Worry, Obsession and perfection are your greatest threats.



  • deathtaco
    deathtaco Posts: 237
    Should've clarified: long sessions of cario. Honestly, no need to do more than 30 minutes. And that's pushing it.

    Where is the research backing you up? Can you link us to studies that say this?

    I understand and appreciate the insight, but what works for you is probably not going to work for me.

    I do 45-60 min. of cardio 5-6 times a week, but I also have 140 pounds to lose.
    Marathon Runner vs. Sprinter

    Not saying cardio is bad. But if you do it - make sure you back it up with some weight training and proper protein intake and time the cardio as not to interfere with muscle building.

    Thanks for the post!When you say "Pick a calorie limit about 500 calories under your MAINTENANCE caloric level" do you mean 500 under what it would take to maintain my current weight or 500 under what it would take to maintain my goal weight?


    If you are overweight, you can probably shave 800 calories off your "daily" intake due to overestimation of that formula.
  • Lpfeifer419
    I lift every time I am at the fitness center and try to make it to every machine at least twice. I don't want to be a skinny weakling!!
  • deathtaco
    deathtaco Posts: 237
    All you gotta do is eat right then.

    EDIT: In no way shape or form am I saying do not do cardio. It's VERY important. Just saying watch how much you do!