Heart rate monitors and BMR

I have a question. I wore my heart rate monitor on a day I was not working out and just wore it for normal wear. It says that in a 24 hour period I burned 2727 cal. Now would be this be accurate in determining my BMR?

I ask and did this experiement because I have been at a standstill in my weightloss for over a month. MFP has my calories at 1200.

There are other things that can contriubute to my plateau. I just stopped nursing this week. So Im sure my hormones and such are out of wack. TOM is a factor.

But I have been working out pretty hard and my eating could be a bit better but Im actually doing pretty well on it, better than ever before and I am staying under my calories. So could my body be in starvation mode if im burning 2727 cal a day without exercise and Im only eating 1200 a day, or is heart rate monitors not suitable for helping determine BMR.

Any advice or opinions would be greatly appreciated!


  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Are you actually netting 1200 calories? Do you eat your exercise calories?