Zumba: don't see what all the fuss is about

ok, so I have been taking Zumba every Monday and I have to say it's kinda a disappointment.
It was fun at first, but not so much anymore and I don't think I burn that much. It's advertised you'd burn 500 to 1000, but NO WAY! I think at most it's 300. :( sux I wish MFP had an option for Zumba. Interested to know how others feel about it.


  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    It wasn't for me either... I felt like a twisting, shaking blob of... well... blob!!!

    It's definately one of those you either love it or hate it... no in between!
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    I just did a two hour Zumbathon to raise money for the YMCA. There were 15 different instructors. Some were great!!!! Some not so great. If you can take a class at a different place you might find you like that instructor better. I found one that I love!!! She makes it so much fun, but I had gone to another place first and was not impressed by the instructor there. If you can find one that you like, you will enjoy it. And you will work your butt off!!! Good luck!!!!
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    im with you that for sure never understood the fuss about it either and i know dancers have to run and lift weights too to get a nice body not just shaking your a**
  • Caite_S
    Caite_S Posts: 42
    I think it depends on the instructor. I was doing Zumba a couple times a week with 2 to 3 different instructors and I know that I got a better workout with one of the instructors over the other two. She was really intense (but fun) and I definitely think that I was burning at least 500 calories while taking her class. I walked out of there knowing that I got a great workout, but with the other instructors I didn't always feel the same when I left.
  • mangorabbit
    mangorabbit Posts: 219 Member
    I only tried it once, so probably not the best of samples to opine about, but - I can see where it COULD be fun, if I weren't kind of uncoordinated and extremely self-conscious about it. ...as to the calorie burn - I think you'd have to be rockin' the heck out of everything to get a burn like some claim you can (but I know nothing...please keep that in mind!).

    If it isn't your thing there are other things to try. =)
  • traceybett
    traceybett Posts: 206 Member
    I love it! I am sure I look ridiculous, but IDK, the time flies by during the class I attend. Plus, I loved dancing in High School.. many years ago.

    I think it all depends on the instructor.

    I usually count mine as 300 calories burned per hour (I probably burn more than this with my high impact instructor).... but 1000 sounds WAY inflated.,

    I'd try another class if you can.
  • daryls
    daryls Posts: 260
    I think I look ridiculous! However, I liked learning the moves. Also agree that it wasn't burning 500+ calories. Probably closer to 250 for me.

    I will go back to Zumba just because it's a different type of workout and I like to switch it up!
  • SuzanneAlmosara
    There are lots of other good programs out there...I am currently in week 8 of Insanity after having finished P90X and P90X+. I really like it. I am seeing some nice results in just the few days I've been watching what I eat with this MFP site. I'm excited to see how things are in another few weeks. Until I joined this site I just really ate anything I wanted but decided I really do need to control the "intake" so that I can actually see results. Good luck.
  • DreaMartinez
    I personally love Zumba. I have found that it is up to me to engage my muscles.I can move my arm up and down but that doesn't mean I'm working my muscle. If I flex and make sure I'm doing it right then I get a lot out of it. I have lost about 30 pounds and have toned up a TON doing Zumba and eating better.
    Like any workout if you just go through the motions it won't do you any good, you have to put the muscle into it :)
  • fatmama4
    fatmama4 Posts: 39 Member
    I go 4 days a week, each class is an hour. What I did was take the difference between the 500-1,000 calories that they say you'll burn, and averaged it into 3's, zumba light, zumba medium, zumba hard. I try to work it hard enough that I'm definately uncomfortable during the workout, but it's a blast! I have never found anything that makes me sweat so much, and I know my stamina and general muscle tone has improved. I've had so many people comment on how much weight I've lost, when I've actually only lost about 5lbs (I didn't bother watching what I was eating until about 1 week ago), and it was really just that things had firmed up.

    I am definately dance-challenged, and have not much of a sense of rythm, so I also felt very self conscious at first, and picking up the moves was difficult, however, once you do, even when they introduce new songs, most of the basic steps are the same, so each time there's a new song, it's easier to pick up than the last one.
  • WonderNoodle
    it is ALL about the instructor and the vibe they put out. great instructor, great class. i would maybe try another class before you wash your hands.

    i've been going to weekly class, sometimes 2 a week since july 2010. my instructors are wonderful. i wear my polar hrm and on average burn 650 calories in an hour class (i'm 5'5", 39 years, 198lbs).

    yes, pinkmoon, it's just cardio so you need to incorporate other aspects of training too.
  • hiba_b
    hiba_b Posts: 20
    I really like my instructor, she's really up beat and fun. But she does need to come up with better dance routines. Either way though, I don't think I burn that much. Maybe I'll try taking it with a different instructor and see what happens
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I LOVE Zumba! I think it does depend on the instructor, if you are doing the DVDs (which is what I started with and still do), and how much you like to dance. I burn anywhere between 600 to 800 calories 40 to 55 minutes. But it depends on how you work...and I was a dancer before for many years and never lifted a weight....it was all dance. So if its not for you...there are tons of other things that you will find that suit you ;)
  • knapowell
    knapowell Posts: 230 Member
    Like others have said, it is ALL about the instructor. I have two instructors that I LOVE. There are two more instructors at my gym. If I had taken one of their classes first, I wouldn't have stuck with it. They were pretty fun, I felt like I was getting just an ok burn, but with them Zumba got old FAST.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I burn 600-700 calories in 1 hour of zumba
  • brnsgrsbody
    brnsgrsbody Posts: 254 Member
    im with you that for sure never understood the fuss about it either and i know dancers have to run and lift weights too to get a nice body not just shaking your a**

    To this young lady: Yes no one is implying that you have to only do Zumba because I know I do other cardio and lift weights. Dedication is what gets that rocking hot body not one or two things.

    I loved my Zumba teacher so much she inspired me to get my license! She is a professional dancer so choreography and ques were alot easier coming from her. She also kept the class more hype than any other Zumba class I had ever done. I definitely lose 500-700 calories in her class and as I put together my music to teach my co-workers and Curves in the Circuit I try to keep her ideas of a class in mind. You have to keep that heart rate up, bring it down just a little after a few tough songs, and then back up. It's almost like interval training. You have to find a really good instructor and stick with that person.
  • hitxgirl
    hitxgirl Posts: 31 Member
    There is a great calorie calculator on self.com. I think it is under health calculator. I have found a few exercises on there that MFP did not list (dancing, rebounding, etc.). There isn't a Zumba listing, but you can choose Dancing and pick Latin.

    I have taken a couple of Zumba classes and I think it does depend on the instructor. Some are very repetitive, others seem to make it up as they go, and yet others seem to take some moves from local strippers...lol! If you like the idea of the class, then check out another instructor.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I'm with you. I love to dance, so I thought I'd give Zumba a try. Pffftt....I don't get it either. The instructor was very good and upbeat and the class was clearly enjoying what they were doing. But I was waaay out of my comfort zone there. I'm just not a "pelvic thrust" and "hip pop" kind of dancer. I thought it was going to be different and I never went back.

    I did wear my heart rate monitor, though, and even though I was only half-way going through the moves, I burned around 300 calories during the hour-long class.
  • vs_shine
    vs_shine Posts: 1,322 Member
    Zumba is great for those who already love to dance. The Zumba class you're attending may not be a good one. It's all about the song choice and the choreography. Perhaps you should consider trying a Zumba class under a different instructor, perhaps at a different gym before you completely give up on it. :-)
  • cetenney
    cetenney Posts: 1
    LMAO I walked out after 5 minutes.I felt really retarded.