The one thing that has helped you most?



  • chubswonky
    chubswonky Posts: 195
    Being able to log everything, plan ahead, and account for calories has helped me the most.

    Also, and I realize that this is a luxury that few people have, I've gone from working full-time to very, very part-time, so I now have lots of time to focus on being active and preparing healthy foods at home.

    That's awesome! I was thinking today (it's my day off) that I would probably be more likely to exercise if I didn't have so much work! :)

    Very true! I'm in serious saving mode right now ( hoping to go to grad school next year ) so I don't even see much $$! haha

    Haha, yes, but on the other hand, having $$ is nice, too. ;)
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    Believing that I could do it.
  • Calidaho
    Calidaho Posts: 110 Member
    It has helped that my hubby is on the same program (we don't call it a diet). He gets more calories than I do but we are both committed to eating healthy and going to the gym together. He doesn't bring cake home from the store anymore and I don't make huge dinners. One of us usually talks the other one out of staying in bed instead of working out.

    I think eating more protein throughout the day has helped keep me from grabbing unhealthy foods. I am never really starving (unless, like today, we were out looking at houses too long), so I don't feel like shoving chips or cookies in my face.

    Journaling!! I am hoping that I can some day just know what a healthy meal is but, until I am at my goal weight, I am not taking any chances.

    And, people at work know I am working at it and they are seeing the changes. My boss is very health conscious (he held a fitness contest last year and gave the winner an iPad--many of us dropped off because the super competitive people made it not so fun) so, scoring points at work is a plus.