"Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkeurst

So I just starting reading "Made to Crave" last night and I think that's why I'm feeling so motivated. I think I'll continue to post on this thread as I get further into the book, too. It's a really amazing story of this woman who learns to "satisfy her deepest desires with God, not food"

She's got some really amazing insight and it's in a totally realistic manner. She talks about crying in her closet wanting her brownies, screaming in the bathroom over the salty chips she wants, and the muffin top that keeps getting harder to squeeze into her pants. ;)

It's a very witty, real take on the life altering changes we put ourselves through. It's really amazing.

So far I'm going to work on the water today as well as praying when I feel weak. I hope some of you have also read this book and can relate. If you have, how has it changed (or not changed) your life? What experiences can you share with me? Without spoiling the book of course!! lol


  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    2 of my friends and I are starting a long distance study of this book. Good to hear someone's opinion on it and that its good.

    Thanks for posting.
  • Hi, I to have read this book. It was very good and has lots of information. The greatest thing I got out of reading the book was my relationship with God. I am much closer to him now than I ever was and I rely on him and not food. I started the book on Dec.29 and finish it in Jan 2011. I can say that one of the blessings I have gotten is being 28lbs lighter;) and I am still continuing on my journey;). I hope that is some encouragement for you;).
  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    A friend and I are going through the book as well. It is very good. I am doing things a little differently from how Lysa is, but I feel it is at the leading of the Spirit. I do not have any foods that are forbidden to me, but I shoot to be below or at my calorie goal. What I feel called to give up entirely is alcohol. That will make it easier for me to watch my food intake, especially on the weekends. It is the "permissible but not benificial" thing I am giving up to help me get closer to Him. The book helps greatly with the spiritual aspects of overeating. What chapter are you on?
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    Sounds like a good book. I will have to buy it to read this summer. At the moment, I am reading textbooks. Blah.
  • janineswenson
    janineswenson Posts: 19 Member
    This was an excellent book for anyone desiring to be closer to God. A group of friends and I are just finsihing up this summer of study and accountability/encouragement with each other.

    How are you all doing with this, four months down the road? I'd like to know what I'm headed for. Currently, we are all doing great and having them as friends on this site has really been a wonderful journey. Where will we be in 4 months? Are the precepts learned still standing strong with you?

    Anyone care to share?

    God Bless you.