Who has plantar fasciitis? ugh



  • RussianLynx
    I like to freeze bottles of water. You can roll your foot over them and it stretches, massages and ices your foot all in once go. I do it while I'm sitting down at the computer or watching a movie.

    I also put HTP (heal that pain) inserts in my shoes. I buy them from Amazon for $25/pair. My first set lasted an entire year. I just replaced them. They are a godsend. The single best anti-PF investment I have made (and I've tried everything!)

    I also just got a pair of Crocs Rx Relief shoes. They are supposedly softer than normal Crocs. I have no idea if that's true, this is my first pair of Crocs in general. Crocs are a fashion atrocity, but these are so comfortable! I'm planning to use them for slippers around the house and to baby my feet after long days.

    PF sucks. Good luck!
  • ldon37
    ldon37 Posts: 145 Member
    I had pf for a good 6 mos to a year. Came on when I started running more. Sucks!! This is usually caused by tight calf muscles. You need to stretch your calves several times a day, and before getting out of bed in the morning as your calves tighten back up overnight-then you step down and re-injure it every morning otherwise. You MUST not go barefoot. You need constant arch support. I bought some flip flops specifically for plantar fascitiis from footwear.com that I wear in the house always. With stretching calves several times throughout the day and always wearing shoes with arch support, mine Finally seems to have gone away. Be patient. It does a long time. I started doing lots and lots of biking while I healed. Good luck! Oh, and be careful of those cortisone shots - they can cause permanent damage to the fascia.
  • corpus_validum
    corpus_validum Posts: 292 Member
    Agree with others above as I too have suffered from PF in the past. A good pair of custom orthotics (best) or footbeds with sturdy arch supports (i.e., Superfeet) will help in the long run.

    Another possible remedy (in addition to custom orthotics) that may work for you is the Strassburg sock:
  • ganesha303
    ganesha303 Posts: 257 Member
    Let me offer a bit of a contrarian view. I have suffered from foot issues including PF for years. I have worn orthotics for decades. I have learned the hard way that orthotics are NOT a good long term solution. They make your feet weaker and weaker. The main reason podiatrists stand behind them is they make a LOT of money on them. Anyone who wears orthos long enough will tell you that the pain eventually comes back, especially if you are an active person.

    I am now in the long process of weaning myself off the orthotics and letting my feet strengthen by using them as god intended - mostly barefoot and also wearing Vibram Five Fingers shoes. I am making slow steady progress and hope to be pain free within the next month or so. In addition to the change in footwear, i stretch daily, use some specialized massage tools and try not to over strain my feet.

    Here are a few resource that you may find helpful:

    This guy has gone through a similar process and has tried many different solutions and reviews them here. Pretty comprehensive. Worth reading if you suffer from PF whether or not you subscribe to my beliefs.

    Here are great stretches to help:

    This is a very detailed and illuminating article on shoes, how to walk, and how to identify your particular problem areas:

    I hope this helps and you can find relief without resorting to orthotics, surgery, etc.

    Best of luck!

  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    My PF has not bothered me for years. I wear inserts in all shoes and never go barefoot, not even around the house. In my athletic shoes I wear Sole Dean Karnazes or Superfeet Green. The Soles Dean Karnazes are my favorite, but the Superfeet are acceptable. The Soles are partially customizable - you put them in the oven at 200 for a couple of minutes then place them in your shoes and stand in them. They mold tp your feet (to some degree.) Both seem to have the arches too far back but they work, no PF problems!
  • MissConfidence
    This is a great thread. I've been having foot pain for a few months now and didn't know what it was or how to describe it. I'm still not 100 percent sure I have PF (haven't seen a doc to get diagnosed) but from the research I've done on my own I'm pretty sure... A lot of great advise is offered here and I will personally take better care of my feet especially the stretching and taking anti inflammatories. I don't want to wear special shoes because I would like to solve this and still be able to walk barefoot without the pain. So it's a learning game of what works for everyone individually... Best of luck to everyone, and to the OP I'd like to hear what you've tried so far and how you're coming along.
  • pixietoes
    pixietoes Posts: 1,591 Member
    I had debilitating fascitis pain for nearly two years. I saw a chiropractor, a gp and a podiatrist. The podiatrist was easily the most arrogant and most annoyed by my unwillingness to seek a chemical solution to my problem (he wanted me to have a cortisone shot) and ultimately did bring me to a solution that made the problem bearable until I met the podiatrist who solved the problem for me. In my case orthotics were the ultimate fix. But what it made the condition bearable before that was a treatment plan using ice cooled water. It was much more tolerable than icing the foot and avoided the whole issue of pressing the ice to the tender area which is not always advisable with gross inflammation.

    Fill a basin with cool water. Fill a glass with ice and keep it by you. Put your foot in the basin and add a few ice cubes to the water. You do not want the water to get so cold that you can't bear to keep your foot in it. This is not an ice water bath, this is very cool water. Every minute or two add more ice. About 30 minutes twice a day kept the inflammation down. It was wonderful relief for me, after barely being able to walk on my heels at times. It may offer you some relief, too, until you seek more permanent solutions.
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    I injured that muscle years ago by stepping on one of my daughter's toys

    STRETCHING is the only thing that helped me...I could not walk in the morning when I got out of bed without stretching first (and yes, every step throughout the day had some pain)...you might also avoid any shoes that shorten that muscle (like heals) for the time being!!!!! and avoid any shoe that does not support the middle of your foot and arch (like flip-flops)!!!!!!!!!!

