50 Odd things



  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Much better, Bear. :bigsmile:

    You two are adorable
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    1. I can military press 100 lbs.
    2. My favorite food is Chinese...don't eat it much since I started MFP:sad:
    3. Do I like blue cheese? No, it smells like old socks:sick:
    4. Do I own a gun? No, but I know how to shoot. I can put a round through a flea's *kitten* at 100 yards.
    5. Do I get nervous before dr. appointments? Depends on what the appointment is for.
    6. What do I think of hot dogs? Once in a while I 'll eat an all-beef one.... the cheap ones are NASTY
    7. Favorite Christmas song: "Christmas is the Time to Say I Love You" by Billy Squier, or anything by Trans-Siberian Orchestra
    8. What do I drink in the morning? Water
    9. Can I do push-ups? If I am forced into it....
    10. Favorite movie: Kill Bill (volumes 1 and 2)
    11. My favorite piece of jewelry? The crucifix I wear around my neck.
    12. Favorite hobby: Either working out or skating.
    13. Do I work with people who idolize me? Probably not....
    14. Do I have ADD? What were you saying? Wasn't paying attention:laugh:
    15. A trait that I hate about myself? I'm aggressive.
    16. Middle name? Lee...(gag)
    17. 3 thoughts in my head..." I really have to pee", "Ugh, today is laundry day", " I can't believe I just paid $4.50 for a gallon of milk!"
    18.3 things I bought yesterday? Gas, gas and more gas
    19.3 things I drink regularly? Diet Mountain Dew, water, tea
    20.Current worry? Money
    21.Current hate? People who hurt kids.
    22.Favorite place to be? With family and friends.
    23. How did I ring in the new year? I don't remember....
    24. Favorite vacation spot? Daytona Beach
    25.3 people who will complete this...no clue
    26.Whose answers do you want to read the most? Probably Jeremy's
    27.What color shirt am I wearing? Red
    28.Do I like sleeping on satin sheets? No, I slide off the bed:embarassed:
    29.Can I whistle? Yes
    30.Favorite color? Purple
    31.Would I be a pirate? No I get seasick
    32.What do I sing in the shower? "Fooled around and Fell in Love" by Elvin Bishop is what I sang this morning
    33.Favorite Girl's name? Natalie
    34.Favorite boy's name? Ethan or Morgan
    35.What's in my pocket? Car keys and a cell phone
    36.Last thing that made me laugh? My daughter farted and said she had to "go wipe"
    37.Best bed sheets as a child? Probably the flannel ones I got from my grandma
    38.Worst injury I have ever had? Either childbirth or when I got cut on my arm, it required 18 stitches and I lost a lot of blood
    39. Do I love where I live? No, the house is a dump and the neighborhood sucks.
    40. How many TV's in my house? 4
    41.Who is my loudest friend? Probably my brother Jimmy
    42. How many dogs? 1
    43.Does anyone have a crush on me? Probably not
    45. Favorite book? Blow by Bruce Porter
    46.Favorite candy? Hershey's with Almonds:love:
    47.Favorite sports team? Pittsburgh Steelers
    48.What song do I want played at my funeral? "Goodbye Cruel World" by Pink Floyd
    49.See #44.
    50.What was the first thing I thought of when I woke up? God, I have to pee!!
  • damselfly25
    Much better, Bear. :bigsmile:

    You two are adorable

    You two are nauseating :sick: ...jk.

    Actually, as a lurker, I log in everyday to see if you've posted any new pics or written anything new about your relationship...It's like my very own romance novella right here on mfp...no, I'm not a stalker....really...:laugh:
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    Much better, Bear. :bigsmile:

    You two are adorable

    You two are nauseating :sick: ...jk.

    Actually, as a lurker, I log in everyday to see if you've posted any new pics or written anything new about your relationship...It's like my very own romance novella right here on mfp...no, I'm not a stalker....really...:laugh:

    Haha, I'm trying to get my parents to upload some pics of me as a kid...I may also have some pics of Manda as a youngin'. If it all goes down, we shall have quite the nauseatingly cute collage. :bigsmile:
  • damselfly25
    Yay....a flashback in my novella...I can't wait....:tongue: