Where were you??

TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
Describe what you were doing and where you were. You can add any emotions or things that you can remember. What will you tell your kids about these events? Feel free to add other historic events.

Where were you...

When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded (January 28, 1986)?

When Ronald Reagan was shot (March 30, 1981)?

When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)?


  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Describe what you were doing and where you were. You can add any emotions or things that you can remember. What will you tell your kids about these events? Feel free to add other historic events.

    Where were you...

    When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded (January 28, 1986)?

    When Ronald Reagan was shot (March 30, 1981)?

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)?
  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member
    Describe what you were doing and where you were. You can add any emotions or things that you can remember. What will you tell your kids about these events? Feel free to add other historic events.

    Describe what you were doing and where you were. You can add any emotions or things that you can remember. What will you tell your kids about these events? Feel free to add other historic events.

    Where were you...

    When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded (January 28, 1986)?

    I was not born yet!

    When Ronald Reagan was shot (March 30, 1981)?

    Yet again, I was not born!

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)?

    I was in 8th grade Science class and after that class I had Ancient World and we watched it on the TV when the second plane hit. It was really unbelievable. I had like a distant cousin who was never recovered in the Twin Towers.

    Oklahoma City Bombing (April 19, 1995)
    I was only 7 at the time, but I do remember this because my nephew was born in this year. It was such a heartbreaking event. I remember there was a country song out there about this and every time I listened to it I would cry.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    The first 2 I was in grammar school and remember knowing something was wrong (it was in the air)
    The teacher's wheeled in a tv so we could watch the shuttle explosion
    I remember hearing on the radio on the way home from school that Reagan was shot

    The thought of Sept 11th gives me major chills even to this day
    I worked in Northern NJ (secaucus....across the river from NYC)
    I had an office and literally SAW out my window the planes hit the trade center, but of course we had no clue what was going on..we initially thought it was an accident
    My mom works in Jersey City and saw it as well and called me
    After that the phones went dead...people were hysterical..crying because family/friends worked in the city and in the towers
    DH works in NYC and I wasn't able to speak to him until he got home about 3-4:00 that day

    They let us out early after the incident. and I remember seeing cars pulled over along the highway/ by the river....and people standing outside of their cars crying and watching the smoke/buildings on fire..
    I remember like it was yesterday it was the MOST beautiful day...beautiful blue skies and not a cloud in the sky
    It all felt so surreal and ironic....

  • mjfer123
    mjfer123 Posts: 1,234 Member
    Describe what you were doing and where you were. You can add any emotions or things that you can remember. What will you tell your kids about these events? Feel free to add other historic events.

    Where were you...

    When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded (January 28, 1986)?
    I was 3 months old...

    When Ronald Reagan was shot (March 30, 1981)?
    I wasn't even a thought

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)?

    I was in French class Junior year of High school, upstate NY, and the class thought it was a prank,
    I was supposed to cut my last two classes to go to VT and go hiking, but instead my Dad came to the school and we stayed glued to the TV when we got home. I think the biggest thing that shocked me was the flying of the bin laden family immediately afterward.

    *let me clarify the prank part, the kid that came in and told everyone was notorious for shenanigans, so we didnt believe him, he was late for class and walked in halfway through with this news, we just thought he was trying to be clever...*

    Unfortunately, this event probably changed the world the most for me

    If I may, I'll add the first Gulf war to these events, I was 5 and broke out in shingles when I saw the tanks and aircraft carriers and jets, etc, flying into Iraq/Kuwait. I thought the US was next. ironic now in a way.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded (January 28, 1986)?
    I was 12 years old and definitely remember watching the news with my mom, feeling so sad at what had happened.

    When Ronald Reagan was shot (March 30, 1981)?
    I was about 6 and don't really think I had any idea what was happening.

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)?
    I was working as a nanny on Long Island and was about to take the little boy to his gymnastics class. I remember how GORGEOUS it was outside. Just a perfect September day. Right before we left for his class, I turned on the tv to PBS to let him watch a little while I prepared the bag, etc...and I saw the twin towers with billowing smoke. I remember glancing and kept walking and then doing a double take when I realized that it wasn't a movie or a commercial and in fact PBS had cut into the kids programs to show the news.

    I took Sammy to his class to keep things as normal as possible for him and by the time that hour was up, I came out and my friend called on my cell and said "OMG can you believe this??".........and I said "I know, I can't believe they are on fire!".....................and she said "NO, they are DOWN....they are GONEE!"...

    I will never forget the chill up my spine hearing that in the hour I was in the class, both buildings had fallen. And my boss was an attorney in Manhattan and he didn't get home until around 10 pm that night and he said normally at that hour, the train station would have been empty but when he got there it was FULL and he wondered how many people had died. The area I lived in on Long Island lost A LOT of people.

