Weekly cheat days ?



  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Remember, it's not a DIET. It's a lifestyle change. As long as your keep thinking of it a "diet" and "cheating" you will never accomplish the long term goal of having a healthy lifestyle and long term weight loss.

    I wouldn't call it a "cheat". Nobody ever said that you can never have cake, or chocolate, or ice cream ever again. You are not learning anything by "cheating". Me, I love ice cream, and eat some almost everyday. It's all about the choices that you make. Plan for a "little" indulgence every day, if thats what you need to make it through the day. It will give you something to look forward to. Planning to have it later in the day helps to keep you on track through out the earlier part of the day. A reward for making good healthy choices the rest of the day. If you really want this, you can do it. But you can't do it if all you think about is cheating. I am pretty much a gym rat right now. I got that way because my reward for going to the gym is that I get to eat more. Bottom line-you need to find out how to keep yourself motivated and on track, and reward yourself accordingly.

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    I really like this mentality. I like thinking of it as my new healthier lifestyle...I don't think of as a "diet" or if I overindulge, as "cheating". I do try to keep things under control and indulge in only occasional treats or eating out for special occasions, but I don't worry about it too much, even if I go a little over in calories on some days. I can't speak to it, because I don't do them, but bhe people who do planned "cheat days" seem to live just for those days (not just here on MFP but I have people in my real life who do this) and obsess over what they're gonna eat that's "bad", etc. I would rather focus on staying in balance most of the time, staying within my calories, and allowing for a little craving now and then.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    I allow myself 1-2 maintenance days per month, and 1 week at maintenance at the end of each 3 month period. The only rule is...I have to log every single thing I eat.

    I really like this idea of eating at maintenance for a couple of days per month and also for an entire week to give your body a rest.
    I will have to try that.
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    I have a cheat day every Saturday and it doesn't impede my progress. I've been consistently losing 2 pounds a week.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    Not only does it not hurt weight-loss, it helps it. Just like taso said. I've had weekly spike days for several years, and I've lost over a hundred pounds doing it. In fact, today is my spike day and I'm well on my way to 6,000 calories :)
    Diets that deprive us don't work long-term, by having a day off, you can lose weight but yet still have fun with food.

    RIGHT ON! I love the word SPIKE day! The word CHEAT reminds me of 80's diet mentality!

    In the past when I was dieting I felt I had to be perfect, because every time I "cheated" I felt horribly guilty. When I realized "cheating" was helping me lose weight by spiking my metabolism, I started calling it my "spike day". Also having it planned, made it guilt free and helped me stay honest the other 6 days because I never felt deprived.

    Like many are saying it has to be a lifestyle change, for me the lifestyle is eating healthy during the week and "spiking" over the weekend. Doing this I've maintained my weight-loss going on 7 years and I get to eat the way I really love to eat every weekend. I actually believe the "spiking" has made it easier to keep the weight off because it keeps my metabolism strong.
  • DanaR12878
    DanaR12878 Posts: 23 Member
    I lost about 50 lbs once before (yep gained it back by getting lazy and having 2 children!) and the way I did it was by following WW Monday thru Thursday and taking the weekends off. I walked pretty much everyday also. I have been doing MFP now since October and have lost just over 30lbs again. I have had my periods of 4 + lbs a week losses and my weeks of no losses. This past week I took the weekend off and also ate out once during the week and loss an even 2 lbs - I think my body needed a bit of a jump start. I did continue to exercise as regular. I think you need to try different apporaches and find what works for you. You will probably find that if you "splurge" too greatly (eat half a pizza, most of a carton of ice cream, etc) you will not feel well afterwards (yep thats form experience). Eat moderately the things you love or consider a "treat" one or two days a week and it may do wonders for your metabolism and your mind set about the process.
  • ladyphoto
    ladyphoto Posts: 192 Member
    I also believe in having a "cheat" day. I think if you deprive yourself of every thing you love day after day, you will eventually cave. It is good for the soul to have yummy things that are generally "off the table" once in a while. Especially if you are doing this as a lifestyle and not a diet.
  • darling_nickie
    darling_nickie Posts: 117 Member
    My new motto is "its not about deprivation, its about discipline" I think all things in moderation is fine as long as the overall picture is overall health and its not a major binge :) Today I had Ben & Jerry's (half a tub) with my sis because its my Bday and honestly I feel no guilt over it...I also know I might have to work a little harder these next few workouts but don't go without something you LOVE because then your "diet" becomes a punishment. Just my opinion though :)
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