"How do you drink so much water?"...



  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    You two are drinking too much water. There is a specific amount of water intake required and its based on your body. There is a such thing as being over hydrated which is why your using the rest room every 5 minutes, at that point your body is no longer flushing out toxins and in fact your body will become bloated at some point.

    It's awesome that you two can drink that much water though KUDOS :-)

    While I appreciate your comment I've checked for myself. I have a couple of medical people in my family and I was told I'm safe. You'd have to consume a lot more than myself. According to the Mayo Clinic....Drinking too much water is rare in healthy adults who eat an average American diet.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    I have a 12oz cup at my desk every day, as soon as it empties I am up for more. I do this all day, and yes, I have MANY trips to the restroom.... but I don't count how many cups I have. Then when I get home, I always have another 3 glasses of a large glass (not sure how many oz, maybe 16?) while I am working out, before, and after. I drink alot, but too busy during the day to calculate. I have noticed though, since I have been working out, that I haven't needed to have water with me in bed - I used to- which also means less night trips :)

    I'm sure if you tipped your cup upside down you'll see either etched into the cup or on a sticker how much the cup holds.
  • HealthiHannah
    HealthiHannah Posts: 182 Member
    It doesnt, I have checked... I'm sure it was on the original box when I got them... I just know its bigger than my 12oz disposable cup that I use at work.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    It doesnt, I have checked... I'm sure it was on the original box when I got them... I just know its bigger than my 12oz disposable cup that I use at work.

    0o0o0o. Do you have a food scale? You could fill it up and weigh it. Some coffee cups are 8oz you could fill those up and dump it into you cup and see how many it holds :D
  • ukq727
    ukq727 Posts: 50 Member
    LOL Clearly none of us eat the average American Diet..I mean what is the "average American Diet". Thanks for the info though take a look at this article it will explain it all. After consuming so much water your body is not able to process it as it should and it is possible to "drawn" yourself for a lack of a better term.

  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I have two of these bottles: http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=thermos+intak+water+bottle&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&oe=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=13908772299096575419&sa=X&ei=E6ufTdSmEaSJ0QHR3uidBQ&ved=0CD0Q8wIwBA# target had a sale on them last year where a pair was $10.

    I love it! And it has a little dial at the top so you can keep track of how many times you've refiled it during the day, too.
  • HealthiHannah
    HealthiHannah Posts: 182 Member
    Good idea on the coffee cups - I don't have a food scale... Thanks! I'll do that tonight!
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    Good idea on the coffee cups - I don't have a food scale... Thanks! I'll do that tonight!

    Or just use a measuring cup.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I am lost without my Nalgene water bottle I drink a minimum of 2 bottles full (32 oz bottles) and I usually drink 3 or 4 bottles full during the day. http://nalgene.com/ those water bottles are indestructible which is great for me!
  • jrusso28
    jrusso28 Posts: 249 Member
    You should not be taking in more than 8-10 cups of water a day.
    That's between 64 and 80 ounces.

    The only time you should take in more is if you are losing a lot of fluids (sweating) while exercising or in a very hot climate.

    There is no additional benefit to more water, if anything you may be causing more harm than good.

    Be careful not to drink just to make yourself feel full as a substitute for food.
  • fullerlj
    fullerlj Posts: 25
    I get the same thing about drinking so much. My husband always tells me he would hate to be stranded in the desert with me! lol
    I fill a 52 oz. cup at least 3 times a day. :tongue:
  • jmjones66
    jmjones66 Posts: 145 Member
    I have a 32 oz water bottle that is my "best friend". It goes where I go. I usually start with 1 bottle full in the morning. Then fill it up once during the day at work. I fill it up again when I get home. Then again, when I exercise at night. Sometimes, I wonder whether I'm drinking too much water. I'm constantly running to the ladies' room. My staff laughs at me as I dart out of my office, and take off running down the hall. It can be really irritating when I'm running to the restroom at night when it's time to sleep. I never used to drink water, in fact, I HATED it! Now, I can't live without it! All I can say is, drink up, everybody! LOL
  • theresnoeggs
    theresnoeggs Posts: 188 Member
    I have this 24 oz bottle.

