Knees hurting after exercise?

Hey everyone,

I have been exercising regulary for about 2 weeks now and after a few times my knees started to really hurt. Does any one know why this may be? They now hurt all the time.

It's really annoying and making exercising uncomfortable!


  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    What sort of exercise are you doing?

    What sort of shoes are you wearing?

    Where is the pain? Front, back, side (inside or outside).

    We need more information to help you.
  • BrownSkinBeauty1990
    BrownSkinBeauty1990 Posts: 59 Member
    What sort of exercise are you doing?

    What sort of shoes are you wearing?

    Where is the pain? Front, back, side (inside or outside).

    We need more information to help you.

    I am doing a workout DVD at home so I don't wear anything on my feet. They hurt on the side of my knee & on the inside. It's the Jordan workout DVD & it has quite alot of jumping involved.
  • mkspriggs
    mkspriggs Posts: 26 Member
    I say same as above check your shoes at first if it wont go away look into a knee brace with a support in front. the one i use has a hole in front that supports my knee cap and i work out roughly twice a day once on my own and once with the army.good luck
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    If it's a home DVD, I would assume there is a fair amount of side to side movement, which can be a big problem if you aren't properly warmed up first.

    So, I'd say wear some good workout shoes to give you stability and cushioning for the jumping. And warm up longer before you get into the meat of the DVD. Walk around or in place for about ten minutes and then do some stretches, THEN start the DVD.

    If you are new to exercise, I would highly recommend doing the DVD every other day for now, to give your muscles a chance to recover.

    Also, pay attention to any tips on form that the DVD is offering. It's more important to have the correct form(to prevent injury) than it is to keep on pushing through. If any of the exercises are too hard to do in the correct form right now, modify them. So for example, if they are doing squats on the DVD, but you can't do one without getting your knees way out ahead of your toes, only squat as deep as you can while protecting your knees--it's OK even if that means you aren't fully completing the exercise. Or walk in place when they are doing something that you just can't safely do today. You'll get stronger with time and be able to do the entire DVD all the way through--don't worry. But if you injure yourself, you'll be sidelined for weeks or months. So work smart!

    If you look on running sites, like, etc., you'll find a lot of good stretches for people with knee pain. You may want to add those to your cooldown.

    If you have pain that doesn't ease up with a day or two of rest and NSAIDs, be smart and see your doctor. \

    Good luck!
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    you need more calcium in your diet...try a supplement if needed...get your multi in too
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    you need more calcium in your diet...try a supplement if needed...get your multi in too

    I'm curious how you came up with a calcium deficiency being the cause? Most women can benefit from a calcium supplement, but this is the first I've heard of very non-specifc knee problems being down to a calcium deficiency, as most knee problems are caused by tendon and ligament issues, muscle strength imbalances, overuse, etc.

    Could you elaborate on why you're sure this is a calcium issue?
  • BrownSkinBeauty1990
    BrownSkinBeauty1990 Posts: 59 Member
    If it's a home DVD, I would assume there is a fair amount of side to side movement, which can be a big problem if you aren't properly warmed up first.

    So, I'd say wear some good workout shoes to give you stability and cushioning for the jumping. And warm up longer before you get into the meat of the DVD. Walk around or in place for about ten minutes and then do some stretches, THEN start the DVD.

    If you are new to exercise, I would highly recommend doing the DVD every other day for now, to give your muscles a chance to recover.

    Also, pay attention to any tips on form that the DVD is offering. It's more important to have the correct form(to prevent injury) than it is to keep on pushing through. If any of the exercises are too hard to do in the correct form right now, modify them. So for example, if they are doing squats on the DVD, but you can't do one without getting your knees way out ahead of your toes, only squat as deep as you can while protecting your knees--it's OK even if that means you aren't fully completing the exercise. Or walk in place when they are doing something that you just can't safely do today. You'll get stronger with time and be able to do the entire DVD all the way through--don't worry. But if you injure yourself, you'll be sidelined for weeks or months. So work smart!

    If you look on running sites, like, etc., you'll find a lot of good stretches for people with knee pain. You may want to add those to your cooldown.

    If you have pain that doesn't ease up with a day or two of rest and NSAIDs, be smart and see your doctor. \

    Good luck!

    Brilliant advice...Thank you :happy: