Belly fat :( Help!



  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    You aren't eating enough. You should be netting 1200 calories a day and from what I can see you are at time only 600 - 900 calories. You need to eat more so that you don't go into starvation mode. Maybe once you get up on your calories a bit you will start to lose more weight and eventually it has no choice but to leave the belly.

    ahhh yeah. I try really really hard to get my net cals close to 1200. i'm going to start getting slim fast drinks and stuff so i can add calories without adding crap food to my diet lol. I get pretty close most of the time, but some days I do end up under

    Good food is important to fat loss. Too low on cals and you will retain fat especially in the belly for women. Try eating some nuts-they have fat, are dense calories and have protein.

    Slim fast is not the best option IMHO. It is loaded with sugar and carbs the very thing you want to lower for that belly fat. Now this is just my opinion and from experience in my life. When I hit my lowest weight, my tummy was pretty flat, but I was also eating high protien, medium GOOD fats (salmon, peanutbuttter, olive oil) and lowER carbs. I reallys saw a big difference.

    Of course I fell off that lovely wagon and bumped my head, but I am back now! :laugh:
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I hadn't looked at your food diary prior to my response. I would also start tracking sodium in your food diary. And add lots of raw vegetables...try spinach in addition to or instead of iceberg lettuce, more nutritious and much more filling :) I eat a big spinach salad with raw vegies like cucumber, tomato, radish, carrots, celery, asparagus for lunch on most work days and add in a little chicken/tuna or egg, or nuts and craisins...I've found that a big salad fills me up way more than my little sandwiches did, and my biggest salad was only like 500 calories, usually more like 300-400...try to get my cookied vegies and more protein in at dinner.

    Also, I agree with whoever posted that you're not eating enough. Go for 1200 net calories AFTER are definitely gettin in some great workouts but you have to fuel your body for them :)

    Good luck!
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    1200 is way to low...bump it to 1600-1800....hows your sugar intake?? you wanna lose it then keep sugar under 35gr....avoid fruit for a bit and supplement wih muti vitamins....
    when you do cardio do it with gotta feel your muscles working...I flatten my tummy quickly that way...
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    bump for later reading!
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    For me sugar will bloat my belly faster thsn sodium. I don't worry about fruit sugars but try not to go overboard on the other type sweets. I' m not as disciplined as I could be but definitely notice a difference anyway.