good food?

i keep eating the same things, because i dont have much time to whip up something nutritious.
any quick good food ideas?


  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    Welcome to the crowd.

    Fruits, raw veggies, protien bars for quick on the go stuff.

    However, if you keep using no time as an excuse to fall back on things might get frustrating. I am having that problem currently.,
  • karencorrigan
    Pita Pizza--takes a few minutes, but so worth it.

    Take a whole wheat pita and top with 3 tablespoons of spaghetti sauce. Cover with 1/4 cup part skim mozarella. Top with 3-4 medium sized olves sliced and 1/4 cup of cooked brocolli. (I cooked a package of brocolli for a side for dinner and the leftovers on the pizza the next day). Nuke for 30 seconds or bake til cheese melts in a 350 oven. Baking tastes better--makes the pita slightly crisp, but who has the time?

    It's under 300 calories (depending on the pita you use), but it tastes like 500. And it will fill you up for a while.
  • misslyssx
    misslyssx Posts: 87
    Get some tuna, there are so many things you can do with it. Someone gave me a good website before
  • karencorrigan
    Also, vitatop muffins are awesome. They're 100 calories and filled with fiber (8 grams, I think?). They also have tons of vitamins (hence the vita in vitatop). They're more of a dessert though. Also, they are very expensive. But Publix (a southern supermarket) often has buy one get one free deals.
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    pre-sliced apples. also, pre-portioned, pre-seasoned vegetables in microwavable packaging -- you can get these fresh, in the produce section, or frozen. You can cook up some tilapia or chicken breast or even a small steak pretty quickly and have it with those. Easy-peasy.
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    Also, bagged salad greens and pre-cut tomatoes, onions and peppers. Quick easy filling salad, and you can also toss in chick peas, sliced olives, sliced water chestnuts, sunflower seeds... whatever you like.
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    I just took 3 oz of lean ground beef, browned it in skillet , added two tablespoons of salsa, made a wrap with a soft taco shell , two of them , threw on some lettuce and tomatoes. low fat cheese. They were yummy.
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    Try to make the time! Plan your meals a few days in advance. Try to take 2 hours or even 1 hour on 1 day and do the prep work. Chop veggies and store in ziplock bags, mix marinades and store in fridge, grill chicken (or atleast portion it in ziplock bags for quick prep when you need it) , etc....its hard to find the time, I know! I always said I had no time for working out and cooking healthy but i forced myself and i FOUND the time to do this for myself. It will be so easy to fall off the healthy eating wagon!
    Preparing good food doesn't take that much time, really. It takes me longer to go through a drive thru line than it does to make a most the meals that I eat - and it saves me loads of money.

    I usually prepare my breakfast and lunch the night before then it takes no time to toss it in my cooler in the morning as I race out the door.

    -Precook some oatmeal (in a plastic container, in the microwave) the night before, but you can cook a whole pot on the stove one day and store it in the fridge for the week.
    -Microwave a couple of eggs in a mug or plastic container - takes less than 3 minutes. Add a handful of prechopped veggies and some preshredded cheese.
    - in a pinch a container of yogurt (toss in a snack size bag with granola to mix in) - this is a good lunch too.
    - and actually I love dinner leftovers for breakfast as well.

    Cook a package of pasta and store that in the fridge for the week. Add pasta sauce the as you pack - that way you can change out your pasta sauce during the week. Red sauce one day, pesto another, even butter and parmessan works..
    Fruit (cut up or whole) only takes seconds to throw into you lunch.
    Veggies sometimes take a bit more prep, but as stated earlier, you can pre chop these a couple of days in advance.
    Bagged salad is a great timesaver
    Eggs for dinner is quick and easy.
    Precook a batch of chicken one night and it's ready to eat at any meal.
    Precooked roast chicken from the grocery - very easy.
    Stock up on lean cuisines (of course you would need a microwave if you choose this option) - add a bagged salad

    I have access to a microwave and fridge at work, but usually don't use either - just eat at room temperature
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    chicken salad made with greek yogurt subbed for mayonnaise is so tasty. you can make a large batch and use as a sandwich filler all week or use as a dip for celery and crackers.

    bean salad is another filling lunch that can be made in large batches and taken in tupperware.

    (i'm all about the non-traditional salads!!)

    For breakfast, try fixing a wrap with either egg whites (you can microwave eggs to save time!) with veggies and cheese, pb&j, fresh fruit with yogurt, nut butter, etc.

    pita bread pizzas are delicious and make for easy dinners where the possibilities are endless!
  • carlybarley22
    carlybarley22 Posts: 197 Member
    the easiest lunch is 2 or 3 cups of an organic baby lettuce or similar mix, throw in a few additions if you have time and some light salad dressing. i work two jobs, so my life is pretty hectic. my diary is open to friends, feel free to add me if you want some ideas =).
  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    that cook book i told you about man lol