frustrated and sad



  • KristaPFT
    KristaPFT Posts: 63
    Hey girl, here is a little word of advice. Dont be so fixed on what the scale says. It lies! There are so many factors that contribute to "weight" gain and loss when reading the scale that are not accurate to "fat" loss. Losing weight and losing fat are totally two different things. Think about it this way, fitness models have great bodies right? If they were to tell you their weight in relation to their height you would think they are overweight because muscle is more dense than fat (weighs more). The same goes for their measurements. They could measure their thigh (being complete muscle and no fat) and it be the same size as someone who's thigh is all fat. I would advise taking pictures every week and comparing that way along with weight and measurements. This way you can get a visual of how your body is changing. You are doing everything correctly now by eating right and exercising...keep it up :happy:
  • tnt30
    tnt30 Posts: 3
    Even though your not weight lifting your gaining muscle. Muscle weights more than fat. Make sure your eating enough to sustain your body so it does not go into starvation mode. Good luck
  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    I am serious about a lifestyle change and losing the 40 pounds I have gained. I am considered 20 pounds overweight according to my height and my goal weight is about right in the middle for ideal weight for my height.

    Last week, I was eating green and healthy (and I still am), working out daily (cardio, not so much weight lifting), and drinking 6-8 glasses of water daily. I felt great. But my scale showed no wight loss. I am not by any mean expecting to drop 10 pounds in a week or anything, but I thought I would be at least down 3. I had a goal to lose 10 pounds in 3 weeks and now I feel I will not make that goal as I have 2 weeks remaining and lost nothing. I am frustrated because I feel like being overweight the first litte bit should come off quicker.

    Any advice on how I can reach my 10 pounds weight loss goal in 2 weeks now? (yes, I was under calories all week..I did good!!) I am just really depressed about it :frown:

    Weight loss can be really frustrating & really slow. I went 3 weeks without losing weight then gained .6 lbs after a PERFECT week!!! My best week yet! Just keep pushing through. It's a struggle but it's worth it. :)
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    Sometimes it takes awhile to find the right balance of nutrition, portion control, and exercise that you as an individual can key into for weight management. After 3 years of this I know my body pretty well and about 80% of the time I can guess what the scale will tell me within .2 lbs based on the previous day's behaviors. It's worth learning how your body works, what affects you positively and negatively in terms of food and activity level, hormones, sleep, stress, and the many other things that can affect that *number* that stares back at you from the scale.

    That number isn't all about fat anyway. It's weighing how much water is in your body, and how much stuff is in your gut, and other fun stuff. Weigh yourself, drink a glass or two of water and weigh yourself again. OMG I gained a pound!! Weigh yourself when TOM is approaching. OMG I gained 4 pounds in a week!!! Weigh yourself after eating foods that absorb a lot of water while in your intestines... yep.

    Keep eating healthy, control the portions, and exercise. You will lose weight. It happens on your body's schedule, not necessarily your mind's!

    When I joined MFP right after New Year's Day, I needed to lose 8 pounds. It took 6 weeks - and I really worked at it. Sometimes the scale didn't budge, or went up, or just dropped a few tenths of a pound from one day to the next. I've been at this long enough to know not to fret about it. Just keep at it and it will work out.
  • jnchorn
    jnchorn Posts: 250 Member
    Dont be discouraged. I know it's easier said then done. It can so tough to get our bodies to do what we want them to do. I think when we start anything new our bodies first reaction is to not do budge. Give it time and hopefully you will start seeing results. You might want to try to the zig zag method to keep your body guessing and not let your metabolism lower. Just a thought. :)