My Story & My Dreams (please read) =]

Christina915 Posts: 15 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
hey, I'm Christina and I'll be 19 in September. I started my fitness pal almost two weeks ago. I have dropped nearly 5 pounds and Im super excited about it. I work out when I can and With this website I've been eating way less and more healthier since I've joined.

The reason I joined this is because I was in College for a Semester and a half and I felt so depressed. I was up in Indiana away from all my family in VA. I just felt stuck.. I was eating poorly, gained weight, and didn't exercise at all. I wanted to come home so badly because I just felt so alone up there. So i got my wish.

My mom has gave me a year to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I had many options running through my head.. 2 different colleges back home, work full time, i just didn't know.

2 weeks ago before joining this website, I came across the Air Force.. as soon as my 3 hours of research was complete I knew what I wanted to do with my life. No need for a Year... I believe it would make me stronger physically and mentally. I feel it will give me the life I've always wanted.. I have major support behind me with this. A lot of people who i talk to say "Go for it! Its a great path to head down"

So thats what Im going to do!

For me to even think about seeing a recruiter i need to lose 60 plus pounds.. I want to lose this by my Birthday (september 15th)

So if anyone has anything that will kick me in the butt and lose it fast please let me know!
Also if you have a similar story I would love to hear about it!

Thank you for reading!


  • pina1958
    pina1958 Posts: 4
    Keep going i've lost 5kgs now 10lbs its my 4th week, but font forget to treat yourself at the weekend i do im going for a indan tonight at my brothers houes but missed out eating lunch to save the call's, i will just start again tomorrow. x:smile:
  • 145Karen
    145Karen Posts: 80 Member
    Thats awesome I think you will be a great success. Your goals are set solid and thats a big motivator! Keep logging on here and don't look back!
  • ineednapkin
    ineednapkin Posts: 151
    I joined the Air Force right out of high school and I love it! It is the best decision I have ever made and I have never once regretted joining. :) What do you want to do? Your plan sounds great! Good luck on your journey, and if you have questions, let me know! :)
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Kudos to you!! Keep up the healthy eating and exercising. As long as you stick with a routine the weight will eventually melt off. :) Jamie Eason has a transformation folder on her Facebook page of a lot of different men and women that transformed their bodies in a relatively short amount of time. Sixty pounds is a lot to lose in less than 6 months, but keep going and stay can do it!!
    HIIT is something that a lot of people rave about for fat loss. It's High Intensity Interval Training. It helps you utilize your time more wisely when working out. You can burn more calories in a shorter amount of time. Google it and read up. Good stuff. :)
    My birthday is also September 15! Although I'll be 30. :( haha!

    Keep us posted and hopefully we can help. :)
  • Janet39
    Janet39 Posts: 280 Member
    :happy: Life is great when you have made a decision, and feel confident in it.

    You are way into the loss you need, about 10 %, keep on doing what you are doing, its working,
  • Christina915
    Christina915 Posts: 15 Member
    I wanna do either Still Photography, Public Health Apprentice, or Dietary Health Apprentice :) What do you do??
  • femme62209
    femme62209 Posts: 327 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss thus far and also on your ambitions! Your family must be incredibly proud of you...and here at MFP, we're all really proud of you too. Keep up the awesome work! I feel certain that you will succeed at this. Good luck!
  • craek
    craek Posts: 201 Member
    Wow That is so awesome! You can definitely do it!!
  • my brother in law was in the army...he got hurt so he got discharged. but he uses a lot of gnc products with the protein and whey in them. they helped him to heal and keep his strength and metabolism up. he pretty much swears by that stuff.
  • bkelley32148
    bkelley32148 Posts: 279 Member
    Keep a positive outlook and always know that tomorrow is another day of success. You can do it! Little steps then before you know it you will be running.
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    Good for you!

    1) Write down all the reasons you want to lose the weight... Make several copies of that list and post them all over so that you see that list several times a day. It can even be just a few words like: Airforce, Physically Fit, Looking Great, etc...

    2) Make a poster plastered with words that are encouraging to you and photos that help encourage you too. Look at the poster every night and imagine yourself already being at that goal.

    3) But a cheap bracelet, necklace, or ring (something you can have on you at all times) to symbolize your commitment and hold onto it when you are tempted to go off your path... as a reminder of your commitment to yourself.

    Congratulations for making your choice. We're here for you!
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    I just love to see young ppl who are able to make wise decisions in their life! I kinda know how you feel because I went to college out of town, for 1 year and was soooo glad when I came back home! Once I got there, I was able to think more clearly and decide what I REALLY wanted to do with my life. I believe that you will do great on your wgt loss journey as well as in your newfound career. I wish you much success and I am very proud of you. You go girl!!!:happy:
  • bkbridge
    bkbridge Posts: 1
    Christina I love you! You are my inspiration. I know all the science behind what I need to do it is the mental part that always gets me! If you want to burn fat and only fat then walking is the key to dropping it like melting butter. If you walk at a moderate pace your body will automatically JUST burn FAT. Once you get to huffing and puffing your body switches over to burn the fuel that you take in from the food you eat. You see....walking is so slow your cells can keep up with you by producing (ATP) (energy) without burning any other fuel. As soon as you get fast enough to breathe hard you body switches over to use another system to produce the energy because it needs more to keep up with your pace. So for you and others that thought you had to JOG to lose weight that is not true. It is called the "crossover effect" look it up if you want to get deep into it.
    NOW all I need it motivation to keep me walking every day!
    This site surely helps if you are honest. I really like the fact that it tells you what you will weigh if you keep eating like you ate on a particular day.
    Love you,
  • I wish you great success on your journey!
  • Christina915
    Christina915 Posts: 15 Member
    thanks for all the support!
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