Strength Training... don't want big muscles but am hearing t

Does anyone have any info or links about how to build strength without getting bulky and what kind or program would be best to lose weight? For now, I am hitting the cardio every day with a little bit of strength training 2-3x week.


  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    You won't get bulky. Women lack the testosterone to do so. I lift weights 5x a week, and take a supplement to "bulk" my muscles up, and I still look like an average female.
  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
    You won't get bulky. Women lack the testosterone to do so. I lift weights 5x a week, and take a supplement to "bulk" my muscles up, and I still look like an average female.

  • Packerfan23
    Packerfan23 Posts: 225 Member
    I have had good luck with Body Pump. It is offered at the Y, but I am sure that there are other places that offer it. I have been going for about 2 months and absolutely love it! Good luck! :happy: Kim
  • pandafoo
    pandafoo Posts: 367 Member
    women will not get bulky with strength training. for workout program ideas, this book is popular on mfp threads: "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" -

    years back i bought the original Rules of Lifting - was too lazy then to go thru it, but i started looking at it tonight. it has really solid info in it and suggestions for workouts, so i imagine the version for women will be a great resource as well
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    You won't get bulky. Women lack the testosterone to do so. I lift weights 5x a week, and take a supplement to "bulk" my muscles up, and I still look like an average female.


    Much to my dismay!!! :grumble:
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I've been doing weights for over 2 years now and there is absolutely NO bulking. There's some definition to your muscles and it enhances your curves, makes you look toned, helps with posture, etc. There are lots of other women at my gym and none of them looks like a dude. I think you have to supplement with hormones (steroids) or other funky substances to do that. I read somewhere that one of the only muscles on women that can bulk naturally is the bicep, but even that would take a tremendous amount of work and would never look like a man's bicep. I have prominent calf muscles, but that's a genetic trait in my family - not from lifting. Don't worry about bulking AT ALL! :wink:
  • FitToFab
    FitToFab Posts: 47
    there are so many free books at the library!!
    you need to get the womens health big book!!
    soooo many strength workouts....its a fitness bibble!!

    yea its not easy to bulk need to eat a lot and train
    hardcore....what you'll get is sexy definition!
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    I think you have to supplement with hormones (steroids) or other funky substances to do that. I read somewhere that one of the only muscles on women that can bulk naturally is the bicep, but even that would take a tremendous amount of work and would never look like a man's bicep.

    I can totally see this. And perhaps thighs too, but nothing major. Even WITH all those hormones and substances, females' bodies don't react the same way as guys' do. Trust me on this one! :laugh: I think my body is laughing at me and just excreting all the supplements/etc that I put in to try and bulk a little! :angry:
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    You won't get bulky. Women lack the testosterone to do so. I lift weights 5x a week, and take a supplement to "bulk" my muscles up, and I still look like an average female.

    I agree with previous poster, you'd have to try hard to really bulk up!

    I do P90X and I'm getting toned and building muscle but all my measurements are getting smaller so totally not "big" at all.
  • BarBelle76
    As everyone else has said, you won't get bulky. Women just don't have the testosterone (unless "supplemented" or in the very odd exception to the rule) to bulk up. Muscle will grow and you will get denser, stronger muscle, leading to a more defined look, but definitely not bulky.

    I do powerlifting (lots of squats, deadlifts and benching) and have been training this way for the last seven months. Probably my quads and my biceps are the most noticable muscle growth is, but I would not call them bulky by a long shot. Which is absolutely fine by me, as I train exclusively for strength rather than "bodybuilding" style! In fact, I'm on here to lose the 10 pounds of squidgy bits OVER the muscle, so will end up looking even smaller lol.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    Options dont just wake up one day and say..omg i've gotten too bulky.

    it doesnt happen that way. i dont know why women are so afraid of gaining muscles. to gain strength you'll gain muscle. men and women gain muscle at the same rate. but since women lack the big T, we dont gain as much. we all have a limit to how much muscle we can gain, men and women. most of the big huge guys you see on tv are on cant even get that big without it. plus just going to the gym here and there and lifting wont gain you muscle or strength..its takes time and a conscious effort and hard work.
    to gain strength, you need to lift very heavy with very little reps. around 5-6 reps for 3 or so sets.
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    ...and strength is beautiful.:smile:
  • Franticantics
    Well I dont use weights very ofte,im more into natural resistance work,i dont eat masses,and I hate how bulky I am.
  • Franticantics
    Well I dont use weights very ofte,im more into natural resistance work,i dont eat masses,and I hate how bulky I am.
  • barbacasec
    barbacasec Posts: 106
    try great site.
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    :heart: strength training

    Even after doubling my protein I still never gained any bulk! I'm now leaner and more defined! Don't think I could ever give up the weights now..
    I disagree with the people saying women can't bulk up muscles. I used to be a trainer at a gym and within 3 months, I had muscle growth to the point of near contest ready bodybuilding! There IS a trick to the bulking though. To shape and lose fat, you do high reps with a medium weight. High reps being 15-20. To build muscle you use heavy weights. You should be able to do only about 8 reps on first set and following sets you do as many reps as you can to muscle failure (usually 8 or less). As long as your reps are higher, you should not gain large muscle bulk. Remember though, muscle aids in fat burning! If you notice large muscle gain that you don't like, simply lighten your weights and increase the reps! FYI...I did NOT use any steriods or supplements to build muscle, just heavy weights!
  • spackham
    spackham Posts: 252 Member
    Thank you, Everyone. Loved the article link. Thanks for the support!