Need support :(

Hey everyone,
Having a total meltdown and need some support! I been married for almost two years now and am over 80 pounds heavier then my husband.. His mom and her family are all very skinny and like 7 inches shorter then me and I just have never really felt like I could ever feel comfortable around them.. For Christmas his mom bought me a 5x robe that was at least three sizes to big and its just ate up as far as I'm concerned! Everytime she has came around there has been some rude comment for me to endure and im just forced to take it until she called my husband to say that I was manipulating him! I wish I just let her look like an idiot and kept my mouth shut but long story short she doesn't want to have anything to do with me and Im worried that were always gonna be fighting over my husband and Im gonna end up being the abandoned one when we have those holidays that are suppose to be together!
I have been trying to work out as hard as I can to get my frustration out but ended up hurting my leg and now im limping and now my frustration is being "cured" by food! We all know how that goes! Any suggestions...


  • ineednapkin
    ineednapkin Posts: 151
    Don't run yourself into the ground! Take a deep breath. Let yourself recover but try to stay active. Depending on your injury, maybe you can do low impact things such as swimming, elliptical, or walking. It starts with baby steps. It sounds like you have a lot of motivation and determination, you keep that going, and if you wanted to add me, I'll be here for support. :)
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    Try the low impact exercises. Swimming (or a water aerobics class) is an amazing way to lose weight with an injury. Talk with your husband. Let him know how you're feeling and that you need his support. And of course there is always the support of the wonderful people on here!!! Add me if you want. :happy:
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    You need to remember, and write down all the wonderful things your husband has ever said to you. You are worthy of all those great things he has said!! My weight has often made me feel unworthy of my husband's love and respect - is this how you feel? If so, that is a thought you need to declare war with!! Hold on to the memories of the good times with your hubby - and then go out of your way to do something nice for him. There's a lot of power being kind. When you feel he is in the right frame of mind to be empathetic, tell him how much it means to you when he stands up for you, like your knight in shining armor! If he feels loved and cherished by you, he will find a way to put a stop to the disrespect his family is showing you. You deserve much better than that!! Hang in there, focus your energy on showing him how much you love him, and things will fall into place.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    F!! your hubbys dont owe them anything!!!....I rather be by myself than with strangers that would treat me wrong... in the other hand im not liked for being thinner than them...:huh: will never win! so dont stress them, they can be out of your life in a you girl!!......if your hubby :heart: 's you he needs to understand...