

  • JodiS75
    JodiS75 Posts: 284
    I quit one year ago this coming Tuesday the 12th! :drinker: This was before I started losing weight. I didn't gain any weight from quitting, but did start gaining a few months later when I changed jobs. You'll do a great job, I'm sure of it!
  • patsyanne
    patsyanne Posts: 111
    I quit many years ago. I threw darts at the dart board as a stress release. I also ate twizzlers and pretzle rods, cause they kept my hands occupied for periods of time.
    Good luck cause quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for yourself, try to watch what you eat at the same time but dont stress over it. Eat sensibly and get out there exercising.
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    WOW, GREAT advice and such AMAZING support!!!! Thank you all so much. I really want to comment on each invidual comment right now because you all made me really think and feel great. Funny thing is a couple people mentioned gum and someone even mentioned Costco. I am actually leaving in a few to go there and I think I'll pick up some gum! Thank you everyone. I'll be watching this post like a HAWK, for it's very encouraging. XO
  • mariaroslaug
    mariaroslaug Posts: 4 Member
    I didn't gain any weight when I stopped. I tackled the cravings by excersizing, even just for 5 minutes with short sprint running to get the pulse up. For me that extinguished the craving.
    When you smoke, your basal metabolism speeds a little up, so when you stop smoking the metabolism slows a bit down. It is generally thought that when you stop smoking your metabolism slows down to the equivalent of 240-300 calories per day for the first few months and then it reaches balance.
    So if you just plan ahead and count in those extra calories per day (increase excersize to 300 calories more) you can successfully quit smoking without gaining weight.

    Good luck in your endeavour :)
  • Zoe9636
    Zoe9636 Posts: 56
    I quit smoking about six weeks ago when I started getting serious about my health, I have lost 14 pounds during that time so you can do both at the same time. It is still hard but I just have to remind myself of why I need to change and that has kept me on track. Best of luck
  • kartunes
    kartunes Posts: 46
    I smoked for two years and three weeks ago I quit! It was surprisingly easy, I did not have any massive cravings.
    Now I feel good when I can run a mile without feeling like I'm going to die.
  • jazgal
    jazgal Posts: 122
    I quit in January ... I still find it hard ... I try to stay away from smokers since I still get the urge.. so have lost friends along the way .. I hate it when my hair smells like cigs .. wonder if when one quits it makes us moee sensitive to the smell ...
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Keep a dark chocolate bar on you. Just nibble on a piece throughout the day (don't just eat the entire bar) Rich in antioxidants and helps boost metabolism. :)

    Don't do this. I quit smoking 12 years ago and did not gain weight as a result of quitting. I had just stopped doing WW and I kept the weight off until I got pregnant 7 months later.

    The thing is cigarette smoking does cause a rise in your blood sugar, when that rise starts to fall that is when you crave another cigarette. If you raplace the cigarette with sweets it causes the same rise and fall in your blood sugar and you will have more cravings rather than less.

    Try chewing sugar free gum, or sipping water. The hardest thing for me was filling the time when the habit arose, like when I got to the car. I used to, as soon as I got in light up. It took a while to get over that. You need to prepare for your trigger moments so they dont' catch you off guard.

    Best wishes, you can do it.

    The thing that kept me goind. I never wanted to start over. Once I made it 30 days I never wanted to have to quit for 30 days again, the same for 60, 90, etc. The longer it went the easier it got. I never would want to have to go 12 years all over again.
  • bionicdiver
    bionicdiver Posts: 198 Member
    Smoking that is! This last episode with a sinus and chest cold really was the cherry on top. Plus, I love to run now and I could feel it starting to effect how long I could run without running out of breath. The only fear I have is gaining back some of the weight I lost. I think I won't weigh myself this week because I don't want to get discouraged and all.

    Ex smokers' losing weight; can you tell me how it went for you when you quit smoking while on this journey of losing weight? Did you gain? If so how much? Any advice would be appreciated too!!! =)

    I was working out before I quit. So, when I finally did put them down, I didn't gain because I was at the gym already.

    If you don't want to gain, make it a habit to go to the gym and use MFP to count your calories. If you do that, you won't gain (or you won't gain much). If you feel like you need to have a smoke, just get a piece of gum instead. It will work. Will power is the key.

    Great job for quitting! That's the first, best step you could make!
  • bs_price
    bs_price Posts: 12 Member
    i kept about six different types and flavors of sugar free gum on me at all times popsicles help at night get sugar free they are better for you and just get ur head in the game it sucks to quit but u have to really want it for it to work also if ur having a lot of issues talk to ur doctor about different meds to help you
  • jazgal
    jazgal Posts: 122
    You are so strong ... if I was nea a chocolate bar I would eat the whole thing .... chocolate is one of my weaknesses
  • kc72886
    kc72886 Posts: 4
    My mom quit 4 years ago on April 2nd. She was a 3 pack smoker per day. She had lost weight before she quit and was worried about the same thing you are. Her doctor gave her some real advice. The weight gain is temporary...the advantages of quitting smoking is life long. So I am not going to lie to you and say that she didn't gain any weight, but it wasn't anything outrageous and I promise you this... she is now down 100 lbs today and is an avid runner. (She kicks my *kitten* and she is turning 50 in a few months!) :wink:
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    I feel like I could beat the crap out of something today, lol. I guess this is why exercise is so essential to quitting smoking! You all are great, thank you SO much for all the advice, encouragment and success stories. It really, really helps; especially in moments like this. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhh!!!
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    I feel like I could beat the crap out of something today, lol. I guess this is why exercise is so essential to quitting smoking! You all are great, thank you SO much for all the advice, encouragment and success stories. It really, really helps; especially in moments like this. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhh!!!

    Breathe Deeply, Calm Deep Breathes!!! You can do this, You can make it through the tough time your having, DONT let the smoke have power over you YOU are the one that will allow your body to get to a healthy state. KEEP YOUR MIND IN POSITIVE WAYS OF THINKING YOUR DOING GREAT KEEP IT UP
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    I feel like I could beat the crap out of something today, lol. I guess this is why exercise is so essential to quitting smoking! You all are great, thank you SO much for all the advice, encouragment and success stories. It really, really helps; especially in moments like this. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhh!!!

    Breathe Deeply, Calm Deep Breathes!!! You can do this, You can make it through the tough time your having, DONT let the smoke have power over you YOU are the one that will allow your body to get to a healthy state. KEEP YOUR MIND IN POSITIVE WAYS OF THINKING YOUR DOING GREAT KEEP IT UP

    Thank you!! Hope it gets easier sooner than later...
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    I WANT A CIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's SO hard today. I bought Tic Tacs and that has helped some but I still want a stupid Cig. GRRRRRRRRR!
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    I quit smoking about six weeks ago when I started getting serious about my health, I have lost 14 pounds during that time so you can do both at the same time. It is still hard but I just have to remind myself of why I need to change and that has kept me on track. Best of luck

    Thank you! That totally hit me right now.I CAN do both dang it. It's SO flippen hard though! I'm still doing it though. Got my Tic Tacs in hand, LOL!