First visit

Umrt54 Posts: 9 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hey all! This is my first visit to the website. I actually started using the app on April 1st. Figured April Fool's Day seemed fitting for me to start a weight loss program. I can't believe how well it's working. Hard to maintain the self-control. I was taking in 8000 calories per day. Now trying to stay around 2000. I AM STARVING!!! I know it will take time to get used to it, but I have a great support base.


  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    Welcome! You'll love it here! :)
  • Wakx
    Wakx Posts: 105 Member
    8000 calories a day, heavens! Just out of curiosity, what does one have to eat to reach that?

    If you feel hungry, eat lots of fiber rich food. Take huge portions of vegetables for example and gradually reduce over time.

    Good luck and welcome here!
  • heathhumble
    heathhumble Posts: 178
    Welcome ! Stay Focused you can do it. Feel free to add me as a friend, We can all help motivate each other.
  • I am 49 years old, 4'10" tall and began my weight loss journey at 187#, I now weigh 147.6#!. I am about halfway to my goal, healthy weight! What a difference going from a size 20 to a 12 has already made! My health is much better, that is for sure! I played the yo-yo game for almost 3 decades, as a gained weight with my two sons and just kept gaining! My cardiologist recommended I have Lap-Band surgery, which I did on Jan 31st, 2011. It is not for everyone, but I am very satisfied with my results! I have been FORCED to eat smaller portions now and I have LEARNED to buy only healthy groceries and cook healthy! If I HAVE to eat out, I am VERY careful what I choose and my husband ALWAYS finishes it if he is with me or I take it home and he finishes it there! We are all in this together no matter the means we choose to lose the weight! The key is still healthy portions of healthy food, exercise and plenty of water! I wish you all the best in your endeavor for a healthier life!

    I agree with adding larger portions of Vegetables! Steamed or raw is best! Boiling and microwaving takes too many nutrients out of them! Oatmeal is also very filling, eat that along with other healthy breakfast choices like egg white and Veggie Omelet with a sprinkle of Low Fat Mozzarella Cheese!. Use the long cooking or Steal Cut Oats they have more fiber content. Never the instant! My husband adds almonds and cranberries or blueberries (when we have them) to his and he eats Oatmeal EVERY morning! I don't like to use artificial sweeteners so I use Blue Agave Syrup for a sweetener, just a tsp or less! It is VERY sweet! Remember Apples are good fiber sources and healthy for you also! A small apple is a great snack with a Wedge of low calorie ******** Cow cheese (35 Calories)! We are not supposes to use brand names here I am told :) Eat fruit, do not drink fruit juices they are too high in sugar because they are so condensed! Water, Water, Water and Caffeine free tea!
  • Umrt54
    Umrt54 Posts: 9 Member
    You wouldn't believe me if I told you. My job provided me with a counselor and she didn't believe it either.
  • foxknowe
    foxknowe Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome to MFP, you will love it on here. Not only will it help you understand where you could be going it wrong, you will discover lots of friends who will help you whenever you need it.

    Just record your food and exercise, you will be amazed when you review.

    Once again, hello and good luck achieving your goals
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