Sugar cravings :( HELP!

I think i need help; i was just craving for a Bounty bar so i just went down the road and got one it tasted sooooo good but went to quick now i have more urges for choclate! urgh.....
Does anyone else do what i just did?? If so does anyone know how to start yourselves from going to the shops to get choccys?? PLEASE HELP IM STRUGGLING!


  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    Have something else around you can have instead. You can also make a deal with yourself "OK, I'll have some PB and celery and wait an hour and if I'm still having that craving I can have ....", usually it has gone away by then. Distraction also helps often it is just boredom that makes you crave something.

  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Try fruit as you 1st go to when you've got a craving, sometime that can stave it off.

    I go for dark chocolate gradually work you way up to the higher % of cocoa, because it's less sugar.

    I find the less sugar I've got in my diet the less I crave it. Cut back for 2-3 weeks and see lf it helps reduce your cravings after that.
    It'll also reduce your appetite overall.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    get some frozen cranberries. tart and will kill your sugar craving :] 5g of sugar and 5g of fiber... only 50 cals :D works for me everytime
  • kpadilla411
    I too struggle with this a lot because I have a major sweet tooth. I usually eat 100 calorie cookies and eat them very slow to enjoy every bite. Then if that doesnt satisfy I try tl distract myself and not think of food. I go to the gym or do something. It is super hard at first but after a while all the hard work will pay off.
  • JellyJaks
    JellyJaks Posts: 589 Member
    When I start craving something sweet like chocolate, I try to satisfy it with something sweet but healthy like an apple or a cup of strawberries. Flavored water is another thing I use. I buy bottled water and use MiO in it. It satisfies my craving for sweet, helps me make sure I drink the recommended water intake, and best of all there are no calories in it :)

    Good luck!
  • jovianne
    jovianne Posts: 24 Member
    WoW thanks for all your suggestions and great advice i will surely try harder. THANKYOU! xx
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member

    I find the less sugar I've got in my diet the less I crave it. Cut back for 2-3 weeks and see lf it helps reduce your cravings after that.
    It'll also reduce your appetite overall.
    I've found this works for me as well, the less of it I eat the less I crave it. Going cold turkey may be hard for a day or two and you'll have the headaches but after a couple days I'm past it. YMMV

    I agree with the Dark Chocolate as well, a small square and I'm good to go, with Cacao I don't get simple carb cravings later like regular chocolate used to give. It's like breaking the cycle, because the more often you eat simple carbs, the more your body will crave them.
  • ellelove
    ellelove Posts: 2
    drink nesquick hot chocolate coco powder, but instead of milk drink it with water, tastes the same and saves you 100+ calories from milk. 2 TBSP is 60 cals. :)
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member

    I find the less sugar I've got in my diet the less I crave it. Cut back for 2-3 weeks and see lf it helps reduce your cravings after that.
    It'll also reduce your appetite overall.
    I've found this works for me as well, the less of it I eat the less I crave it. Going cold turkey may be hard for a day or two and you'll have the headaches but after a couple days I'm past it. YMMV

    I would like to triple-confirm this! I read an article that proved eating less sugar makes you crave less sugar. It has something to do with the yeast in your body. (Yeast needs sugar to grow, so more yeast = more sugar = more yeast, and it's a cycle!). However, it's so hard to cut the sugar out, and so easy to slip up and add it back in! It's a process, thats for sure!
  • amysambora
    amysambora Posts: 219

    I find the less sugar I've got in my diet the less I crave it. Cut back for 2-3 weeks and see lf it helps reduce your cravings after that.
    It'll also reduce your appetite overall.
    I've found this works for me as well, the less of it I eat the less I crave it. Going cold turkey may be hard for a day or two and you'll have the headaches but after a couple days I'm past it. YMMV

    I would like to triple-confirm this! I read an article that proved eating less sugar makes you crave less sugar. It has something to do with the yeast in your body. (Yeast needs sugar to grow, so more yeast = more sugar = more yeast, and it's a cycle!). However, it's so hard to cut the sugar out, and so easy to slip up and add it back in! It's a process, thats for sure!

    I'm backing this one up too! I was the BIGGEST chocoholic ever - I never thought I could conquer the habit. I still can't believe I got past it! One thing that really worked for me was pre-empting the cravings...instead of trying to stay away from it all together, I would factor it into my calories for the day. Usually when the time came to eat it, I found I didn't want it so much. It was like allowing myself to have it took away the excitement of it! And now, after a few months I totally don't crave it anymore. I'll have a few squares of dark chocolate every now and then and I find that much more satisfying. Hope this helps! x
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    chocolate is a trigger food for me too. Sometimes ill think "oooh, just a small bit" but if i have it, then i find that i crave more, more than i was craving the original bit