Hello everyone!

ZodiacMentor Posts: 3 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hello all!

I thought I'd introduce myself to the community, if for nothing else than to keep myself motivated. As you can read from my profile, I seem to be a life-long yoyoist, and my weight has fluctuated from underweight to overweight to obese since my early teens (and even pre-teens).

I've been trying to lose weight on and off for the past three years, since gaining around 20 kg after entering a relationship (which eventually led to marriage). I've read lots of stuff from the internet, and books from the library regarding weight loss and excercise, and the amount of conflicting information is overwhelming!

Currently the most reliable stuff I've read is from an eBook (can I put more information about this? There was some rule about not advertising, so I won't put it here, but if some admin says to me it's okay, I'd like to put it here since the book and the information therein seems sincere if not accurate - although the accuracy seems quite high too). I'm definitely no expert, as you can see from my current weight. However, one thing that seems to always come across is to eat the right foods the right amount, and excercise like heck.

I've also learned that if I want to have permanent fat loss I need to do it relatively slow for it to "stick". So, hard and persevering work, but with the right mindset, it doesn't feel that much like work. All I need to remember is to watch what I eat, actively excercise, and chart my progress weekly.

I started using the MyFitnessPal Android app about a month ago, and now that I've gained some momentum to my fat loss program, I decided to start using the website more. Wish me luck and I hope I can be of help to someone too


  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Welcome! Glad you're enjoying the site.

    Posting information from a book is fine as long as:
    1. You don't violate copyright laws
    2. You don't financially or otherwise benefit from it (ie if you somehow got a commission from book sales lol)

    You are welcome to talk about a product or source of info that you've found helpful. Generally for a book, as long as you aren't posting large sections of the book, and you provide the source, you should be ok.

    Good luck with reaching your goals!
  • ZodiacMentor
    ZodiacMentor Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the welcome!

    Currently the eBook I've found extremely useful and to the point is Tom Venuto's Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle. At first I thought it was the basic clickbank scam that many eBooks are, but the content is thorough and the methods and reasons behind the methods are very convincing. I won't post a link so I don't come across as advertising anything, I just wanted to let people know what is helping me right now to achieve my fat loss goal!
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