Help Wanted!

fatboyworkingout Posts: 1 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
My wife and I started this journey together a few months ago so far....well, we've had our ups and downs. We do really well for one week then blow it the next. I'm hoping if I can find a few extra friends to hold me accountable I will be more apt to stick with it! I have a daughter who will be 1 next week and I son that is 4 years old so I am a very busy person!! My wife and I seem to have a routine down that works for us. The problem is as soon as something new is thrown in to our mix we can't seem to find a way to work with it to stick to our work out and meal plans. SO, how do you all do it? What keeps you going when you just want to stop?? Help!!


  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    I have everything written down for me and I make that list every single night. If something new comes into play I rearrange things to try and make it work. I put the most important things on the top, those are the things that HAVE to be done then I work myself down. Just stay consistent and focus on what needs to be done. My goals and what I'm trying to accomplish is what keeps me going.
  • MzTrapp
    MzTrapp Posts: 20 Member
    What keeps me going is having a before picture hanging on the fridge so when I go reaching for something I don't need that will be a reminder. Feel free to add me as a friend because I really think this app helps a whole lot.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    keeping your goals in sight at all times--always keep your eye on the prize. You are going to have to make some forever changes to make that happen--try to approach the new challenges before just diving in. For instance, I know next weekend I have to be out of town--I am spending the last 2 weeks figuring out how to handle this and I feel much better now about going away and still staying on program.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    this is a hard one, when you have kids you cant help but have things happened that were not planned. You need to start keeping easy go to meals on hand for those times when you cant stick to the food plan, ex frozen ravolis with pasta sauce is easy, or soups, lowfat sandwich fixings, or know in advance what you can pick up that works in your food plan ex taco bells soft tacos 190 calories or wendys large chili 330. You get the idea, as far as work outs that is a hard one but if you cant do your usual workout, try going for a walk if you have to take the kids along, also putting on music and dancing around with them is at least moving. anything is better then nothing. I hope this helps
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    I moved my kitchen scale to in front of the pantry..that way, I can remind myself of my goal just by stepping on the scale.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    What is it on the meal plan that makes it hard? Fitting time in to cook on a daily basis? If it's that just set the "one day" for cooking, I tend to do it on Sundays and cook meals for the week, goulash, mac and cheese, chicken breasts etc, for the weeks meals. Freeze em (if they can freeze the industrial produced stuff and it be good for 2 years I can freeze mac and cheese made at home for a week) pancakes, french toast etc, freeze them and then it's just a quick reheat via toaster oven / toaster ... I don't use a microwave if I can help it :)

    When we do groceries I portion out the things before they get put in the cupboard, that way its done and when I want something it's just a grab it and eat it. Takes some time up front but it's such a time saver in the long run that it's worth it.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I am always having to change my plans on the fly- for me it's all about having and knowing back up options. I try to keep weekends as much like weekdays as I can, in terms of types of foods but I definitely eat less frequently on the weekends in bigger amounts- so I adjust the way I approach meals that way. I have my go-to foods at pretty much every restaurant (fast food and sit down) so that I know if nothing else I have 1 option I can work with and that affords me a lot of flexibility. For me it isn't really a consideration of 'stopping', this has kind of just become how I do things.

    What kind of stuff trips you up the most?
  • jazzy1129
    jazzy1129 Posts: 39 Member
    This is going to sound absolutely bizarre, but I tried it and it worked. I dont know if its a "mind" thing or what. I am in nursing school and during lecture we were discussing habits and routines. Supposedly. it takes 14 consecutive times to form a habit. So I tested the theory. I have started several diets and exercises and always end up giving up. I had to push my self until I got to about 10. After that, I noticed it was starting to become a habit. Now I dont even think about it, I just do it because I do it everyday. I have a 6 year old and a 3 year old, so I wait until they are out for the night and start my work out. Because I do Zumba, if they are awake I let them dance with me too.... I know it sounds crazy, but it worked for me...
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