    I could see the smoke too! It was horrible!
  • dachinababe
    When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded (January 28, 1986)?
    January 28,1986 I was an egg in my mom's ovary..:happy: I heard what happened when I moved to united states which is somewhat 20 years later..then I was :cry: and :frown:

    When Ronald Reagan was shot (March 30, 1981)?
    March 30, 1981, humm.. still in my mommy's tummy waiting to become an egg..I suppose..
    call me ignorant, this is the first time I heard that Ronald reagan was shot..(so much for paying attention in history class)

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)?
    september 11,2001.. I was sitting in 6th grade class in china. When I heard the news on tv, because I was so young I didn't understand what to think.... I cried when I learned that alot of people died, and became terrorfied when my mom told me we are moving to new york soon..
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    oh my--

    When the space shuttle blew up I was at work as a bank teller. The radio was on overhead and I could barely hear the words, but I was the only one who could hear it 'cause the speaker was right over my station. I ran to my boss and told him and he turned on the TV. As a punk 22 year old, it was more of an, "Oh, man, check this out," moment rather than truly considering the loss of life.

    When Reagan was shot, I was a junior in high school and simply remember hearing about it on TV.

    When the planes hit the buildings, I was in the kitchen preparing breakfast for my family when my mother called and told me to turn on the TV because a plane had just hit the World Trade Center. I live in Jersey, and had grown up seeing the skyline often. Hubby and I turned on the TV and had it on when the second plane struck. Obviously, at that point we all knew it was scumbag terrorists. We were furious and devastated and couldn't wait for our country to retaliate. When the towers collapsed, we sat and cried for the people in and around the buildings as we witnessed such an enormous loss of life, estimated at the time to be near 10,000.

    Seven years later, I'm still furious and devastated and hope to God that we will continue to kick butt any and everywhere we need to, to make these *kitten* rue the day they touched our country.
  • lifesaver
    lifesaver Posts: 132
    wasn't alive for the first two!

    during Sept. 11 I was actually living in the Middle East, in a country called Oman. My dad was teaching music there and I was a student at an American/British school. It was evening when it happened there and my parents were watching it on TV, I thought it was just a movie. To be honest I didn't even know what the twin towers were at that age, I didn't think too much of it. The school was closed down the next day in case because it was partly American, but nothing happened. Oman is a very peaceful place.
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    Describe what you were doing and where you were. You can add any emotions or things that you can remember. What will you tell your kids about these events? Feel free to add other historic events.

    Where were you...

    When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded (January 28, 1986)?

    I was home sick from school...a junior in highschool and I was watching it on tv ....that was horrible...I cried my heart out....it was like...did that just happen???

    When Ronald Reagan was shot (March 30, 1981)?

    I was in grade school...like 5th grade I think....I remember my parents talking about it and it being on all the news shows and the teachers telling us about it....Nuns LOVE drama...sigh...

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)?

    Omg, my Nicholas was just 9 mths and the night before he was rushed to the hospitial and put on meds for a urinary infections....he had the urinary reflux we found out and he stayed there for like 10 days...anyway....I was in our room, crying and holding him and had cnn on the tv and the nurse was explaining to me what he had etc....and I saw the first plane....and I swear I thought it was a movie....then the second plane crashed....on air....we both saw it and said....wait a min...that's real! and then all the doctors were in my son's room w/ us and we were all in shock.....I felt like the world stopped between my baby being so sick and that horrible heartbreaking tradgedy....I'll never forget that as long as I live...God bless them all!!!:brokenheart: :heart:
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    When the shuttle blew up, I was in kindergarten and just watchin cartoons. All of a sudden the show changed and this exploding shuttle was everywhere. My family says I had nightmares for years.

    I am not sure about the Reagan incident, as I was not very old at the time.

    9/11...I was still in bed and my fiance (ex-husband now) called from the air force base frantic. They had locked the gates and no one could get in or out. Our son (technically my step-son) was stuck at a day care 5 minutes from the base but 20 minutes from me and I couldn't pick him up. I just sat on the floor and watched the media play the crash over and over....til when I closed my eyes at night I could still see it. I felt so horrible, that so many innocent people were going to die. When they showed people jumping I lost it.
  • fit4fun
    fit4fun Posts: 84
    Challenger...I was 2 1/2, so no memory of it.
    Ronald Reangan...not born yet.
    Twin Towers...I was laying in bed with my daughter who was 5 months old. My mother came running in the room and yelled, "The world is ending!" My stomach dropped and I ran into the living room to see what was on TV. I then saw the second plane hit live. It was so horrible. And I remember seeing the people jumping from the towers and the news anchors trying to figure out what that was. Then they realized it was people....it was so tragic....THEN THEY COLLAPSED! Truly unbelievable. It was like I was watching a movie. People running frantic covered in dust, true horror in their eyes. It was almost perverse to watch. I will never forget that day and how scared I was for the future of my daughter and our country.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Challenger...I was 2 1/2, so no memory of it.
    Ronald Reangan...not born yet.
    Twin Towers...I was laying in bed with my daughter who was 5 months old. My mother came running in the room and yelled, "The world is ending!" My stomach dropped and I ran into the living room to see what was on TV. I then saw the second plane hit live. It was so horrible. And I remember seeing the people jumping from the towers and the news anchors trying to figure out what that was. Then they realized it was people....it was so tragic....THEN THEY COLLAPSED! Truly unbelievable. It was like I was watching a movie. People running frantic covered in dust, true horror in their eyes. It was almost perverse to watch. I will never forget that day and how scared I was for the future of my daughter and our country.
    It DID feel like the world was ending! I mean, first one tower, then the other, then the pentagon, then the PA crash....you felt like you had to sit still and just keep your eyes on the news and not move a muscle...it felt like you didn't know when the next one was going to hit!!!
  • Lexino
    Lexino Posts: 153 Member
    Describe what you were doing and where you were. You can add any emotions or things that you can remember. What will you tell your kids about these events? Feel free to add other historic events.

