Motivation Needed

dianalouise_lane Posts: 28
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey everyone,

Just thought I would put out a msg to everyone and see where everyone is getting there motivation from.
Right now I am kind of stuck in a rutt!

I am currently finishing up school and will be done on April 21st (THANK GOODNESS)
But right now I just seem to make every excuse in the book to not go outside. You know the normal excuses (I'm tired...too much studying to do....It's kinda chilly one to run with....I wont wanna cook dinner when I get favourite show is on.....etc)...Trust me the list goes on.

I have recently bought a hip hop dance dvd that I am doing every other night but just cannot get up the motivation to get outside and run or blade or bike, like I used to.

I lost a huge amount of weight around Christmas and was so excited (clothes were fitting better, I felt better :) )...and now that motivation is gone.

If anyone can share where they are getting their motivation or inspiration that would be amazing!

Have a great rest of your weekend.



  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    For me...I get my motivation from the very fact that I know that I deserve to be happy! I have worked hard in many aspects of my life and it is time to give myself something. This is a big reason why I workout with DVDs because that way I won't make the excuse of not wanting to go outside, or weather, or driving. The DVDs are right there. Right now I do TurboFire and it is AMAZING! I like it because it comes with a calendar...and I am one of those people who does not like to be behind, so I push myself to get the workouts matter what!

    Also, Chalene (the creator of it) is so motivating throughout the DVD that it helps me get through it! You just have to tell yourself that you deserve happiness and balance in all areas of your life...and this is something you can directly control and succeed in! You can do it girl...stay strong!
  • alison2429
    alison2429 Posts: 236 Member
    Happy to motivate you if you want to add me as a friend. Take a look at my profile and we can motivate each other.

    Loads of luck on your journey - you can get your mojo back!!

  • You're right; when you are exercising by yourself it's easy to make excuse after excuse.

    I am not generally a group exerciser, but I started Zumba about six weeks ago. Have you tried it? I've found it to be a great calorie burner and I've come to really look forward to the social aspect of it, too. I think part of the reason it works is because I feel accountable to the group, thus no excuses!

    Tracking everything on MFP is motivating for me, though it sounds like you do that regularly.

    Do you have a nutrition buddy?

    Think about wearing summer clothes.....

    You look fantastic, by the way!
  • You're right; when you are exercising by yourself it's easy to make excuse after excuse.

    I am not generally a group exerciser, but I started Zumba about six weeks ago. Have you tried it? I've found it to be a great calorie burner and I've come to really look forward to the social aspect of it, too. I think part of the reason it works is because I feel accountable to the group, thus no excuses!

    Tracking everything on MFP is motivating for me, though it sounds like you do that regularly.

    Do you have a nutrition buddy?

    Think about wearing summer clothes.....

    You look fantastic, by the way!
  • For me...I get my motivation from the very fact that I know that I deserve to be happy! I have worked hard in many aspects of my life and it is time to give myself something. This is a big reason why I workout with DVDs because that way I won't make the excuse of not wanting to go outside, or weather, or driving. The DVDs are right there. Right now I do TurboFire and it is AMAZING! I like it because it comes with a calendar...and I am one of those people who does not like to be behind, so I push myself to get the workouts matter what!

    Also, Chalene (the creator of it) is so motivating throughout the DVD that it helps me get through it! You just have to tell yourself that you deserve happiness and balance in all areas of your life...and this is something you can directly control and succeed in! You can do it girl...stay strong!

    Thanks sooo Much!!! Yeah it is indeed so true!!
    I have done so much for everyone else and forgot myself on the way it should be my time to do something for me to finally make me happy!! Thanks so much for your insight!
  • Hi
    Happy to motivate you if you want to add me as a friend. Take a look at my profile and we can motivate each other.

    Loads of luck on your journey - you can get your mojo back!!


    Thank you thank you!! I have added you as a friend and hope that we can push eachtoher on our journeys!
  • You're right; when you are exercising by yourself it's easy to make excuse after excuse.

    I am not generally a group exerciser, but I started Zumba about six weeks ago. Have you tried it? I've found it to be a great calorie burner and I've come to really look forward to the social aspect of it, too. I think part of the reason it works is because I feel accountable to the group, thus no excuses!

    Tracking everything on MFP is motivating for me, though it sounds like you do that regularly.

    Do you have a nutrition buddy?

    Think about wearing summer clothes.....

    You look fantastic, by the way!

    Heyy! Thanks for your comment!!

