimes 7, and my calories are just fine (I'm generally around 1400). You CAN eat that often and stay within range, it just depends on what you eat. A protein shake - meal replacement - is 200 calories, but gives me a great percentage of my protein for the day. You can have a cooked egg on a bed of spinach with some salsa, and get wonderful 'fuel' for your body (and I LOVE the taste) for under 300 calories. Your PT is definitely right on this one. Feel free to check out my diary. And personally, it helps me to just concentrate on one meal at a time. Not a week of it, or a month of it, or even a day of it..... "This meal is my shake, I can do that. My next meal is chicken with peppers, avacado, and spinach, and I can do that...." Baby steps are much more manageable than "I've got 82 days of this left...."

    As far as the aerobics, I am NOT a runner. But I DO do kettlebell. It is a FANTASTIC aerobic workout, with the added benefit of lean muscle building. In fact, studies have shown that kettlebell burns up to 20 calories per MINUTE, and a 20minute workout is the aerobic equivalent of running a 6 minute mile. There ARE aerobic workouts you can do without having to train for a 5K, or do a spin class. Talk to your trainer - they're good like that! :)

    It sounds like the rest is a motivation thing, and that's on you. Find something that you WANT to do, that interests you. My bootcamp changes daily, and I LOVE what I'm doing, so it's easy to stay motivated. The women I work out with have become my support group (heck, I see them three nights a week, and often on the weekends), so they keep me motivated. We've even got a little competition going.... Find recipes you WANT to try! Like a certain type of food? Make it your goal to try three new meals a week. It sounds like you've got to perk up your interest. Good luck!
  • daylilies
    daylilies Posts: 92
    With the settings I have now, it says I will lose .6 lbs a week. I do eat my calories back, my reasoning being that mfp already figures in a deficit when it gives you that 1200. I kind of switch back and forth on where I stand with this, but I decided to err on the side of eating more...lol...

    I tried spinning but it kicked my butt...in the class setting I felt pressured to keep up with the others and I just can't do that, with my back and lower body strength issues. I'd rather go off in my own world on the elliptical. The treadmill, I've practically given up on it because it feels like I'm not even working anything. The elliptical kicks my butt but makes me feel good but I can only hack it for about 250 calories instead of the 500 my PT suggested I burn on cardio, before I get bored.

    Also I'm already spending $$$ at the gym for my PT (whom I only meet with once a month as it is) plus the regular membership plus child care...I can't afford to throw more money at classes :(

    I have two left feet so I think any dance/step type class would just frustrate me. I know these all sound like excuses, but I'm sure you understand I'll only stick to something if I really like it.
    I like the idea of new meals. Thanks :)
  • barefootbeautiful
    With the settings I have now, it says I will lose .6 lbs a week. I do eat my calories back, my reasoning being that mfp already figures in a deficit when it gives you that 1200. I kind of switch back and forth on where I stand with this, but I decided to err on the side of eating more...lol...

    I tried spinning but it kicked my butt...in the class setting I felt pressured to keep up with the others and I just can't do that, with my back and lower body strength issues. I'd rather go off in my own world on the elliptical. The treadmill, I've practically given up on it because it feels like I'm not even working anything. The elliptical kicks my butt but makes me feel good but I can only hack it for about 250 calories instead of the 500 my PT suggested I burn on cardio, before I get bored.

    Also I'm already spending $$$ at the gym for my PT (whom I only meet with once a month as it is) plus the regular membership plus child care...I can't afford to throw more money at classes :(

    I have two left feet so I think any dance/step type class would just frustrate me. I know these all sound like excuses, but I'm sure you understand I'll only stick to something if I really like it.
    I like the idea of new meals. Thanks :)

    I'm glad you like the meal idea. It works really well for me. As far as the calorie issue.... I agree. I'm on the fence. I'm generally under, but not so much under that it's detrimental. If it's a workout day, I add a recover drink in, knowing it's almost 400 calories, but that I need the carbs to replace my workout deficit. I'd say stay under, but not too much, like 200 calories or so. And eating every 2-3 hours really DOES keep your metabolism up all day, and the energy boost is phenomenal (as long as the food isn't processed junk).

    I understand the workout conundrum. I have arthritis in my knees, and I'm obese so I was initimidated (and WINDED) by a lot of things. I found my niche, it happened to be kettlebell. Have you considered dropping the gym membership and just hiring a trainer for a few weeks? Nearly all of what I've learned at my bootcamp is stuff I can do at home. I spent $14 on a band, $25 on a KB, and $5 on a yoga mat. Everything else is all me. Maybe having someone personalize a workout SPECIFICALLY for you would help? The nice thing is, I can workout during nap time, which also saves the childcare $$ too. Or you could always tire drag (see the picture). :) If you'd like to message me, I can give you LOTS of ideas for home workouts.
  • fraser9700
    Try shortining the rest periods on your strenghth training. I use only 30 seconds of rest between sets. At first I drooped 20% on my max lifts but it came back in a month and i actually have started to make good progress in strenght again. When i check my cardio (heart rate after I have finished weight training It is close to 5 BPM from my high end cardio goal. Know that you may add a little muscle weight but this will find and hiding fat fast. M.
  • fraser9700
    P.T. cost. I have none. I use Lee Labrada as a online trainer and coach through body building .com. (free) He is a national fitness consultant and former professional natural bodybuilding champion. I am pretty sure that his base of knowledge is superior to my local guys and gals that are often asking me questions in the gym. I used to work out a lot when I was much younger but I still remember. It is hard enough to afford eating healthy and gym memberships without all the other added expenses. If it is motivation.well......you sure seem motivated to me.

  • barefootbeautiful
    P.T. cost. I have none. I use Lee Labrada as a online trainer and coach through body building .com. (free) He is a national fitness consultant and former professional natural bodybuilding champion. I am pretty sure that his base of knowledge is superior to my local guys and gals that are often asking me questions in the gym. I used to work out a lot when I was much younger but I still remember. It is hard enough to afford eating healthy and gym memberships without all the other added expenses. If it is motivation.well......you sure seem motivated to me.


    The internet is a GREAT place to get training. I always worry, though, for people who are NOT necessarily familiar with forms. That's why I generally recommend a trainer, even short term, because once you have your form corrected and you KNOW which muscles you should be activating, there's SO much you can do on your own. Even simple things like not lining up your toes with your knees on squats, or pushing your knees past your ankles, or throwing weight on the balls of your feet rather than your heels, can do SO much damage to your joints and muscles. If you KNOW what you're doing in the gym/weight room, ABSOLUTELY seek out different workouts online by knowledgable trainers. If not.... help is always a good thing to start with. Oh, and the shorter rest time between sets is a GREAT idea! Being able to keep your heart rate up with pushing weights is definitely good cardio when done well.
  • daylilies
    daylilies Posts: 92
    Thanks for the additional comments. I already signed up for a year of the monthly PT's. I'm sure there's a fee to back out of that, even if there isn't a fee to leave the gym. All I wanted to do was get a workout outlined for me and I could do the rest on my own but of course I got suckered into buying the sessions.
    I really feel like I need to be in a gym environment to stay motivated. If I'm at home, I'm gonna look at the couch and sit there instead. LOL
    I will check out those websites. There was a Jillian Michaels ad on the sidebar of one of my webpages today, and I checked it out, but of course it costs money to sign up.