what to do when you just can't moderate

i don't know what to do. maybe it's because i'm coming off months of binges, but i tried to buy something sweet as a reward for when i do well. all my roommates have cookies/chocolates laying around and eat them very slowly...i don't know how they do it. anyway, anytime i do this, i end up out of control and eating them all up. i'll start out eating one, and then i'll go for another. before i know i've had 4 and feel insanely guilty and ashamed. because of this, i think that i might as well get them out of sight so i finish them off and get super upset with myself. yes, the solution is just to NOT buy anything like this, but the fact that i can't control this is driving me crazy. i never was this way before. i'm in a foreign country and super lonely and miss people, so it's partly from depression i think, but still i can't believe how ridiculous i'm being.


  • lilttriana
    try buying something that is individual, you know just one serving. Good Luck!!
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    Sounds like a very tough place you're in, having to deal with a number of emotional stressors that come with being far from others that you're close to and striving for your fitness goals. What I'll do if I find myself ever binging, is to compensate for it. Instead of purging by vomiting, you can purge by exercising more.

    This isn't the best way to deal with this, as conditioning yourself to stay away from the sweets is BEST, but it can be a temporary pass for now.

    Make yourself do a set amount of cardio for every cookie/treat you eat and stick with it. Sooner or later, you may begin to judge for yourself whether or not that extra treat was worth it.

    I wish you all the best!
  • FrancesGallagher
    FrancesGallagher Posts: 88 Member
    Anything with sugar or sweet can get you hungry for more sweet things. If your could have an apple or orange just to get you by that moment of needing so desperately to eat candy/cookies, etc. and the fact that control goes out the window when you do indulge is not just your problem but so many people share that impulse with you. If you can, you should try to stop beating yourself up about this. Count those calories in that candy and instead have something like a sandwich, or even a glass of water, maybe a sugar free soda, because sometimes the message that we are hungry gets confused with being thirsty. A mug of warm v-8 juice as an in between meals snack, will help to keep hunger away, then if you really need something sweet you could try a mug of hot chocolate, you can get the sugar-free mix and I like to put a bit of milk in it. You still may have to consider candy your RED LIGHT food and try not to be exposed to it anymore than you have to. Wishing you the best of luck. Gram
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    If your Young and living with other people who are bringing things into the house, it's hard. Don't be hard on yourself. Is there anyway you can tell them what your trying to do and ask them to keep junk out of sight? I know when I started it was like detoxing.
    I like to put a pair of headphone on and turn the music up really high and walk. Try to eat more vegetables, keep them around for snacking. If you binge on vegetables or eat an apple or orange it's not so bad. I eat a lot of light popcorn too. There are lower calorie/ carb. options. You need to get on the site and ask for ideas. When you go to the store you will be able to make better choices. If you don't buy the junk you can't eat the junk. I don't think you're friends will let you keep eating their stuff, eventually they'll get pisst. Get your own good stuff. Also drink a LOT of water.
  • purplehaze12
    Thanks so much for the replies guys. I was really in a state of self-loathing when I wrote this lol. And no, I never take sweets and stuff from my roommates. I don't think they'd appreciate that too much! I just bought a pack of eight cookies thinking it wasn't enough to binge on and that I could simply space them out, and surprise, I ate them all within two sittings on the same day! I honestly wonder if I'm just overthinking it and am obsessing myself. I'm telling myself that eating them is the worst possible thing I could do and the pressure just makes me cave. I've decided to not buy anymore sweets at all. When I get myself on track I can have a sweet every now and then like my roommates. I'm thinking just a small candy bar (they have smaller ones here than in the US...won't be a king size lol) or something a couple of times a month that is 1) single-serving and 2) something that will really feel like a reward.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    You have to be honest with yourself and deal with your emotions. Being in a foreign country can be stressful so your have to find other means to overcome that and try not to eat your loneliness away. Because as you know once the food is gone the loneliness is still there. So please don't try to down play those emotions. Thats a huge part of this healthy journey. We all have to deal with that in order to be successful in weight loss and maintaining it.

    I suggest not buying any sweets until you've learn how to deal with it. Sometimes we have to deny ourselves somethings until we have a better understanding of ourselves and out habits. Once we've started to gain that control over ourselves where we know we are strong enough to moderate our food portions then you can gradually introduce some treats back into your diet. So right now use yogurts and fruits as your treats and build from there.