Diet Sodas/Drinks/Juice and Weight Gain.

I know a lot of people flock to diet sodas/drinks/juice while on diets.

As far as Diet Drinks and Artificial Sweeteners go:

As far as juice goes:
All of the sugar of fruits, none of the fiber to slow down absorption = high insulin spikes = hunger/crashing

Nothing wrong with it every now and then (believe me, I love me some Monster!) but when you fall back on diet drinks, it can actually work against you!


  • pixietoes
    pixietoes Posts: 1,591 Member
    Earlier this week I posted somewhere that I don't drink juice, and it's true that I normally don't, but I do occasionally have a V8. I don't think of it as a juice, but as an emergency veggie shot on days when I just can't eat the way I want to. Otherwise, I think drinking calories is silly (except for wine).