How Do You Beat A Plateau? HELP!

Hello Friends!

I am currently feeling frustration because the last couple of weeks I haven't been able to get past my 135lb plateau. I have been doing Jillian Michaels Banish Fat Boost Metabolism with No More Trouble Zones in the mix.

I was thinking my plateau was due to my body getting used to these DVD's maybe? I have bought new ones and started adding jogging (at least 5Km) in the mix.

Any advice on how to beat this? I have heard mixing up calories works, eating more one day and less another.



  • bstiver
    bstiver Posts: 57 Member
    When I use to have that problem I would drink more water and eat alittle more because I was working out so much more.
  • AKFatBoy
    AKFatBoy Posts: 14 Member
    I was just talking to my trainer the other day about this...he suggested one day of a high-carb diet to shock the system and jumpstart the fat-burning process. Haven't tried it yet, but it makes sense.
  • jolarocknrolla
    jolarocknrolla Posts: 236 Member
    how about all-out strength training (going up 5 pounds w/ the weights you are using, then trying to do a set of 6 reps of your regular moves w/ weights going up 10 pounds in weight) ... muscle gain might break you out of the routine. plus running is always awesome, i'm trying to work some in too now.

    and congrats on doing those Jillian videos, those are no joke!
  • peborek
    peborek Posts: 2 Member
    Congratulations don't be discouraged . Just a small calorie increase and try high intensity intervals- yes lot's of water too.
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    Calorie cycling is probably your best bet right now.

    If you know what your maintenance calories are, pick a day next week and eat about 100 calories over maintenance. Give that a shot, and if it doesn't work, you may need to spend a week eating at maintenance, then cut back down to a 500 calorie deficit after that.

    I know for a fact this works.

    And keep up with adding exercises and switching up your routine.
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    changing up your routine helps... look at your protein and make sure you are getting enough. More water less sodium....
    My plateaus only last a week or two... but they are frustrating!