Meals on the "go"

Hey all, My hubby and I are both losing weight together. For me its easier Im a stay at home mom, i can cook my meals. But I'm lost as to what to do for him. He is not normally anywhere near a place where he can warm anything up, along with needing to eat out of a lunch box and in a vehicle.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I could cook for him thats more then just a lunch meat sandwich???
Thanks so much in advance, I know he will appreciate it!! :happy:


  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I just discovered (thanks to my sister) something called Larabar. They are in the protein bar aisle at the grocery store and made of simply fruit and nuts. They have a little under 200 calories, so not just a stand alone lunch, but a great snack on the go or something with lunch. I usually eat at Subway for lunch, but if he can't get there I would add one of those to his lunch box! They come in flavors like Cherry Pie, Apple Pie, and Cashew Cookie!!! No sugar, no preservatives... and yummy!

    Other than that, I'm a fan of salads, but you need fiber too to help you fill up... so I like bread or crackers or something like that. Yogurt is great (my sis has a yogurt and larabar most days for lunch) and full of protein too. You could boil up an egg, that's easily portable... bag of cut up veggies to snack on? I'm horrible with ideas, and I don't cook much... hope this helps!