Hi Everyone! Excited to join!


I'm seriously so excited to join myfitnesspal FINALLY! I downloaded it on my phone and haven't really been active in using it. I just discovered today that they have a whole community behind it. So I'm so stoked that I'll be able to find motivation any minute of the day thanks to all of you who have already been losing weight!

So background info on me...

28 years old female weighing in at 160.8lbs (since started trying to lose weight, I started at 163.8). This is the heaviest I've ever been. I got married late last year and have gained 10lbs since. When discussing weight loss with friends and family the most common comment I get is, "Why do you have to lose weight? You already have your man." Uh yes, but inside I feel horrible, unconfident, and just really upset that I have gotten to this point. My husband is a sweetie and says that I am just perfect. LOL I really don't have a positive support system other than my husband. My family has been quite negative and will plain out say harsh things. (yeah, this is another story of my life :/) So anyways, I hope to drop 30lbs, and all the negativity behind it! :)

And that is why I am so elated that I have found all of you here at MFP! Can't wait to see how all of you are doing with your weight loss journeys. I am already motivated by just browsing the community.

Keep up all the great work!


  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 805 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal. You will find plenty of motivation and support on this site. :happy:
  • Mememone
    Mememone Posts: 48 Member
    Welcome to the group. I think you will find that most people are very supportive and welcoming. You will also find a lot of information on this site and when you don't find the answers, just ask. People will answer you with their own personal experiences and are really helpful.