Do you eat bread?



  • ybba12490
    ybba12490 Posts: 252
    I eat whole wheat bread (2 slices) almost every morning for breakfast. I've lost 8lbs in 2 weeks so I don't think it's working against me. Don't feel guilty after eating something. Just stay away from white bread. I will occasionally have like a baguette or something, but for the most part it's just whole wheat bread or wheat roll from Subway, which I also have almost every day. Plus I'll occasionally eat a biscuit with breakfast, along with my toast :) Eat the bread, find what does or doesn't work for your body, and stick with it :)
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    I like (wholewheat) bread. Bread is nice. It has carbs and fibre, and is something to put vegetables and vegan sausages on.

    Many times, I've used bread to get used to new food, by wrapping them in it. If I hadn't done that, I'd have found it much harder to eat healthily.

    White bread also has its place, if you really want some. After exercise, your body will prefer simple carbs and protein, and white bread is a bit easier to digest.
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    So white bread out then? What about 50/50?

    I avoid Kingsmill 50-50 purely because the portions are humongous. I get warburtons wholegrain, because each slice is about half the size and half the calories.
  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    I eat bread! I like the Oro wheat double fiber whole grain bread, but I also liek the Sara Lee 45 calorie bread. I usually eat two slices of the Oro Wheat with 2tbsp peanut butter for breakfast and I'm good for quite a few hours. I never eat white bread, and I if I don't get the Oro Wheat double fiber I get some sort of whole grain bread. I was raised on wheat bread, so I can't stand white.

    I think it's okay in moderation. Everything is ok in moderation. I'm not going to banish foods from my diet that I love, just eat less of it.
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    I'm pretty sure I would die if I didn't have bread. :)
    I eat some sort of bread almost every day. I don't have the money to buy the "special" type of bread so I stick with whatever's on sale. I rarely pay attention to the type of bread it is. I do stick with whole wheat pasta but only because I can get it real cheap.
    The way I see it, as long as I factor in the bread to my calories for the day, I won't worry about it. If it starts affecting my weight loss, then I'll worry about it.
  • rosssm2
    rosssm2 Posts: 2 Member
    I pretty much do not eat bread or pasta... But not because it is "bad". For me it is a trigger food that causes me to want to over eat. I have a hard time sticky to one serving. So I just skip it all together. If you can eat it without over eating then don't feel bad about doing so!
  • nlhawthorne
    I pretty much do not eat bread or pasta... But not because it is "bad". For me it is a trigger food that causes me to want to over eat. I have a hard time sticky to one serving. So I just skip it all together. If you can eat it without over eating then don't feel bad about doing so!

    I think this is the key. Some people can't just have 2 slices of toast - the thought of the rest of the loaf sitting there in the kitchen taunts them and they end up wanting more and more. If you don't have that problem then I don't see any reason to avoid bread. Of course wholemeal options are going to be better for you (not to mention more filling) than white processed stuff but at the end of the day it's your choice what you eat. Don't feel guilty about it.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I eat bread everyday... mainly because it's my go to healthy meal is a sandwich. So far it hasn't affected me negatively.. but again it's all about your body and how you feel when eating it.
  • Boladefuego326
    Boladefuego326 Posts: 143 Member
    haha yes :D
    When I make french toast I use a low cal wheat bread, when I go out I request whole grain (if possible) so yes I do eat bread. You shouldn't avoid it though, just make the right choices in which bread you choose and portion it well :D
  • longtallted
    longtallted Posts: 34 Member
    I love bread and it has often been my Achilles heal. I could just eat thick slice after thick slice of bread, carved off an 800 gram farmhouse loaf until it was all gone, with butter spread on each one.

    So - I got myself a plan - I now buy good quality individual roles, usually from the local Sainsbury's where you can pick and mix (think they are 4 for £1) and I enjoy it more because I can take one out, put the rest away and out of sight, then savour eating the small but substantial role from start to finish.

