working out too much or too hard?



  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    The past week I have been one of those. I just finished P90X and started Turbo Fire. Both are intense programs but with Turbo Fire you are moving non-stop for 45 minutes or so. Plus these workouts are designed to be pretty intense. About 12 years ago I was in a car accident and fractured my clavicle. So I have an idea, albeit small, idea what you're talking about.
    When I decided to get healthy I knew I had to push myself and with encouragement from several people I pushed a little harder each time I'd exercise and eventually do a little bit more. I don't think I'm working out too much or too hard because I still have time to do...all the things I have to do... and I feel fantastic.
    It looks like you've made great progress. You should be proud of yourself! If you're interested in burning more calories keep in mind how close you are to your goal weight. People that have a lot to loose will typically burn more than those close to their goal weight. If you are interested in burning more: I think that for however long you are able to exercise you should push yourself a little bit more each time you exercise; keeping in mind not to re-injure your self.
    P.S. That was a great question!
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I love food. I really really do. And 1200 calories is doable... but I like to eat all day. haha. So I try to burn as much as I can most days so that I can eat those back and still lose weight. Different strokes for different folks I suppose!

    I burn close to 1200 a day but I eat them back too. I enjoy food, don't want to starve myself. Plus I've developed a love for exercise. Even when I'm not exercising its hard for me to sit still, I'm always doing something around the house. If its too much it hasn't hurt me so far and if I feel sore or really tired/unmotivated - I take a day of rest or too. Everyone has to do what they feel comfortable with.
  • Enny2405
    Enny2405 Posts: 97 Member
    I do the same as you, I try a 30 min walk or 20 mins on the exercise bike which gives me enough to be able to have a decent balanced meal at dinner. I would love to be able to do more exercise but I'm still not fit enough and really dont have the time after working full time and having a 45 min drive both to and from work, I'm just too tired most days but I still want regular exercise to be part of my life so anything is better than nothing I figure. 1000 cal a day - might give me something to aim for on a weekend in the future.
  • JeanK56
    JeanK56 Posts: 76
    I wish I could burn more calories. I have lost 13 lbs and feel amazing. Im almost back to my high school weight. I now weigh 131.2 and I look toned. Since I have gone through 3 brain surgeries and was paralyzed, I should be grateful that I am able to work out. I am still sweating my butt off after the gym. :-)

    I think what you are doing is phenomenal after all you have been through!
    Do what you can, overdoing is not good.
  • mjtmorr
    mjtmorr Posts: 75
    I understand what you are saying, but you also have to take into consideration that we all have different starting points. When I started this journey back to health I was 353.6lbs. As a result of my body weight I burn more calories doing the same thing as a person of 150. I am putting 100% into this and at 700 to 1100 calories burned working out and watching my intake I have lost 42lbs since Thanksgiving. We all workout and live with what works for each of us individually.