    It has a counter on the side that you turn to keep track. on most days I get it to the 4 or 5

    96-120 oz a day.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Every time I go to the bathroom, I check to see if my water bottle is empty. If it is, it gets refilled in the lunch room on the way back to my desk. :D

    I have a "20" oz (actually holds 22 oz when filled to the top) from FlyLady.net. It's the original one, not the new one they offer. If I ever lose it, I'm gonna cry buckets... and then cry more because I don't have my rehydration tool. LOL.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    I would just like to point out that I have medical personnel in my family and I've been told I'm perfectly fine drinking this amount of water. I appreciate the concern but I'd rather take an RN and Physician advice than others. If I could type out what I've been told I would but it would be a lot and I don't know half of what it means as it's not in "dumb down terms". A simple "You're fine drinking that much" sufficed from them.
    LOL Clearly none of us eat the average American Diet..I mean what is the "average American Diet". Thanks for the info though take a look at this article it will explain it all. After consuming so much water your body is not able to process it as it should and it is possible to "drawn" yourself for a lack of a better term.


    I could see why she died because she didn't use the rest room and had no way to evacuate the liquid. Which is what I was told by my family members in the medical field. "If you can evacuate it and you have no medical problems (heart problems/heart disease or kidney failure) as long as your kidneys are functioning and you can evacuate it then you're fine." Obviously you can drink too much but I think it's a lot more than what I'm drinking.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    You should not be taking in more than 8-10 cups of water a day.
    That's between 64 and 80 ounces.

    The only time you should take in more is if you are losing a lot of fluids (sweating) while exercising or in a very hot climate.

    There is no additional benefit to more water, if anything you may be causing more harm than good.

    Be careful not to drink just to make yourself feel full as a substitute for food.

    *please look at response above*

    regarding drinking as a substitute for food...lol I love food too much to do that! :P It just tides me over till I can eat lol
  • racharla
    racharla Posts: 92 Member
    Too much water is harmful .. but it is harmful only when you take it in very short time span .. and when exercising it is better to have electrolyte drinks than water as electrolytes are lost during exercise ..the link below are the harmful effects of drinking excess water

  • CalPolyBronco
    CalPolyBronco Posts: 201 Member
    I am not much of a liquids person but it's amazing once a person starts to try dieting how IMPORTANT liquids become to you. It's almost like drinking H20 is filling a void...that hungry feeling, it helps mask it. I've really hunkered down on consuming more liquids throughout my day. One way I've found this to be easier for me is to use water additives to flavor my water. I used to LOVE crystal light and I still do but my new obsession is MiO. They have so many different flavors although as of now I've only tried the Strawberry/Watermelon, Berry/Pomegranate & Peach Tea. I keep it in my backpack & purse depending on where I'm at and I squirt it in my water to a desired taste. 0 calories & I really do enjoy it!
  • jojokmack
    jojokmack Posts: 117
    ABSOLUTELY! it is important to note that it is not just water that should be calculated in your liquid intake. The BMA (British Medical Association) have conceded that decaf. coffee, tea & low sugar carbonated drinks (as well as the water present in foods) ALL contribute to your liquid intake.
    OBVIOUSLY, water is best,....but try other methods of liquid intake if you're struggling! *makes cup of tea :O)*
  • Brewz
    Brewz Posts: 10 Member
    I thought at first it was hard to drink that much water, but i hadn't bothered measuring the glass i was using. I thought it was about 8oz, and i was having 8 of these a day as recommended.......then one day i measured it and found it was 400ml....14oz!

    So i know now i drink about 3litres a day. Feel less sluggish for it i know that.
