How do you fight your weekend?

I love my weekends with my little girl, but its so easy to over eat. TODAY I chose to not go to bed in the red. After I tucked my daughter in I did day 3 week 2 of c25k and I feel so much better.

What did you do?


  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Went to the gym. Saturdays are usually the day I tend to overeat so I force myself to go the the gym to off set the "damage". An hour of cardio, lift, crunches, and stretch does my body good :smile:
  • Brittney24
    Brittney24 Posts: 105
    For some reason for me my weekends tend to be healthier than the weekdays!
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    I worked
  • SimplyDeLish
    Saturday is my toughest day to stay on track; so I made my weekly weigh-in Sunday morning. It really helps me stay focused!
  • sbear867
    sbear867 Posts: 249 Member
    Saturday is my toughest day to stay on track; so I made my weekly weigh-in Sunday morning. It really helps me stay focused!
    good idea!
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    Weekends are actually a breeze for me - far easier than the weekdays. Weekends usually mean I'm at home, and have access to all my healthier foods, I have time to fix them, prep full meals, etc. I don't have to worry about what I can heat up at work, whether or not something will hold up, if I will be able to eat it while I'm working, etc.
  • Delaina1
    Delaina1 Posts: 168 Member
    I just pray for will power :happy:
  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    I just focus on what my goals are and if I mess up I know it would be a set back for me.
  • cherilyn221
    cherilyn221 Posts: 62 Member
    I stay busy and get out of the house if at all possible. Get extra exercise so if I do cave to a bit of temptation it won't be disastrous.
  • Shawna1080
    Shawna1080 Posts: 18 Member
    I try working in my yard. You can spend a lot of time out there and burns lots of calories all while accomplishing another task as well. Only bad part is it is usually difficult to eat all of those calories back and I end up deficit still 4-600.... =)
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Weekends are actually a breeze for me - far easier than the weekdays. Weekends usually mean I'm at home, and have access to all my healthier foods, I have time to fix them, prep full meals, etc. I don't have to worry about what I can heat up at work, whether or not something will hold up, if I will be able to eat it while I'm working, etc.

    I'm the same way! It is way easier to eat healthy at home and not have to worry about what I have to take to work. And I have more time to work out and do things like hiking or mountain biking on the weekends.