30 Day shred day 7 with no weight lost

:grumble: Has this happened to anyone else?

I've been working my butt off everyday and am below my calorie count but haven't lost anything...it's a bit disheartening.


  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    Hard to tell without seeing your food diary.
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    Hard to tell without seeing your food diary.
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    I am on my first week of 30Ds also, and my weight is the same. If you are gaining muscle and losing fat, that could be the case. Take your measurements, you should notice a change at the end of the 30 days.
  • sheenanigan
    sheenanigan Posts: 11 Member
    have a look
  • kbeatty1015
    kbeatty1015 Posts: 56 Member
    I didn't lose any weight the first week of doing The Shred. I'm pretty sure that I gained muscle and could definitely tell that things were tightening up. I started it at the beginning of March and have lost over 10 pounds since then. I took measurements too, but have not re-checked them. Keep going! The results in toning and tightening up are worth it, even though you might not lose a lot.
  • jennyfoxx
    jennyfoxx Posts: 22 Member
    Be sure that you are eating all of your daily calories including the extra workout calories. You do not want to throw your body into starvation mode. It's so important too to watch your sugar and sodium intake too..Eating the right foods and sticking to your entire daily allowed calories will almost always guarantee a weekly weight loss. Keep up the good work and DO NOT give up!!
  • neyes67
    neyes67 Posts: 167 Member
    Take your measurements instead ...trust me, you will notice a difference in inches which to me is so much more rewarding. Keep it up and the weight will follow but definitely measure yourself while doing 30 Day Shred ...you will be surprise by the results. KEEP IT UP :happy:
  • FlyEaglesGuy
    FlyEaglesGuy Posts: 436 Member
    Also there are two other factors.

    Sodium - watch your sodium levels, sodium retain water . And most store brought and fast food is loaded with sodium.
    Water - try to drink at minimum 8 glasses a day, that will help flush you out and help you go potty!! Lol

    Just a thought. Share your food diary so people can actually give you tips.
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    I just finished Level 1 and I have not lost anything this week. I feel stronger though and my pants fit a little different. I say we are all kicking butt and gaining muscle! I did not take measurements, but I did take Day 1 pictures, so I am looking forward to seeing a difference on Day 30.
  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    I have only 8 days left and didn't lose any weight through 30 days shred. I have lost some, but I do some other exercise with it and also still eat only 1200 cals, so that why. I'm waiting to see the inches when I'm done, but I don't think I will have such a great results as other people. So I'm sorry I don't have better news. :smile:
  • drfalktorres
    drfalktorres Posts: 30 Member
    Stick with it! You'll see results...and push yourself as much as you can during the 20 minutes....I just keep telling myself "only a few more minutes"...and I give it my all...and 30 days isn't long to wait to see....especially when you've already conquered 7 of them! :-) Dont get discouraged!
  • geetarGayle
    get a new scale, heck, get 2, one for you and one for your portions
  • Citrinepoint
    I can't remember for sure but I think I only lost a couple pounds on 30DS. BUT I did lose an entire SIZE in jeans and people definitely could see the difference.
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    Your profile says you have lost 4 pounds and joined in March. Healthy weight loss is about a pound a week. If you lost a lot in one or two weeks you could be balancing out and weight loss will catch up. Looking at your diary while you are under calories many days you are eating a lot of processed foods. I would try to make more fresh choices of lean proteins, fruits and veggies. Try adding some protein to your breakfast as well. Take a look at other peoples food diaries to get some ideas. I did 30 day shred and still incorporate it into my workouts. Often I will jog in place for 10-15 minutes when I'm done to add a bit more cardio before I cool down. I have lost about 2 inched from my hips and waist since January along with 26 pounds. Most of the weight loss come from what you eat toning comes from exercise.
  • bobbijo72
    bobbijo72 Posts: 63
    it could take up to 3 weeks to noitce weight loss during strenuous workouts.. your body needs time to adjust . losing fat. holding water and gaining muscle... just keep it up and be patient.. this is the reason so many people give up.. you must keep with it.. you WILL see results if you sitck with the good diet and ecxersize.. it does take time but it does pay off... you will be very happy you did.
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    Increase your calories & eat your exercise calories back. Your NET should be at least 1200 calories every day. Add more protein, track sodium, eat more fresh veggies & fruit & drink your water. I had a 6 week plateau & increased my calories to 1400 and started dropping again.
  • caligirl86
    I think I may have only lost 1lb during the 30DS.. BUT.... I lost 9 inches from all over!!!!!!!!! I took it... Remember slow and steady. You will get there.. You will also notice your strength and endurance getting better.. Good Luck...
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    marking this as I am on Day 3 so interested to see other's results.
  • denisec26
    denisec26 Posts: 199 Member
    so as far i have read..people that have more weight to loose- loose weight and inches, people who arent that far from their goal weight or who are only loosing 1-20 pds..loose inches, not weight.

    i started the 30 day shred once before, i do L1 for 10 days and had no change..not in weight or inches. i had to stop for a weeks (got a inner arm tattoo)

    i just started the shred again 4 days ago, i figured since i didnt see much results with level 1, i started with L2. its been 4 days, dont know if theres any change yet, ill have to see at day 10.