I have a SERIOUS problem with Junk Food



  • purplehaze12
    I feel your pain!! Feel free to add me. I've had an awful bout with binge eating (more in short bursts but pretty often) and am finally coming to terms with it. This site is really a wake up call. I can think of too many times going through the McDonald's drive through and driving around eating, and trying to throw the trash away somewhere my family wouldn't find it. Food really is addictive, and something that we unfortunately can't cut out altogether (believe me, I've done that path too!) and just have to learn to moderate.
  • BettyandVeronica
    BettyandVeronica Posts: 333 Member
    wow I have actually finished a whole day without junk food...Ok maybe I can do this....although it wasn't a true test because I've been indoors all day.Tomorrow will be the true test.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    i had to quit "junk" cold turkey. i still eat chips and cookies and stuff, but no more fast food places. if i go to McDonald's, i'm getting a salad, or a kid's meal with apples and milk. have you tried substituting things in for your junk? it took me a while to stop getting insane cravings for grease, but i gave up fried things for Lent and while i still crave them, it's not nearly as bad (read: i cried over chicken wings once!).

    your body will thank you once you rid yourself of grease! and i second what others are saying - build it into your meals. it's okay to have a single serving bag of chips or a cookie for dessert!
  • BettyandVeronica
    BettyandVeronica Posts: 333 Member
    Wow you cried over chicken wings...yes you definitely understand me to the core. Thanks for the advice and support Calliope...
    Today I didn't have any crisps or chocolate or naughty foods.Quite pleased about tha...one day at a time.....one day at a time.
  • BettyandVeronica
    BettyandVeronica Posts: 333 Member
    Ok so at day 4,the good behaviour has been broken.i have fallen but it's ok,I'm weirdly not feeling guilty or ashamed like I normally would. I'm a little less stringent with myself and feel like I can do a little more exercise first thing in the morning and they'll be no need for 500 calorie days.

    i feel positive about my attitude to bingeing and realising my problem.