    Where were you...

    When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded (January 28, 1986)?

    When Ronald Reagan was shot (March 30, 1981)?

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)?

    1-In my mothers womb

    2-not born

    3-10th grade history class- this definately affected everybody- there were people crying and freaking out even here in wisconsin. It was horrible.
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    GEESSSSHHHHHHHHHH---you guys are babies! Not born yet--in kindergarten. OH MYGOSH! You've made me feel sooooooooooooooooooooo old! th_Silly_avatar_by_Dicx.gif

    Challenger--working in deli in Palo Alto, CA watching it on TV (in mid-20s then)

    Reagan--walking into grocery store with my mom and some guy stopped his car, jumped out, and began screaming "the president's been shot!" (senior in high school)

    9/11 attacks--in car on way to visit friend and heard it on radio. got to his house, and he didn't believe us until we turned on his TV and saw on the news.
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    Where were you...

    When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded (January 28, 1986)?

    I was 9 years old, we had a snow day and I was staying with my Grandmother. We were watching it on TV when it blew up. I remember being confused and my Grandmother told me something went wrong. I think I lined up all my star wars figures to tell them somethat bad had happened....

    When Ronald Reagan was shot (March 30, 1981)?

    I was about 4...I don't really remember this event. I was probably doing something awesome like eating peaches or something...

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)?

    The defining moment of our generation...

    I had worked night shift all night and had gotten home about 7am. Usually I never heard the phone ringing but I heard it when my Dad called me to tell me I needed to turn on the TV. I got up, woke my roommate and we watched both towers fall. Soon after that I was called in, and we worked riot control. There was so much confusion and fear that day. The college was crippled. I remember for weeks after that, if someone saw you in a police uniform they wanted to shake your hand or give you a hug or free meal. It was crazy.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I really don't remember where I was or what I was doing when the Challenger exploded, but I was 7 years old and I remember there being an episode on Punky Brewster about it. That's really all I remember pertaining to that.

    I was only 2 when Reagan was shot, so probably terrorizing my brother or doing other 2 year old like things.

    I was still sleeping when the planes hit the towers, but I slept with my radio on and woke up to President Bush saying we had been attacked by terrorists. I got up and watched the news and then went for my usual rollerblade trip to the park which was weird because the whole city seemed to be silent. Not a plane in the sky.....I just rollerbladed around letting everything sink in. I then went to work at a daycare and tried to act normal for the kids so they wouldn't know something was up and get scared.
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    Space Shuttle...
    Home sick with the chicken pox

    I was a toddler

    I was home sick that Monday and did not feel up to going to work on Tuesday either ( I hated my job at the time) I was watching the Today show, watched everything unfold as they did. I am tearing up just thinking about it. There are no words to describe the devastation on that day.
  • DeannaK
    DeannaK Posts: 178 Member
    Describe what you were doing and where you were. You can add any emotions or things that you can remember. What will you tell your kids about these events? Feel free to add other historic events.

    Where were you...

    When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded (January 28, 1986)?

    I was in science class at school.. we were all watching it on tv.. when it exploded, our teacher rushed to turn the tv off, and we just all sort of sat there shocked. i believe school was dismissed for the rest of the day.

    When Ronald Reagan was shot (March 30, 1981)?

    i was in kindergarten.. i don't really remember much of this event.

    When the planes flew into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001)?
    i was just boarding a plane for a wedding when the second tower was hit. our plane ride was very quiet and sullen. when we landed, we were escorted by security into the airport and told to find a place to sit.. this was just a "connector" flight for us, and when they released everyone's luggage and turned off all the flight screens, we knew it was big. they (police and security) wouldn't let us listen to any radios and they shut off all the tv's. Five hours later we left the airport by taxi, and happened to have friends near that airport that we stayed with for a few days.. We missed the wedding, and didn't fly anywhere again until last summer.
  • chelsey787
    chelsey787 Posts: 261
    Space Shuttle: not born yet!

    Ronald Reagan: not born!

    9-11: sitting in my family room with my mom, watching Good Morning America and waiting for my sister to finish getting ready for school. We had a late start that day in our high school so mom was bringing us to school. My mom and I watched as it happened, but still went to school.
  • lyla29
    lyla29 Posts: 3,549 Member
    Space Shuttle
    I was about 9 and all of the classes were in the cafeteria to watch the lift off and explosion.

    Ronald Reagan
    was too little

    getting ready to go to the store with my almost 2 year old, saw it on the news, but had a very hard time believing it was really happening.