Hello All!!!!

Found this app for my iPhone and ran with it. So far so good, I hate to say it, but I'm actually having fun. Nothing like a little tech to make things fun!!! Friends more than welcome


  • ContinuousEffort
    Me too. Having fun! I'm trying to lose about 50 too.
  • jmjones66
    jmjones66 Posts: 145 Member
    Welcome! I, too, found this app on my android phone about a month ago. I ran with it, as well. I liked it so much that I told my husband and my stepfather about it. My husband and I are both doing extremely well with it. It's easy to follow, but also opens your eyes to just how many calories are contained in foods that don't seem like they are high in calories. Have fun and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • TattoodITGuy
    Using the app is helping me stay on track. Counting calories is done easily and the database has a lot already added.