
jadebugs Posts: 52 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
ok, i have only been doing this for a week but i felt i started great. in the first 3 days i lost 7lbs, so ya me right! then on day 4 nothingbut.02..ok il take it. Well day 5 and bam hello 2lbs. So i take a look back at my food and i can olny notice one thing that could be a big problem. My caleries!!! thay star out at 9 something and go up to 1200.could this be my problem??? i herd that it you don't eat at least 1200 caleries a day you can gain that true??


  • jadebugs
    jadebugs Posts: 52 Member
    oops i ment to say 2lbs up!!!sorry
  • At first when you lose weight it can come off pretty quickly...especially water weight. But your body fluctuates everyday. Its not uncommon to weigh + or - 3 pounds during even the same day! Don't get discouraged, and keep your calories under control...its not good to go under 1200 a day since your body will slow down on what its burning. Things will even out.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    yes on the 1200 calories.

    The thing to keep in mind, is your first week you are losing a lot of water weight. Your first week is usually your highest week. It will slow down by week 2. 2nd of all if it is water weight and you are eating things with sodium, your water weight will fluctuate by a couple of pounds. While I do weigh myself everyday, I do not record my weight everyday. You should only record your weight once a week and on the same day each week.

    The other thing that you should do in the future if you are asking for help with food advice is make your diary pubic.

    Best wishes. Keep with it, no matter how you look at it you are down 5.2 lbs that's a good start.
  • jadebugs
    jadebugs Posts: 52 Member
    but it seems thatmy caleries are under and my protin and sodium are too high?
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I find it very hard to stay under my sodium and protien and sugars for that matter. I don't worry too much about it if they are coming from good sources. Like sugars that come from fruit, or protien that comes from chicken of nuts.
    Sodium I can't seem to shake. I buy low sodium stuff and do the best I can. Just drink lots of water to flush the sodium out. The more sodium the more water you need to drink. I know the sodium retains water, but it also flushes it out when the water outweighs the sodium.

    You can take a look at my food journal if you like.
  • jadebugs
    jadebugs Posts: 52 Member
    Oh and thank i switched to public:)
  • BryanA1
    BryanA1 Posts: 3
    Yes if you don't eat enough, then your body will go into starvation mode. It will start conserving more energy which means burning less fuel or calories in this case. Try using the goal setting tools. A modest goal like loosing a pound or two a week or exercising 2 to 3 times a week will help you develope healthy habits. Then continue tracking the foods you eat and the exercises you do. And I don't know about other people, but I can't weigh myself every day. If I do it will drive me crazy with the way my body will burn more one day and less the next then more the day after that when I really haven't changed my routine.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    ok, i have only been doing this for a week but i felt i started great. in the first 3 days i lost 7lbs, so ya me right! then on day 4 nothingbut.02..ok il take it. Well day 5 and bam hello 2lbs. So i take a look back at my food and i can olny notice one thing that could be a big problem. My caleries!!! thay star out at 9 something and go up to 1200.could this be my problem??? i herd that it you don't eat at least 1200 caleries a day you can gain that true??

    In the 1st week you are only losing water. Its not fat. So please do not get hooked up on those numbers. You won't lose 7lbs in one week again unless you are doing it the unhealthy way. Its not a good thing to keep weighing yourself like that either. If you become dependant on the scale it will cause you a lot of stress. Everyday people come on here stressing over the scale. Why we give it so much power I have no idea. I was like that as well one time but I broke myself from it. The rule of thumb is a minimum amount of calories for a woman is 1200. Your body can start to go into starvation mode if you don't it a certain amount of calories your body needs to function daily but this takes more than weeks even months to do.

    You have to understand that you have changed the way you eat and you are probably being more active so your body has to adjust to those changes. Throughout your journey you will be making adjustments to your food intake, what types of foods your eat, your exercise regimen, etc. Just keep being observant like you are already and flexible when it comes to changes and you should be fine.
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