    I stretched several times a day...it took months for it to get better...but it finally did get better!
  • ldon37
    ldon37 Posts: 145 Member
    This is a great thread. I've been having foot pain for a few months now and didn't know what it was or how to describe it. I'm still not 100 percent sure I have PF (haven't seen a doc to get diagnosed) but from the research I've done on my own I'm pretty sure... A lot of great advise is offered here and I will personally take better care of my feet especially the stretching and taking anti inflammatories. I don't want to wear special shoes because I would like to solve this and still be able to walk barefoot without the pain. So it's a learning game of what works for everyone individually... Best of luck to everyone, and to the OP I'd like to hear what you've tried so far and how you're coming along.

    Maybe you will prove to be different, but it was my experience that going barefoot was a big no-no when I had pf. You need constant arch support in order for it to heal. Otherwise, it will just keep stretching/tearing. I wish you the best of luck in your healing! It is a slow process.
  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    Insoles, keen brand shoes, etc. It all helps, but today I actually woke up pain-free for ONCE in 4x months.

    I even stood up out of bed and walked without an ounce of pain. I think I owe this all to Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown Level 1--I did it last night before bed. I am SO adding this to my w/o routine 3x a week! If you are tight all over or you have Plantar Fasciitis DO THIS WORKOUT NOW! o__O
  • MissConfidence
    Interesting. I'll give this a try^^
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    This is a great thread. I've been having foot pain for a few months now and didn't know what it was or how to describe it. I'm still not 100 percent sure I have PF (haven't seen a doc to get diagnosed) but from the research I've done on my own I'm pretty sure... A lot of great advise is offered here and I will personally take better care of my feet especially the stretching and taking anti inflammatories. I don't want to wear special shoes because I would like to solve this and still be able to walk barefoot without the pain. So it's a learning game of what works for everyone individually... Best of luck to everyone, and to the OP I'd like to hear what you've tried so far and how you're coming along.

    Maybe you will prove to be different, but it was my experience that going barefoot was a big no-no when I had pf. You need constant arch support in order for it to heal. Otherwise, it will just keep stretching/tearing. I wish you the best of luck in your healing! It is a slow process.

    Absolutely agree! My podiatrist told me to never ever go barefooted. And his advice has proven to be correct. I grew up going barefooted and love it around the house, but I just can’t do it unless I am willing endure PF pain. Sorry, I hate it, but barefoot’n is a major contributor to PF.
  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 303 Member
    I have an odd suggestion, but I explain why I offer it first. My husband suffered with this for very long time and was getting ready to go ahead with having surgury when a friend made the following suggestion.

    Keep 2 cans of food by your bed and anywhere you will be sitting for an extended period of time. Before you put any pressure on your feet roll them across the cans (like a "log roller") for at least 30 seconds, a minute is best. Once the muscle is warmed up you can get up with out ripping anything.

    When you are off your feet the muscle contracts and when you stand it stretches, and rips. By warming and stretching them without weight you rip less each time you get up.

    My husband did this for a month and it worked for him. Worse case scenerio you lose a couple cans of veggies. lol

    Hope you feel better soon.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Stretching is the main thing. Do the stretches before getting out of bed or after having sat for any period of time. When you have been still the muscles will tighten up and if you step down you run the risk of creating a tear along the bottom of your foot.

    Stretches I do that allowed mine to heal (and I continue to do them to prevent re-injury):

    1. In a seated position put the ankle of the injured foot on top of the other knee. Using your hand, gently bend the toes back to stretch the bottom of the foot. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds then release. Rest for 5 seconds between stretches, repeat the sequence 10 times.

    2. Calf stretching: Use the wall to flex the foot upward and stretch the calves. Another good calf stretch is to stand on a step on the balls of your feet with your heels off the step. Slowly drop the heels below the step to stretch the calves. Be gentle with this one so you don't hurt yourself. Repeat several times.

    3. Rotate the foot clockwise 20 times, then counterclockwise 20 times. You can also write the ABC's in the air with your toes in place of the circles.

    4. Point and flex the foot 10 times.

    The first stretch is the one I do before getting out of bed. The others are once a day (more if I've worked out or they just feel tight.) Be gentle!!

    I am still able to do taekwondo barefoot, though for awhile I had to do a taping job on my foot with athletic tape to support the arch. Now it's healed enough that I don't need it. My desire was to heal the issue, not simply mask the problem with inserts and orthotics (especially since I do taekwondo barefoot and can't wear them for that!) These stretches have done that for me but you have to be faithful to do them. Especially before getting out of bed in the morning!
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Deep tissue massage. It will hurt like hell while you have having it done, but afterwards, it is amazing how much the pain goes away. I use to have it bad and then my kinesiology professor did one session of deep tissue massage on my feet and I've not had another episode of it in a year and a half.
  • alimac92
    alimac92 Posts: 705 Member
    I get this problem too. I was told by the doctor they can give a very painfull injection into the heel. (I think its cortisone ??)
    Being a chicken I didn't take them up on that kind offer. :laugh:

    I used the anti inflammatory tablets which helped.
    I've found since wearing "Fit Flop" Boots over the winter and my toepost sandals over the summer I haven't had the problem resurface this year.

    I'm thinking of getting the trainers too, but they are really ugly ha ha.
    There seems to be lots of work out shoe brands out there perhaps you will find one that alleviates your problem too.

    Take care! :flowerforyou: