thinner thighs with running or elliptical?

Dancinhiphop4life Posts: 62
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
so which one is better to thin your thighs? i have big thighs and i dont want to get chicken legs but would like them to get smaller. i figured running but just wanted to see other peoples opinions :smile:


  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I am a runner and my thighs have gotten way smaller and muscle toned. I am 5'9" with very long legs. Running for sure.
  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    Both of them are good, but the elliptical you can change resistance which will help
  • cokpara
    cokpara Posts: 32 Member
    i'm a big believer in what running can do for your body as a whole... and your legs, don't even get me started there toned toned toned and you feel fit... try mixing the two. if you like one better than the other, just do it more. if you run outside that's great, on the treadmill you can play with diff speeds, side shuffling, incline, intervals... do a trial and see what you think is best for you. and if you're like me and build muscle at the speed of light which makes you bulky before you're lean, do longer distances at slower speeds.
  • HealthiHannah
    HealthiHannah Posts: 182 Member
    After running.... where should you feel the burn? I always feel like I'm doing it wrong so its hard to keep going. But, I have heard only good things about running to help reduce thigh size so I really want to keep going!!!
  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    The ONLY exercise that has shaped my thighs quickly is RUNNING RUNNING RUNNING! Start out by doing intervals, that's what I did. Run 5 minutes, walk 5 minutes. If that is too much do running for 2, walking for 5, etc. Seriously, the impact of running really will shape your thighs. I've finally gotten into running (which I still hate lol), but the difference it makes on my body is definitely encouraging. It helps to have a goal to focus on, rather than overall fitness - go for a 5k!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I think either will help maybe a mix to keep your body guessing. I do incline intervals on a treadmill for my thighs and butt. 2.5 - to 3.0 speed increase the incline by 2 every 2 min. up to 12 and back down. I am so not a runner though. Whatever you choose best of luck.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I do both and my outer thighs have muscle tone, but my inner thighs haven't changed at all :( But if you want to start running, check out Couch to 5K, that is what I am doing to train for my 1st 5K in July.
  • If you go to a gym, change up your routine and use all the types of ellipticals and the treadmill. You can burn fat with the cardio from running, but using the ellipticals will offer good resistence training in addition to the cardio. Plus, using different types of machines allows you to work the same basic muscle groups with small variations in form and movement, also keeping your body from falling into a workout that has become too easy or routine. Doing the same workouts over and over will make you stronger to the point that you will get less of a workout. Changing it up is the key to all over strengthing and the most consistent fat burn. Also, try throwing in some intervals for a good fat blasting burn!
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Doing nothing but elliptical as my sole form of exercise for three months made my thighs larger and my calves huge. Running has been helping get my calves back to a more normal size and my thighs seem a bit better lately as well.
  • evelynfarmer
    evelynfarmer Posts: 135 Member
    Running is definately the best exercise even though I am not a FAN of it. Couch to 5K huh? I might have to try that one.
  • Thanks so much everyone!!!! i do alternate one with the other every other day. the only think is i can really only go 25 min of straight running but could be on the elliptical for an hour. im going to keep pushing myself with running tho!!!!
  • tamiller93
    tamiller93 Posts: 195
    I run also, and it does help your thighs. I do walking lunges as well and love the results.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    It's amazing how complex the body is and how we have soooo many mucles. All winter I trained running on the TM and did leg wieghts. Was proud to run 10 min miles for 30 mins straight and 6 miles in 65 mins. I ran outside yesterday 6.7 miles and I thought i was going to DIE!!! My leg mucles were so tight and sore. I realize i need to get outside more and train.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    I just recently read somewhere, {I wish I can remember where!}, that interval training helps to lose more weight/fat on the lower body than straight running. I lost inches doing intervals on both the treadmill and the elliptical.
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    I want to lose my thighs as well and I try to run 1-2 mins then walk for a few mins then 1-2mins running again but running is so hard. How do you get to were you can run longer? I really struggle to run 1-2 min intervals. ANy suggestions??
  • junebug523
    junebug523 Posts: 196
    Tizzz--just keep doing what you're doing with your intervals. It takes time to build up endurance. Also, make sure you're giving your body a chance to rest up in between runs--it will help.

    I started running last May, and was doing intervals that sloooooowly increased until late August, when I was finally able to run 30 minutes straight for the first time. So, it takes a while. Just keep taking care of yourself.

    I didn't use C25K, but a lot of people on here do. It might be worth looking into.

    Oh, and one other thing--I still have hope that my thighs might start slimming down eventually, but I don't think I will ever have thin thighs. It's really not possible to "spot reduce" with exercise, because your genetics, body type, etc. will always play a role. The best thing is to eat well, be consistent with cardio and weight training exercises, and your body will respond. Not always exactly how you might envision, though.
  • I want to lose my thighs as well and I try to run 1-2 mins then walk for a few mins then 1-2mins running again but running is so hard. How do you get to were you can run longer? I really struggle to run 1-2 min intervals. ANy suggestions??

    I could never look at the numbers and time at first on a treadmill. i would get so discouraged that i had only ran like 1 minute or 45 sec, so i took a hand towl and covered up the numbers, from there i just listened to my ipod and would tell myself i can push through this verse, or c'mon keep running through the chorus. eventually i would make it entirely through a couple of songs. now that i am used to running i like looking at the numbers. i still use my music technique but to see the calories being burned is a motivator also. i just started running outside and i feel like it is alot harder so if you are beginning running i would stick to a treadmill for a while until you get into the groove of things
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    i just started running outside and i feel like it is alot harder so if you are beginning running i would stick to a treadmill for a while until you get into the groove of things

    I read a fitness mag article, that compared treadmill running to the outside. Running at a 0% incline on the treadmill is compared to a slight downhill run outside. It suggested to increase the incline on the treadmill to 1-2% to feel more like flat running outside. Also the treadmill belt helps to propel you forward, while outside the hard ground, and wind resistance does not help. So be prepared to have a harder time running outside, but the change in scenery and fresh air is well worth the effort. I have been interval running on the treadmill all winter. I am looking forward to getting outside! I just hope I can do it!
  • tamiller93
    tamiller93 Posts: 195
    i just started running outside and i feel like it is alot harder so if you are beginning running i would stick to a treadmill for a while until you get into the groove of things

    I read a fitness mag article, that compared treadmill running to the outside. Running at a 0% incline on the treadmill is compared to a slight downhill run outside. It suggested to increase the incline on the treadmill to 1-2% to feel more like flat running outside. Also the treadmill belt helps to propel you forward, while outside the hard ground, and wind resistance does not help. So be prepared to have a harder time running outside, but the change in scenery and fresh air is well worth the effort. I have been interval running on the treadmill all winter. I am looking forward to getting outside! I just hope I can do it!

    I read that article too. I usually set the treadmill to 1% when I am not able to run outdoors. The treadmill really is a 'crutch' when set on its 0% setting.
  • elizamc
    elizamc Posts: 285 Member
    I want to lose my thighs as well and I try to run 1-2 mins then walk for a few mins then 1-2mins running again but running is so hard. How do you get to were you can run longer? I really struggle to run 1-2 min intervals. ANy suggestions??

    I have started to tun in the last month having really thought I never could (I have chronic asthma and arthritis). I started at runnning for an hour at 30seconds runnning and 60 seconds walking, gradually building it up . In the last two weeks I've increased my circuit by 1/4mile and yesterday I ran for 90 seconds and walked!

    I was so chuffed with myself but have to say what really helped me was downloading a CD of running music which paces at (I think) 136 -146 beats per minute. I discovered that previously I'd been trying to go too fast without really being aware of it and holding myself back by following the beat enabled me to increase my run time.

    I also used runkeeper which really helped too.

    Good luck with it!
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