    I am getting Zumba next week and going to start it!! I have heard such great things and cannot wait to try it!!

    Unfortunately I don't really have a nutrition buddy. I make lunches and dinners for my boyfriend and myself so I am monitoring it that way. I double check what I am making on MFP first to see if its healthy enough! So in that aspect its good. The only downfall is I tend to eat out a lot when I have long days at school. I tend to be here for 10-15 hr days and I do pack a lunch but I find its never enough!

    And thank you so much for the compliment! :)
  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    I do the same thing, all the time! I even drove to the gym and circled the parking lot while I tried to find a reason not to have to go that day.

    My motivation comes and goes, too. I just got a burst of it about two weeks ago, and I've been trying to utilize every second that I feel it.

    One of the things that hit me, is that I expend so much energy on silly things. If I direct that energy towards myself, I'll feel so much better about life, so much less stressed, and so much happier.

    The other thing was realizing how much time and energy I spend almost talking myself out of feeling better. Every time I make an excuse not to go to the gym, or take a walk, or whatever it might be, I'm talking myself out of making good changes. And why would I ever want to do that!?!

    I've been trying to act the moment an urge hits me to take a walk or do something positive, instead of giving myself time to avoid it. If I don't act immediately, I try to at least move in that direction. Like I decided to take a walk this morning, and while I didn't do it right away, I immediately went and put on some exercise clothes so I would be one step closer.

    I have also been trying to switch my thinking, from "I HAVE to" (go to the gym, take a walk, etc) to "I GET to." Trying to remember that I'm fortunate enough to be able to change some of the things in my life that I'm not happy with has been some good motivation lately.
  • seadog1
    seadog1 Posts: 86 Member
    MFP seems to motivate me, also am exercising more, thought I have seen to hit a plateau. Am also varying my exercise, bikeing one day and walking the other. I recently increased my calories from that needed to lose 2 lbs a week to one lb week, that did not seem to work so am now working on 1.5 lbs a week and eating my exercise calories to some extent. After being on 1200 calories a day for a while 1600 seems like a lot.
  • I do the same thing, all the time! I even drove to the gym and circled the parking lot while I tried to find a reason not to have to go that day.

    My motivation comes and goes, too. I just got a burst of it about two weeks ago, and I've been trying to utilize every second that I feel it.

    One of the things that hit me, is that I expend so much energy on silly things. If I direct that energy towards myself, I'll feel so much better about life, so much less stressed, and so much happier.

    The other thing was realizing how much time and energy I spend almost talking myself out of feeling better. Every time I make an excuse not to go to the gym, or take a walk, or whatever it might be, I'm talking myself out of making good changes. And why would I ever want to do that!?!

    I've been trying to act the moment an urge hits me to take a walk or do something positive, instead of giving myself time to avoid it. If I don't act immediately, I try to at least move in that direction. Like I decided to take a walk this morning, and while I didn't do it right away, I immediately went and put on some exercise clothes so I would be one step closer.

    I have also been trying to switch my thinking, from "I HAVE to" (go to the gym, take a walk, etc) to "I GET to." Trying to remember that I'm fortunate enough to be able to change some of the things in my life that I'm not happy with has been some good motivation lately.

    WOW..Great insight!

    I am definately going to try the act immediately response!! Thats a great tip!! I know that I am my worst enemy all the time!!

    Thank you so much for sharing! I am excited to finish work because I GET to go for a run :)

    :) Great advice
  • MFP seems to motivate me, also am exercising more, thought I have seen to hit a plateau. Am also varying my exercise, bikeing one day and walking the other. I recently increased my calories from that needed to lose 2 lbs a week to one lb week, that did not seem to work so am now working on 1.5 lbs a week and eating my exercise calories to some extent. After being on 1200 calories a day for a while 1600 seems like a lot.

    Thanks for the response!!
    Thats an interesting tactic to switch around goals! I may look into changing what my est. goal loss wants to be!

    Also great idea with switching up the workouts! I will definately look into trying different things everyday it may work out better if my body isn't bored of the workout!

    Thanks :)
  • BombolinaM
    BombolinaM Posts: 561 Member
    I was in the same boat a few weeks ago. But I got sick of feeling down and eating everything in sight. So I joined a gym and I've been doing Zumba. Let me tell you I feel so much better. I don't feel so depressed. I was laid off from work the end of January and let me tell you I get into ruts where I don't want to leave the house for days and would sleep a lot. I feel so much better getting out there and working towards a better me. You can do this!
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