  • bethany41h
    bethany41h Posts: 218
    I avoid bread 95% of the time but when I have it, I go for the most nutritious peice of bread I can find.
  • skypie23
    skypie23 Posts: 38
    At the moment I am new to dieting/calorie counting so my priority is low cal and filling rather than healthy. e.g I am consuming a LOT of sweeteners which I know are nasty and won't let my daughter drink anything with it in. When I am at the weight I want, I will focus more on healthy eating, cut out the sweeteners and will eat more bread. At the moment I am avoiding it, though still having it in moderation. Purely because I'd rather have LOTS of rice cakes, or a huge salad than one piece of bread for the same calories. I love it too much to limit so I'm finding it easier to stay away.
  • GJSaguaro
    GJSaguaro Posts: 19
    I've always loved bread.. so much so that I've always eaten it unbuttered. Hell, I used to make half a loaf of french bread my lunch.

    Now that I'm dieting, I'll only have whole grain, and only a couple slices a day or else the sodium adds up. For sandwiches I use Natures Own Sandwich Flats.
  • shannonkk
    shannonkk Posts: 192 Member
    I dont know, but I ead bread at every meal double fiber, flax seed, or sara lee 45 calories per slice and if I dont have bread I have brown rice, quinoa, whole grain pasta, I just found brown rice pasta.
  • TheDeviation
    I eat bread. Whole grain when possible. But I don't eat as much as I used to that's for sure. Peanut butter toast is one of my snacks. ;)
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I love bread so much I make my own! :love:

    A life avoiding bread is to me a life not worth living. I eat a piece of toast almost every morning!
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    I love a good sandwich and not having bread would kill that. So I changed from the no nutritional value white bread I used to eat to a 21 grain organic bread. This bread tastes great and has all the good stuff in it. Just make sure when you have bread that it is a good whole grain bread. I also limit my bread intake to the occasional evening toast with peanut butter on it or for a sandwich. I do not eat bread as much as I used to, but cutting it out entirely has never worked for me. I have cut pasta out entirely though and find I do not really miss it.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I eat bread. I love bread. I often make bread. I don't butter it as a side dish anymore, but I def have 1x or 2x a day some times.

    I am cutting calories, but my priotity is diverse and healthy foods but also foods that allow me to eat "normally" (ie my mom would watch me make a meal and wouldn't say "What the heck are you doing?")

    As for the guilt- no one can really get you past that but you. Stop counting/tracking carbs might help but just know that carbs don't make you fat and they don't keep you fat. I've lost 40 lbs without counting a single carb- you just gotta let it go- it's really not worth stressing about.
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    At the moment I am new to dieting/calorie counting so my priority is low cal and filling rather than healthy. e.g I am consuming a LOT of sweeteners which I know are nasty and won't let my daughter drink anything with it in. When I am at the weight I want, I will focus more on healthy eating, cut out the sweeteners and will eat more bread. At the moment I am avoiding it, though still having it in moderation. Purely because I'd rather have LOTS of rice cakes, or a huge salad than one piece of bread for the same calories. I love it too much to limit so I'm finding it easier to stay away.

    Kind of ironic since healthy eating is what will get you to the weight you want. Sounds like you are trying to put the cart before the horse. I have never been able to eat rice cakes, they are just nasty imo.
  • skypie23
    skypie23 Posts: 38
    I disagree. Did you see on the news last week about the doctor that went on the 'Twinky diet' He just ate chocolate bars and crisps and cake for a few weeks and lost loads of weight, and because of that he became healthier, e.g his blood pressure and cholesterol lowered. Obviously long term this isn't ideal, but short term, like what I'm doing is fine. calories are more important for weight loss than nutrition. I'm mostly getting my 5 a day, and in a couple of months I'll go back to eating healthy high calorie foods.

    Rice cakes plain are pretty rank, but salt and vinegar ones, or with jalapeños on? mmmm