Hi I'm new

Ceela Posts: 1
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hi ....I am new to this program.... I have tried several things, but kept yo-yo-ing, so now I am trying this.....a friend told me she is doing good on it. Hopefully I will too!


  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    Welcome! Set goals for yourself and stick to them. Good luck!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Good luck--i've been on for a month and love it! Feel free to add me if you are looking for friends :)
  • Ive been faithful the last month to this program but found the calories were way to low and had to up it a lil and now I am feeling better
  • Jules021
    Jules021 Posts: 1 Member
    Hii im new too!!! So. let start working hard to make the goal true!!! :D:happy:
  • Umrt54
    Umrt54 Posts: 9 Member
    Welcome aboard. I have been using the app for over a week and have already seen awesome results. Set your goals and stick to it!
  • I am also new to "myfitnesspal". I actually signed up a month ago recommended by my daughter in California. Hoping when I actually start tracking my food it will make a bigger impact on me losing the weight faster. You really don't realize what you put in your mouth until you start tracking it.
  • a_freeman
    a_freeman Posts: 116 Member
    Hi Ceela,

    For me, the most important part is keeping up with the diary. I record what I eat, good or bad. It's silly but lots of time I skip something not on the diet just because I don't want to suffer the shame of writing it into my diary. Send me a friend request if you want. Happy to be a diet partner
  • Good Luck!! Hang in there, you CAN do it!! I have been a member for about a week and I have lost a couple of pounds. Just a nice place to get ideas, support and inspiration.
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 531 Member
    welcome and good luck on your journey : )
  • kweir7
    kweir7 Posts: 16
    The site is great - so is the support. Feel free to add me as a friend!!:smile:
  • lizalmp1234
    lizalmp1234 Posts: 311 Member
    hi welcome
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    Welcome! This site works well if you set a goal, stick with the plan and don't waiver too much! (been my problem lately!). But if you stick to the weightloss and fitness goals you set, you'll be successful.
  • Big_Girls_Dream
    Big_Girls_Dream Posts: 7 Member
    Really want to reach my weight loss dreams lets hope this works. Fingers crossed!!!
  • Big_Girls_Dream
    Big_Girls_Dream Posts: 7 Member
    Day one starts tomorrow!!!! Wish me luck everyone!!!
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