

  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Anything out there can be bad for you. The key is moderation. I eat some pretty bad stuff sometimes but I do it in moderation. I have yet to seek the repercussions of what I have done and doubt it will happen.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    This! So totally this!
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    I agree with the things you said too. I have changed my whole mindset about food and I'm definitely eating healthier than I was 5 months ago....with that being said, I'm not closing the door to ANY food I want but I will still use portion control and use the tools MFP has given me to figure it in and not go over my calorie allowance. It's not realistic to think we are going to live the rest of our lives without the things we like/crave....the key is to learn to eat them in a healthy manner. Good luck to you in your journey! the way, every Friday I have Chocolate Friday and I eat WHATEVER DESSERT I WANT.....hehehe.....but I also figure it in my calories for the day......I'm having my cake and eating it too!
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    Totally agree. I had Chinese food tonight. It's Friday, and I like to have delivery on Friday nights. I made good choices (lots of veggies) and stayed under my calories. I wouldn't want to live a life without Chinese delivery.
  • MisMolly
    MisMolly Posts: 88 Member
    So true! I have pretty much made up my mind to always make healthy choices...except when I don't. If I want a cheeseburger or real beer or pizza or ice cream or whatever, I am going to have it. But not every day. I really don't need or want it everyday and I think junk tastes better when you don't have it often.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Thank you. I appreciate your stand.

    I hate to see people complain about the choices they made like someone force them to. If you decided to indulge then you did. If you over did it well you made that choice. Why get up here and have a pity party? I can't sympathize with you. What I can do is tell you to suck it up, make better choices next time and move on. Thats why I don't even respond to those types of threads and normally I don't even read them.

    I don't cheat. I have allowances. I am living, eating and exercising realistically.
  • sgk0411
    sgk0411 Posts: 105 Member
    whole heartedly agree!
  • PST0622
    PST0622 Posts: 115
    I agree....THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS CHEATING.....I eat what I want, when I want...just in smaller portions. I have to be happy with my life, and I love to eat!!!! Giving up the things I love is not an option.....So, not eating what I want is not an option. Just yesterday, I went to Brusters and got a single serving of cake batter ice cream on a sugar cone. It was the best thing I had yesterday, and I went to the gym and worked it, plus about 300 more calories off. Today, it was potato chips. I have lost 35 pounds by not cheating, but by being a responsible eater!!!!
  • chrisc31
    chrisc31 Posts: 137 Member
    I totally agree! I have no plan on ditching any of my favorite foods. I'm just learning to enjoy them in moderation!
  • missvics
    missvics Posts: 112
    Hah!!! I had pizza tonight too!!!! Yum!!!
  • splashwags
    splashwags Posts: 262 Member
    Rock on... I need to keep reminding myself of this,,,,
  • Paccie
    Paccie Posts: 47
    I totally agree.
  • usmcpatience
    I agree....THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS CHEATING.....I eat what I want, when I want...just in smaller portions. I have to be happy with my life, and I love to eat!!!! Giving up the things I love is not an option.....So, not eating what I want is not an option. Just yesterday, I went to Brusters and got a single serving of cake batter ice cream on a sugar cone. It was the best thing I had yesterday, and I went to the gym and worked it, plus about 300 more calories off. Today, it was potato chips. I have lost 35 pounds by not cheating, but by being a responsible eater!!!!

    I am now in love with your "responsible eater" phrase! Perfect!!!
  • qtwells82
    qtwells82 Posts: 352
    Awesome post!:drinker:
  • Paccie
    Paccie Posts: 47
    Hear, hear! This is exactly the right attitude! We are in this for the rest of our lives, kids. No one, and I mean no one, can survive on plain chicken breast, celery and water every day. Life is meant to be lived and for most of us, that means celebrations will come along and good (as in tasty, fattening and maybe even "unhealthy") foods will be served along with the joy and laughter of spending time with our family and friends. You don't have to deprive yourself every single day of your life. The next day, after you've had a good time, you just go right back to eating the way you do every other day, without guilt and without remorse because you HAD A GOOD TIME. And really, that's what life should be all about.

    ::steps down off her soap box::

    Amen :) Thank you!
  • MisMolly
    MisMolly Posts: 88 Member
    The other day I had some whole wheat pancakes and posted a topic about it. I had one person respond "oh i wish I could eat those".. UM YES YOU CAN! On that day, I had 3 pancakes, hashbrowns and turkey bacon and was still under my calorie intake. So, if you want to have something like pizza, ice cream, it ONCE in a while or else you will crave it all the time and never stick to your diet.

    Were your pancakes from a mix? I tried to Fiber One ones the other day (followed the box directions to just add water) and they tasted like light fluffy dirt. I would love to find something better that I don't need to doctor up with eggs and sugar.
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Great post!

    I'm not denying myself, either -- just being careful and more cognizant of the choices I make. Yesterday, I went through Wendys for lunch. But instead of buying the Single with Cheese and fries, I had a Jr. Cheeseburger and a side salad. Still gave me the taste, but wasn't quite as bad as what I used to be.

    In the car, I noticed that the cheeseburger didn't taste as yummy as I remembered. (anyone else out there notice this? )

    The other good thing is that I kicked up my workout a notch. I had never burned more than 200 calories -- last night I went for broke and hit 300. So I "earned " that cheeseburger (and slept like a log!)

    Still going to have ice cream -- once in a while.
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    I agree!
  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    I agree wholeheartedly! I eat what I want and I figure it into my calories. It is the only approach I feel I can live with. I will try to make healthier choices, but if I am going to live this I am not going to deny myself. I am learning a lot on MFP and making changes I never thought I would. I am keeping my food diaries private for now because I don't want to have to explain my choices. That may change in time, but not yet.
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    totally agree with you. naturally thin people do eat bad food too....they just do not eat a ton of it or very often. Eat responsably LOL